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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #50 on: October 07, 2009, 08:14:34 PM »
More on Amalek and Jewish law:


The eradication of Amalek (one of the 613 Commandments), in the physical sense, is not possible today. Some Authorities hold that this mitzvah is binding only upon the Jewish King, and that he must enlist the Jewish people to wipe out Amalek's kin.[16] Today, however, we do not have a Jewish King.

Thus, Sefer Yereim states[17]:

The mitzvah to eradicate Amalek is relegated only to the King and not to all Jews. This is seen in the verse,[18] "G-d swore by His throne" alluding to the throne of Kingship (i.e. when there will be a Jewish King) - then "G-d will have war with Amalek."

SMAG[19] also concurs with this:

This mitzvah applies only in the days of Moshiach, after the full conquest of Israel. Hence, today, when we have no Jewish King, this mitzvah is not in effect.

Ramban, too, confirms this Halachic viewpoint3:

When there will be a Jewish King sitting upon G-d's throne, he will then battle against Amalek ... for every Jewish King is obligated to battle against Amalek's kin until they are fully decimated. The Rambam also rules[20]:

The King wages a mitzvah battle ... and the battle against Amalek.

Sefer HaChinuch,[21] however, writes that this mitzvah is binding upon the entire Jewish community.

Yet, even according to those who opine that this mitzvah was given to all Jews, it is still not feasible today to eradicate Amalek in the physical sense, because:

   1. This act is possible only when Jews are fully in control (and not dependent upon other nations - which is not the case today).

   2. This mitzvah is effective only when we know for sure who belongs to, and descends from, Amalek's kin. Since Sancherib of Babylon came and mixed up the world, causing massive confusion among all ethnic identities,[22] therefore, we assume that no one comes from Amalek.

Only when Moshiach comes, at which time Jews will have full power and autonomy, and it will be clearly defined who descends from Amalek's kin, Moshiach will then eradicate all aspects of Amalek en toto[23] - "male and female."
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #51 on: October 07, 2009, 08:18:02 PM »
Of course the Inquisitors and Crusaders all deserved to die, but Jews simply did not have the power to fight back against them at that time. Now they do (at least against the Arabs).

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #52 on: October 07, 2009, 08:22:00 PM »
Of course the Inquisitors and Crusaders all deserved to die, but Jews simply did not have the power to fight back against them at that time. Now they do (at least against the Arabs).

I am all for the fight against the enemy... I just am waiting to hear from the sages of Jewish thought that this enemy is indeed the Amalek we need to wipe out... If this is found to be true then we are prepared to start WWIII... I think that this is the war of Gog and MaGog which our prophecies talk about... I have heard a little about what is called the last Galut may indeed be an exile imposed by both Essau/Edom and Ishmael.


This is a deficiency that constantly occurs in all the other galuyot, including our own. "I have traveled throughout galut Ishmael and galut Edom teaching that now that as this galut has been prolonged for so long, Israel has to withdraw from the frivolities of material- ism and attach themselves to the seal of G-d that is truth. We must refrain from lies, both to Jew and non-Jew alike, not to defraud them in any way or respect, to sanctify ourselves even in those things that are permitted to us, refrain from falsehoods and not have the language of deceit on our lips. Then the nations of the world will say to G-d: "Truly, such an honest and just people with truth on their lips deserve to be redeemed now". However, if we deal dishonestly and with deceit, then when Hashem considers our redemption, the nations of the world come and argue that G-d has chosen a people of liars and defrauders who surely in justice do not deserve redemption (Sefer Mitzvot Gadol, pos. mitz. 74, Hashavat aveida).
Let's now see what the Torah says about the source of our affliction. According to the Arizal, Rabbi Isaac Luria, Israel is passing through seven exiles among the nations. Until the final redemption, we feel the effects of all of these seven exiles. The last two exiles, which we are most strongly experiencing, are that of Edom and Ishmael.

The Arizal teaches that each exile corresponds to a limb of the shadow side of humanity (see "Israel and the Seventy Dimensions of the World: a Kabbalistic approach to an enduring world peace", p. 44). "Edom" corresponds to the shadow side of the right leg of humanity.

Edom inherited by Esau, Jacob's (Israel's) brother originally settled the land south of Judah's inheritance, adjacent to the south of Gaza. Esau has since dispersed and infiltrated the Western culture of Europe and America. Because of Israel's present unconscious state and her subsequent malfunctions, the right foot of humanity's shadow side is exerting its influence and handing Israel over to her enemies. Translated to the political arena, America and Europe are pressing for Israel's amputation.

