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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #125 on: December 29, 2009, 02:12:49 PM »
Give us your latest affirmative action story.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Lisa

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #126 on: December 29, 2009, 02:36:45 PM »
Give us your latest affirmative action story.

Let me think on that one, and I'll give you a story. 

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #127 on: December 29, 2009, 09:41:49 PM »
OK Confederate Kahanist, here are some AA stories for you.

About a year ago, I was in Forest Hills walking on Queens Blvd.  I had a day off from work.  So I'm walking on this loud street when my cell phone rings.  So I answered it.  This woman proceeded to ask for me.  When I asked her name, she said defensively "Shak-leen!"  She was responding to a resume I posted on Craigslist for some kind of executive assistant position. 

Anyway, I was really having trouble hearing her.  Also, I didn't feel comfortable going through a phone interview smack on Queens Blvd.  So I asked her if I could call her back when I got home.  So she gave me her number and the hours she was available. 

The next morning, I called her. 

She then went on to say that out of "X" number of letters/resumes, mine was one of "X" amount chosen because I followed the directions of the ad.  Then she started giving a spiel about how the people she places in jobs stay "x" amount of years at the company. 

Then she asked me to rate certain skills on a scale of 1-10, which I proceeded to do.  Then she got to Microsoft Excel, which I'm fairly good at.  So I gave myself an 8.  I mean in past jobs, I was able to make spreadsheets with calculations.  Then she asked about pivot tables, which I know nothing about, so I said "zero."  I tried to explain that I was otherwise proficient in Excel, but that I didn't know about pivot table, but that I could learn, etc.

Then she snapped "Give me a number!  One to ten!

So I said "five." 

Finally she said she wasn't going to proceed with the interview since I wasn't qualified enough. 

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #128 on: December 29, 2009, 09:48:38 PM »
Here's another AA story. 

I used to live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. So one day, I decided to pick up some medicine from a pharmacy that was right near the subway on Lexington Avenue.  It's something that I take regularly.  So I decided to use the automated phone service to request a refill.  That was easy enough.  I followed all the prompts and got a recorded message saying that my refill order would be processed shortly. 

Anyway, I got to the drugstore and went to the pharmacy to request a refill.  The AA clerks looked at me like I was from Mars.  They were like "we don't have record of you requesting such a refill."  So I basically had to give these ditzes my refill request all over again, and then come back later to get my refill.  This happened on two other occasions. 

Anyway, that was the end of me going there.

I've been going to CVS ever since then.  And just so you know, I went to CVS one night and dealt with a very nice Asian clerk.  He said it would be a while before I could get my refill.  I then told him I had to leave on a business trip early the next morning.  So he said to me "Don't worry.  I get off here at 4:00 a.m.  I'll personally drop off the refill at your apartment."  And he did just that! 

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #129 on: December 29, 2009, 10:00:29 PM »
Here's another affirmative action for you, Confederate Kahanist.  Unfortunately, this one is not funny at all. 

A couple of years ago, I woke up feeling very nauseous.  And of course I threw up, which I hate doing.  Afterwards, I found myself feeling very thirsty, so I drank something.  I threw up shortly after that.  Apparently, I wasn't able to keep anything down.  So after a few more bouts of vomitting, I decided to go to New York Presbyterian Hospital, which was in my neighborhood.  I had a good experience with them a few years earlier when I went in one night with stomach pains and nausea.  The very nice nurse immediately gave me an IV drip with anti-nausea medicine. 

Anyway, this time, things were completely different.  I was throwing up so much that the bones in my legs ached. 

Finally, a young AA nurse practitioner saw me.  But he refused to give me the IV drip until he could get a blood sample.  Now mind you, I had already thrown up while waiting in the ER lobby.  So I didn't think I could take much more.  When I asked him why he didn't want to give me the IV drip, he said he wanted to make sure I wasn't pregnant, at which point I really lost it.  I tried explaining to him that there was no way I could be pregnant since I hadn't been with anyone in ages.  And do you know what he said to that?

