You obviously don't understand Jewish theology which says that when Moshiach comes all Jews, all of them, will be able to reside in Israel. Just as our sages tell us that everyone in a packed Beit HaMikdash {Temple} can bow all at once without falling on one another. When this occurs we will witness miracles. All Jews should reside in Israel, this is the place which Hashem promised our forefathers for us as a heritage. America is not the Jewish peoples heritage, it is Israel alone. America does not offer the spiritual benefits which Israel offers. There is no argument that all Jews should live in Israel.
Also in Messianic times all evil will be removed from the world so all the evil islamists will be wiped from this world. There will be no reason for Jews to be anywhere but in their appointed place.
I never said I was a scholar in Jewish theology, I am just using logic in the 21st century. If you think I am so wrong, may I ask where you are writing this message you wrote me from? I assume you are in Jerusalem? If you are in USA, then explain to me why you are not in Israel, if you think all Jews must be in Israel. Please don't say its because of jobs, family, friends. That means you place material and social needs over the one-sided teaching all Jews must be in Israel/
Also, one thing I am not sure if you understand is that Israel is a small fraction of its original size. Are you telling me that small piece of land they call Israel represents the land that G-d promised Avraham, Itzhak and Jacov? As far as I know 1/3 of Israel was seceded to the Arabs and now is called West Bank and Gaza. The entire Yordan, Northern Saudi, Western Iraq, Sinai peninsula, Syria were under the reign of Israel for 1000s of years. Now, suddenly the cutthroat ragheads pillaged and robbed the land from its original owners claiming its their land? I would say that all Jews belong in Israel, but not until the kingdom is established and the islamic threat is squashed. Also, I think in this day and age by isolating yourself and influence from other counjtries you risk putting the JEwish people in a dangeorus position. ISlam is spreading like a wildfire because they are going out of their way to colonize the world. They will spread their lies and hatred against Jews and the Jewish people will have no representatives in the other countries or influence to help educate and give them any political influence to counter this onslaught of hatred and carnage that is being conjured.
Until the MEssiah comes, I don't see why Jewish people should abandoned where they live. THe Israeli government doesn't even let its citizens own guns.. Isarelis are not even free in their own countr. Jews have actually more freedom in USA than they do in Isarel. There was a story about a Israeli who was locked up in jail for shooting a Bedouin who attacked his family and tried robbing him. Jews are dragged from their homes in Isarel and their homes are given to arabs in return.
But I challenge you.. If you really think all Jews belong in Israel (I speak of right now), are you in Israel? And if no, then why not!?