Although we experience all exiles in varying degrees until the final redemption, we are presently dominated by the last two exiles, that of Edom and Ishmael. Ishmael, the last and most dominating exile, corresponds to the left leg of the shadow side of humanity.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 08:28:05 PM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #53 on: October 07, 2009, 08:27:13 PM »
I thought that the current nation of Israel is the "final" one and that the Jews will no longer lose possession of their land.

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #54 on: October 07, 2009, 08:29:08 PM »
I thought that the current nation of Israel is the "final" one and that the Jews will no longer lose possession of their land.

Let us hope so... I don't want to lose it... But the current Medinat Israel {State of Israel} is not the system which Hashem commanded... You are well aware of the Bolshevik government which twists the truth and oppresses the Jew while raising the Arab.

PS: We Jews are still in Galut/Exile until Moshiach comes... May it be soon and in our days..
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline muman613

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #55 on: October 07, 2009, 08:58:41 PM »
Tzvi Fishmans blog contains something interesting.... Today is the Vilna Gaons yartzeit {anniversary of death}:

Bagels and Worms

We are not in the habit of rating rabbis. However, if one were to compose a list of the ten greatest rabbis of the last 500 years, certainly the Gaon of Vilna would appear on the list.

The Gaon of Vilna, Rabbi Eliahu ben Shlomo Zalman, also known as the “Gra,” was a master in all branches of Torah study. Today marks his yahrtzeit. He was also a genius in secular studies with a keen understanding of history and the developmental process of Redemption of the Jewish People, which he saw reaching a new crossroad in his time, with the imperative to abandon the exile and return to Eretz Yisrael.

According to the Gaon of Vilna, the Redemption of the Jewish People was contingent upon three basic matters:

One – the active endeavors of the Jewish People to return to the Land of Israel.

Two - the study of Torah, principally the study of Kaballah (“Even HaShlema, 11:3).

Three – “Shmirat HaBrit,” the guarding of the laws of sexual holiness (Commentary of the “Gra” on the “Tikunei Zohar,” Tikun 21, Folio 51A; also Tikun 42, end).

To the Gaon of Vilna, aliyah was a commandment of the Torah  (Yoreh Deah, 267:161). He stressed the historical imperative and immediate necessity of the Jewish People to take active steps in immigrating to Israel. He taught that only by devoting ourselves to furthering the Geula (Redemption) by actual endeavor, exemplified in the return to and rebuilding of Eretz Yisrael, could the Jewish People escape the harsh decrees of the rulers of foreign lands. It was actually the Gaon of Vilna who started the Zionist movement by urging his students to make aliyah, warning that if we didn’t return to Israel on our own accord, then Hashem would bring about our return through the persecutions and severe decrees of the gentiles.

“Our teacher, the holy Gaon of Vilna, with words carved in flames, advised his students to go on aliyah, and to further the ingathering of the exiles. Furthermore, he encouraged his students to hasten the Revealed End of the exile, and to actualize the Redemption through the settlement of Eretz Yisrael. Almost every day, he spoke to us with trembling and emotion, saying that in Zion and Jerusalem there would be a refuge, and that we shouldn’t delay the opportunity to go. Who can articulate and describe the magnitude of our teacher’s worry when he spoke these words to us, with his Divine Inspiration, and with tears in his eyes?” (“Kol HaTor, end of Ch.5).

The Gaon of Vilna himself set off for Israel, as he records in his famous letter to his mother and wife, but was ultimately prevented by governmental red tape and the lack of transportation:

“I am writing the both of you to urge you not be feel sorrowful in any way, as you promised me, and also not to worry. For, behold, there are people who must travel for several years to secure their livelihood, leaving their wives behind, and wandering to and fro without little means, while I, thank G-d, am journeying to the Holy Land, which everyone longs to see, the delight of all the Jewish People, the delight of Hashem, and all of the angels. You know I have left behind my children, the love of my heart, and all of my cherished books, and made myself like a wandering stranger on earth, abandoning everything….”