"I don't need to know the details of your personal life."

Then he tried to get blood out of my arm.  He tried poking and poking, but my veins were all closed.  There was no blood or any other body fluid to be had.  Finally, his supervisor came to try and get some blood.  She finally managed to get a little bit out of this vein on my left hand.  But even that was difficult.  She had to squeeze my hand for the blood to come out. 

After that, I finally got the IV drip.  They ended up sticking it in my left hand. 

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #130 on: December 30, 2009, 03:15:36 PM »
Those were all pretty good stories.  Thanks for sharing!!!!
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline looserivet

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #131 on: December 30, 2009, 06:21:55 PM »
So you really think that the 1940's White Paper and so-called anti-Zionism and what the British did to the Jews aren't anti-Semitic?
I have to agree with Ron on this one. The question is what did the British ever do that isn't anti-Semitic.

Well after a very short search;
"JERUSALEM, Nov. 30--More than 2,000 Polish Jews, most of whom have been supported in Palestine since 1941 by the British Government to the extent of more than $3,000,000, will have to look elsewhere for support after Jan. 1, it was learned today."

"Towards the end of 1942, when it got known that the European Jewry was being annihilated by the Germans, the British bowed to world opinion and handed out Palestinian visas for 5000 children from Balkan countries. With money collected by the American “Joint” (Joint Distribution Committee) and the Jewish Agency, the representatives in Istanbul chartered ships and, in 1944, brought more than 5000 Jewish children, accompanied by fugitives of other ages, from Rumania and Bulgaria to Istanbul, and from there transported them by train to Palestine.
These same representatives succeeded in establishing a sea route from the Greek Aegean coast to the port of Izmir in Turkey after arriving to an understanding with the Turkish authorities and the British agents - a route which was to save more than 1000 Greek Jews from the Germans. This action, which was made possible with the aid of the Jewish community of Izmir, has not been recorded anywhere so far as I know, and I feel it my personal duty to tell its story:

During those days, the British and the Americans operated in a little town called Cheshme about 50 km to the west of Izmir, a communication center which served to gather information about Greek partisans fighting the Germans and about British Air Force pilots or prisoners of war who succeeded in escaping the Germans. This center was of great use in sending aid to the escapees.

Since 1940 there already existed some sort of cooperation between the British S.O.E.(Special Operations Executive) and the Jewish Hagana of Palestine. The British were very much interested in the operation of Jewish parachutists from Palestine behind the German lines, while the Jews in Palestine wanted to save European Jews from German hands. Thus 32 Jewish parachutists, three of them women, were dropped by British planes behind German lines. Some succeeded in accomplishing their missions, but some of them were executed by the Germans
This cooperation started also in the Aegean Sea. A hundred kilometers west of Cheshme exists the island of Evoya, then occupied by German forces. The island stretches from the north-west to the south-east and from its southernmost tip, the distance to Cheshme is only 50 km. During the daytime the island was under German control but the moment darkness set in, the 7th battalion of the Greek Ellas forces passed information to the center in Cheshme and brought British escapees in small boats. At this point, the representative of the political bureau of the Jewish Agency, Reuben Zaslani (Shiloah) contacted Comdr. Tony Sanders of the S.O.E. in Cairo and his representative in Istanbul, Comdr. Wofson. The communication between Greece and Cheshme was of great interest to Zaslani and his superior, Shaul Meyerov (Avigur.)"

"Shawcross's advocacy before the Nuremberg Trial was passionate. His most famous line was:

    "There comes a point when a man must refuse to answer to his leader if he is also to answer to his own conscience."

He avoided the crusading style of American, Russian and French prosecutors. Shawcross's opening speech, which lasted two days, sought to undermine any belief that the Nuremberg Trials were victor's justice (an exacted vengeance against defeated foes). Instead, he focused on the rule of law and he demonstrated that the laws that the defendants had broken, expressed in international treaties and agreements, were those to which pre-war Germany had been a party. In his closing speech, he ridiculed any notion that any of the defendants could have remained ignorant of the thousands of Germans exterminated because they were old or mentally ill. He used the same argument for the millions of other people "annihilated in the gas chambers or by shooting" and he maintained that each of the 22 defendants was a party to "common murder in its most ruthless forms".

