Dear Chaim,
As you might remmember, I posted on the forum that my stepfather (Reuven ben Devorah) has a brain tumor. The Doctors recently said he will die within 2-4 months. He's refused treatment because at this stage there's nothing treatement will do except make him worse and prolong his suffering. He's paralyzed on the right side, can't really talk or eat anything, and has been in bed for 2 months straight. He asks and receives morphine almost every 2-3 hours and says he just wants to die already. He's a frum, Isralie, who has lived in Canada for over 20 years, and he is a very big ba'al chessed. His avodas Hashem is excellent, and although we've definitely had our bad times since he's married my mom 12 years ago, I deeply love him and want the best for him. I know and believe that he will be getting Olam Habah and only the greatest things in Gan Eden because he's such a Tzadik, and I don't want him to suffer anymore. We both have faith in Hashem that whatever happens, happens for the best. Is it wrong for me to give up on the hope that he recovers? I'm trying to be strong for my mom, but he's given up, and I feel like doing the same. In addittion to him being sick, my mother and I will have to move into a small apartment and get full-time jobs just to make ends-meet, and I won't be starting university till September. Do you have any advice you can give me on how to survive this most difficult time in my life? Thanks and may we share only Simchas.