In answer to the question why other rabbis did not call for the Jews to make aliyah, the Gaon of Vilna teaches:

“The sin of the Spies hovers over the Jewish Nation in every generation… How strong is the power of the force of darkness (Sitra Achra) that it succeeds in hiding from the eyes of our holy fathers the dangers of the impure shells (kelipot), and in the time of Mashiach, the force of darkness attacks the guardians of the Torah with blinders…. Many of the sinners in this great sin of ‘They despised the cherished Land’ including many great guardians of the Torah, will not know or understand that they are caught in the sin of the Spies, that they have been sucked into the sin of the Spies in many false ideas and empty claims, and they cover their ideas with the already proven fallacy that the mitzvah of the settlement of Israel no longer applies in our day, and opinion which has already been disproven by the giants of the world, the Rishonim and Achronim – the Early and Later Torah Authorities (“Kol HaTor, Ch.5).

The Gaon of Vilna was a man of truth. He didn’t have any illusions about life in galut amongst the gentiles. He writes:

“Since the Temple was destroyed, our spirit and our crown departed, and only we remained, a body without a soul. Exile to outside the Land of Israel is a grave. Worms surround us there, and we do not have the power to save ourselves. They, the idol worshippers, they devour our flesh. In every place, there were great yeshivot, until the body decayed, and the bones scattered, again and again. Yet always, some bones still existed, the Torah scholars of the nation, the pillars of the body – until even these bones rotted, and there only remained a rancid waste which disintegrated into dust – our life turned into dust” (Likutei HaGra, end of “Safra D’Tzniuta”).

Today, the situation is far worse than in the time of the Gaon of Vilna. The great rabbis of the exile are no more. The pillars of the galut no longer exist to sustain the nation in exile, which is devoured more and more by the worms of assimilation.

In contrast, Israel has become the Torah center of the world. Today, all of the great rabbis are in Israel. The pillars of the nation have returned to their place. The physical and spiritual rebuilding of the Nation is advancing every day. It is clear to every honest person that the Gaon of Vilna was right. May his merit light up eyes still blinded by the darkness of galut, and ignite a flame of longing for Israel in the hearts of our scattered remnants before the worms consume the Diaspora diehards completely. 
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #56 on: October 07, 2009, 09:24:24 PM »
I thought that the current nation of Israel is the "final" one and that the Jews will no longer lose possession of their land.

Let us hope so... I don't want to lose it... But the current Medinat Israel {State of Israel} is not the system which Hashem commanded...

But a system of JEWISH existence in and sovereignty over the Land of Israel, IS the 'system' or formula Hashem commanded.  So yes while the government of Israel is not good and not even in line with Torah principles, the fact that Jews are sovereign there is better than any galut(meaning, without Jewish control of Israel) alternative.

PS: We Jews are still in Galut/Exile until Moshiach comes... May it be soon and in our days..

Those Jews who made aliyah to Eretz Yisrael are not in galut.   It is only those of us who choose to remain in galut that are in galut.    Galut is a word with a definition in physical terms.   It means when we are exiled from our land.   Not exiled from "G-d" or clouds, or some other concept.   Exiled from our land.    The galut could have ended for all Jews or almost all Jews.   But so many Jews refuse to embrace geulah, and prefer the cursed galut.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #57 on: October 07, 2009, 09:56:47 PM »
But a few Jews are being prevented from leaving the galut by Bolshevik Nazi leaders.  >:( They cannot be judged for living in galut.

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #58 on: October 07, 2009, 09:59:42 PM »
What about what Chaim always talks about, about those who are kind to the cruel will be cruel to the kind?

The Nazis murdered innocent people, and murder is different than killing in self defense. Wasn't the commandment that you shall not murder, not that you shall not kill? Israel has a hostile group inside its borders. Israel should defend itself.

This is true... The command is "Thou Shall Not Murder". This is different from killing. Murder is killing someone {or causing death to one} who does not deserve to die according to the law.

If it is true that anyone who kills Jews is Amalek then we should have risen and killed the Inquisitors and Crusaders too... They deserved to die... And why haven't we eliminated all Germans from the planet?

Nazis deserved to die, but not all Germans. I agree with you on the Inquisitors and Crusaders, but the ones who sent them (the Popes of the time and other evil people involved) probably deserved it even more. Both Nazis and the ancient RCC murdered a lot of Christians, too. Imagine being one of the righteous people who hid Jews, or a Christian who happened to disagree with some doctrine of the RCC.

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #59 on: October 07, 2009, 10:04:11 PM »
The number of Germans who were not Nazis was quite small, albeit larger than the number of Arabs that is non-Nazi.

