1. Dear Chaim, myself and Yaakov Menashe would like to open a thread to look for an assistant for you, would you like us to proceed?
2. Chaim, there is some confusion among forum members as to the status of a Talmud Chacham in Halacha, what Cavod is required to be shown him, and what those who criticize a Talmud Chacham are deserving of. As I am sure you recall from Gemara Sanhedrin even the Melech, and Cohen Gadol must give honor to a Talmud Chacham, as I am sure you recall the Rambam writes in Sefer HaMitzvos devoting oneself to a Torah scholar, becoming his disciple, serving him, studying under him, and learning from him, is considered devoting one’s self to G-d, as the Torah scholar, having internalized more Torah, is more in tune with G-d’s Will than you, that a Talmud Chacham is as a living Torah. If you oppose Rav Ovadia, that is your choice, I understand you do not consider him a true Talmud Chacham but please clarify your view of those you do consider Talmidai Chachamim and how they must be treated.