Thus Shawcross' advocacy was instrumental in obtaining convictions against the remaining Nazi leadership, on grounds which were perceived as fair and lawful.",_Baron_Shawcross

"British arms exports to Israel double in a year"

"The idea of Jewish restoration was not alien to British culture. In 1621, the British MP Sir Henry Finch wrote a book entitled "The World's Great Restoration." He encouraged  Jews to reassert their claim to the Holy Land, writing,"

"Shortly after his election in 1997, Blair shamelessly appointed a friend, Michael Levy, a wealthy Jewish businessman who had fundraised for new Labour, as his "special envoy" in the Middle East, having first made him Lord Levy. This former chairman of the Jewish Appeal Board and former board member of the Jewish Agency, who has both a business and a house in Israel and had a son working for the Israeli justice minister, was the man assigned by Britain's Prime Minister to negotiate impartially with Palestinians and Israelis.

Under Blair, British support for Israeli repression has accelerated. Last year alone, the government approved 91 arms export licences to Israel, in categories that included ammunition, bombs, torpedoes, rockets, missiles, combat vessels, military electronic and imaging equipment and armoured vehicles. In answer to questions from George Galloway MP, the Foreign Office minister Ben Bradshaw said there was "no evidence" that British arms and equipment had been used against the Palestinians. There is abundant evidence, such as Amnesty's report that the Apache helicopters used to attack the Palestinians are kept flying with British parts. (Bradshaw is an active member of Labour Friends of Israel, which has arranged for 57 Labour MPs to visit Israel, the largest number of MPs from any British government.)"

"JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Brown will pledge "unbreakable" support to Israel today while launching his strongest attack yet on Iran."
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 06:50:44 PM by looserivet »

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #132 on: December 30, 2009, 08:57:02 PM »
Interesting links, Looserivet.  Thanks for sharing. 

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #133 on: January 15, 2010, 03:55:26 PM »

Your answer to Dr. Brennan fan re: Tiger Woods: perfecto!

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #134 on: January 15, 2010, 05:32:16 PM »
Thank you JTF Enthusiast.

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #135 on: January 16, 2010, 04:39:30 PM »
I love sushi too.  I am from NYC as well, though I'm not living there now.  There used to be some really good places in the East village that were reasonable with respect to price.  Is sushi kosher?  Seriously, I don't know.  Where I live now, there is one sushi place and it is sooo expensive and the cost is near prohibitive. I will be back in NYC in July and that's just one thing that I miss out of so many

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #136 on: January 16, 2010, 05:02:32 PM »
Hi JTF Enthusiast.

If you're strictly kosher, you can't eat in any restaurant that's not glatt.  The Cho-Sen Garden in Forest Hills serves good sushi, as I'm sure the Cho-Sen Village in Great Neck does.  There was also a glatt kosher Japanese place on East 53rd Street in Manhattan, but I don't remember the name or if they're still around.  I ate there once.  It was OK. 

If not, you can have the tuna, salmon, salmon roe, yellowtail, fluke, mackerel and fake crab (made from cod, egg whites and various spices). 

There used to be this really good restaurant in the East Village called Iso, which was a bit on the pricey side.  I don't know if it's still around though. 

Also, once you know which dates you'll be in New York City this July, please send me a private message.  I'll organize a get together so you can meet you fellow JTF'ers. 

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #137 on: January 16, 2010, 05:45:26 PM »
Shalom Lisa!

How many people have visited your blog so far?   On an average, how many visitors do you get per month?

How would you describe the impact that your blog has had so far on readers?


Christian Zionist!
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #138 on: January 16, 2010, 05:58:16 PM »
Hi Christian Zionist!