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #60 on: October 07, 2009, 10:06:31 PM »
Bones, sadly you're right. So many of them followed Hitler like some rock star. I hope things will be better in the future for both of those peoples and they'll all be Zionists!.   :)

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #61 on: October 08, 2009, 05:40:11 AM »
Bones, sadly you're right. So many of them followed Hitler like some rock star. I hope things will be better in the future for both of those peoples and they'll all be Zionists!.   :)
Commoners followed sHitler. Most of the nobility despised this low-life monster. Almost all of German active resistance came from nobility and church.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 10:30:37 AM by Manch »
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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #62 on: October 08, 2009, 01:59:38 PM »
But a few Jews are being prevented from leaving the galut by Bolshevik Nazi leaders.  >:( They cannot be judged for living in galut.

Oh, certainly I am not commenting on individual cases and I myself am not free from blame in this regard (ie the failure to make aliyah), which I acknowledge, but on the other hand I also have certain circumstances like many people do.   Some people have very legitimate halachic reasons they cannot go (I may or may not, probably not, that's why I say I'm not free from blame -  I'd have to ask a rabbi to know for sure though), or others like Chaim are banned by an evil decree.   Either way, the majority of Jews could have gone long ago and chose not to.    That was basically my point, just about the generality.

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #63 on: October 09, 2009, 10:41:36 AM »
Yousef Falay, an extremist rabbi living in Yitzhar settlement in the West Bank called on the Israeli government to kill all Palestinian males over the age of 13 who refuse to flee the country, hoping this would end the presence of the Palestinian race.

Rabbi Meir Kahane who started the Kach movement also called for "the transfer of Israel's Arab population to Arab (or other) lands". His words inspired people like Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli known for opening fire on civilians in a mosque in Hebron.

The concept of exterminating or transferring Palestinians was not only embraced by fanatics and their follower. Israeli politicians have also called for race-related transfers and ethnic cleansing publicly and without apologising.

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #64 on: October 09, 2009, 11:21:10 AM »
There is a big difference between moving the arabs and exterminating them. It is odd that this article lumps the two issues together. American history is full of occasions when populations were moved from one place to another and yet we don't have Indians blowing themselves up... And Jews have been moved from land to land and they don't blow themselves up...

Arabs need to be moved out of Israel... ASAP! They are revolting! On the Temple Mount! And we stand by and do nothing.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #65 on: October 09, 2009, 11:43:34 AM »
Oh, certainly I am not commenting on individual cases and I myself am not free from blame in this regard (ie the failure to make aliyah), which I acknowledge, but on the other hand I also have certain circumstances like many people do.   Some people have very legitimate halachic reasons they cannot go (I may or may not, probably not, that's why I say I'm not free from blame -  I'd have to ask a rabbi to know for sure though), or others like Chaim are banned by an evil decree.   Either way, the majority of Jews could have gone long ago and chose not to.    That was basically my point, just about the generality.
I wouldn't say that every single Jew has to make aliyah, myself (and this isn't an issue for me to judge anyway, as a Gentile), but I do think that the majority of Jews would be a lot happier living in Israel, particularly right-wing Jews (considering most in America are left-wing). Certainly though, I don't think that any Gentile nation has the right to tell Jews where to live.

I do like the idea of there being a small Jewish presence everywhere as a means of showing Gentile peoples an example of light and truth, but I know assimilation is an enormous temptation. But Christians are faced with the temptation to assimilate and secularize on a daily basis as well.

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #66 on: October 09, 2009, 11:44:35 AM »
There is a big difference between moving the arabs and exterminating them. It is odd that this article lumps the two issues together. American history is full of occasions when populations were moved from one place to another and yet we don't have Indians blowing themselves up... And Jews have been moved from land to land and they don't blow themselves up...

Arabs need to be moved out of Israel... ASAP! They are revolting! On the Temple Mount! And we stand by and do nothing.

They deserve to be exterminated, but we cannot do that. Therefore they must be removed by any means available.

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #67 on: October 09, 2009, 01:51:20 PM »
They deserve to be exterminated

That's just going in the sick zone. That's what would coe out of Hitler's mouth if he was talking about Jews or Serbs.

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Re: Jewish Rabbi: Exterminate all Palestinian Males
« Reply #68 on: October 09, 2009, 03:19:38 PM »
In my opinion all those arabs who do not support Israel, and yet are given shelter, homes to live in and protection from the IDF, should be expelled to other lands period!  There is no room for traitors!  None