Shalom Chaim, a couple of weeks ago I wrote you concerning me being blocked by several you tube jtf users. I appreciate that you came to my aid and requested that I be unblocked. I am still being blocked under the name ibilldavis. I believed then, and I do now, that it was an honest error. The following are the JTFers on you tube that are blocking me, and I still have reason to believe that is just one person. The users are, cappuccinonet,quickasrainbows, josh4international09, janinina200ax, loyal2thecause3, 1963cappuccinolover, sabire2009x, jtfspeakstruth, honorjtf, chaimspeaks the truth, and cinnamonbun63. There probably are others, but those are the ones I wrote down, can you please spread the word, and tell them to please reinstate me.