My Sitemeter shows that I've gotten 565,390 visitors since I've had my own domain.  This doesn't include the traffic from when I was on Blogger.  I get between 100 and 200 visitors a day lately.  And I haven't really been posting stuff consistently.  I'm just burned out on blogging. 

I don't know about the impact the blog has had on readers.  After all, there are so many blogs.  It's not like I get that much traffic or that I'm the first to break some kind of news.  I do have some regular commenters who are interested in what I write, which is flattering.  Also, I managed to make friends with people with whom I would normally never meet face to face. 

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #139 on: January 16, 2010, 06:22:10 PM »

I went to your website!  That is a terrific website, really interesting and engaging.  I was flipping through it for almost an hour.  Wow, you are one talented person. 

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #140 on: January 16, 2010, 06:26:52 PM »
Why thank you, JTF Enthusiast!

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #141 on: January 27, 2010, 03:14:29 PM »
How did you first met Chaim and what happened then?
How many times do you meet Chaim nowadays?
Do you think obama is ugly?

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #142 on: January 27, 2010, 03:55:54 PM »
Do you like Elvis Costello?

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #143 on: January 27, 2010, 05:29:07 PM »
Hi Bio-Electric Apprentice,

I met Chaim in person for the first time last November, when I organized the first JTF get together.  I remember how everyone was bummed that Obama got elected.  I also remember how I didn't want to face Obama supporters and have to deal with their gloating.  So that was the impetus for me to organize the first JTF get together.  The get together was at a glatt kosher restaurant in Queens.  Everyone there was excited to meet Chaim, myself included of course.  There were about twelve of us.  It was so nice to be able to connect a face to the forum user names, and meet the others in person. 

As for Elvis Costello, his music is not bad. 

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #144 on: January 31, 2010, 09:12:03 AM »
Dear Lisa, have you met any Arabs righteous or not?

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Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #145 on: January 31, 2010, 09:16:02 AM »

Why most Jews in the US are cowards?

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #146 on: January 31, 2010, 09:20:24 AM »
Dear Lisa, have you met any Arabs righteous or not?

Hi YimachShemotoIslam,

The only Arabs I met was when I did a summer semester my junior year of college in France.  There was a French/Lebanese girl in our dorm.  But the only way I came into contact with her was because I was briefly friendly with a Jewish girl named S.  S. was very chummy with the Lebanese girl.  I wasn't.  

Also that summer, my roommate became good friends with a black girl in the program named A.  Somehow, A. hooked up with this Arab guy, who seemed skeevy to me.  But A. was smitten with him.

I also met some Iranian Muslims due to my father's line of work.  They seemed very nice and all.  But on the other hand, I would never discuss Israel and the ME with them.  

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #147 on: January 31, 2010, 09:27:16 AM »

Why most Jews in the US are cowards?

Ron, that's a complex question.  I'll answer you a little bit here, and then I'll send you a private message as well. 

A while back, I asked a similar type of question to a Jewish professor.  I wanted to know how it was that Jews, who are so smart as individuals could be so stupid in matters dealing with their survival as a group.  I told him I was surprised that there were any Jews left, being that Jews as a group make self destructive choices.  He told me that such a strategy actually served them well, but he never explained why. 

I'll send you a private message in a little while.

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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #148 on: January 31, 2010, 09:51:33 AM »
Hi Lisa... I don't have any question for you.

I just wanted to say Hello, and I have always know what an amazing woman you work hard and still find time to be the Administrator for our Wonderful Forum!

Lisa, you are appreciated!

                                                   Shalom & May G-d Bless you


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Re: Ask Lisa
« Reply #149 on: January 31, 2010, 10:00:01 AM »
Hi Lisa... I don't have any question for you.

I just wanted to say Hello, and I have always know what an amazing woman you work hard and still find time to be the Administrator for our Wonderful Forum!

Lisa, you are appreciated!

                                                   Shalom & May G-d Bless you

Thank you for the kind words, Republican Dox!
