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Author Topic: Christianity or Islam?  (Read 5516 times)

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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #50 on: February 17, 2010, 03:56:43 PM »
I've been keeping Sabbath since April of last year and pretty much stopped being Catholic fully since around June.

Gentiles are not allowed to observe the Sabbath. That commandment is just for Jews.

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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #51 on: February 17, 2010, 04:19:05 PM »
Why don't we burn all those pesky roman catholics at the stake? 

The pesky ones seem to mostly be the leadership like the last couple of popes, not the nice average Catholic man or woman. You know that I respect you and other wonderful Catholic people.

I think you're right there. I liked John Paul II, I thought on the whole he was a good man and did a lot for europe and peace. He stood up against Nazism and Communism and provided a lot of hope for many people.

I've never been very impressed with any other popes though esp the present one.

I used to be a Catholic until very recently. I switched though because I found that I didn't believe a majority of teaching of the RCC. I just class myself as Christian now without a denomination though am probably closest to the Church of G-d, Int which is like a continuation of the very early church as set up by Jesus. I've been keeping Sabbath since April of last year and pretty much stopped being Catholic fully since around June. The only thing I haven't yet done is hand the official form in. I'm trying to just follow what the whole bible says now and keep all the commandments and feasts etc.

The main problem hasn't been the catholic people imho it's been the RCC/Church of Rome leadership for the last 1900 years.




You are not Jewish. The Commandments were given to the Jews at Sinai as a special covenant, not as something which the Noachide nations need to follow. What you are doing is not Jewish, nor is it Christian, you have made up your own religion... I don't know who taught you this.

You should follow the seven noachide laws and you will be considered a righteous gentile and have a place in the world to come. According to Jewish law you are committing a grave sin and would be liable for death...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #52 on: February 17, 2010, 04:19:59 PM »
is it true that Church membership in US is declining? or is this left wing propaganda?

I believe its mostly left wing atheist propaganda. They would very much like to class America as a secular country though. They already say my country Great Britain is secular but nothing could be further from the truth. I've even recently seen an answer to a question on Yahoo Answers from someone who believes that Israel of all places is a secular country! The majority of places that the atheists like to say are secular aren't secular either.

My country it is true that attendances at Church have dropped, however that certainly doesn't mean people no longer believe or that you're no longer practicing simply because you don't attend church regularly. Just over 70% of people in the UK still class themself as Christian. Jesus in the bible confirms to us to pray in private and not to go to Church just to be boastful and pray in public in front of everyone to look good (see Matthew 6). As followers we're all meant to be priests under our high priest. I do believe Church is important but it's meaning, significance and importance has been forgotten about. Not many people know and realise the true purpose of the Church.



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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #53 on: February 17, 2010, 04:22:07 PM »
is it true that Church membership in US is declining? or is this left wing propaganda?

I believe its mostly left wing atheist propaganda. They would very much like to class America as a secular country though. They already say my country Great Britain is secular but nothing could be further from the truth. I've even recently seen an answer to a question on Yahoo Answers from someone who believes that Israel of all places is a secular country! The majority of places that the atheists like to say are secular aren't secular either.

My country it is true that attendances at Church have dropped, however that certainly doesn't mean people no longer believe or that you're no longer practicing simply because you don't attend church regularly. Just over 70% of people in the UK still class themself as Christian. Jesus in the bible confirms to us to pray in private and not to go to Church just to be boastful and pray in public in front of everyone to look good (see Matthew 6). As followers we're all meant to be priests under our high priest. I do believe Church is important but it's meaning, significance and importance has been forgotten about. Not many people know and realise the true purpose of the Church.



This is a Jewish forum and we frown on any missionising. There are ample resources for Christians to post about their religion. Although there are a good number of non-Jewish members of JTF our goal is to re-establish a Jewish holy land which will not accept the gods of others.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #54 on: February 17, 2010, 04:56:33 PM »
What about the Holocaust in Ireland commited by the Protestant English on The Irish Roman Catholics? It was either convert or die.

The choice of using the word denomination in regard to lumping Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox doesn't really work. Denomination is a word chosen long ago by Roman Catholicism to describe Protestants. To nominate is to endorse and to denominate is to unendorse. In essence Roman Catholicism used it as a slap in the face toward Protestants, basically telling them that in the eyes of Rome, Protestants were null and void. The Vatican recognized the Orthodox religion so neither the RC or Orthodox Church fits into the denomination mold.

True that Martin Luther was a rabid anti-Jew and his thoughts about Jews might have been in the minds of holocaust perpetrators, but he wasn't directly involved in the holocaust whereas Popes and other Roman Catholics not only endorsed but participated in the Inquisition and all of the purges in Europe, and the Orthodox sanctioned the Pogroms in Russia there was direct involvement. From what I've studied, one cannot easily find cases (if they can find them at all) of Protestant churches sanctioning persecution. Of all of the true Christians that I have encountered (thousands) I've found them to be staunch Jewish and Israel supporters. Difference from the others? They read their Bibles and try to follow the words of their Messiah, Yeshua. Catholics and Orthodox fall short where that claim might be made in their regard. They follow church edicts and the commands of Popes and priests; the blind leading the blind so to speak.
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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2010, 05:19:28 PM »
I've been keeping Sabbath since April of last year and pretty much stopped being Catholic fully since around June.

Gentiles are not allowed to observe the Sabbath. That commandment is just for Jews.


Hi. I don't know where it says that but the bible I'm reading old and new testament, commandments directly from God, and also what Jesus did and practiced during his life I am meant to follow.

As a Christian I follow Christ, the whole bible and commandments of God, including the keeping of Sabbath which is what Jesus taught us to do.

You are correct that most Christians (gentiles) do not keep Sabbath, however we are meant to. The Christian Church from its foundation was originally a Sabbath keeping church. There are a small number of Christians that do though still keep sabbath and all the holy feasts, and remain true to what the bible says and what Jesus taught. The teachings in mainstream large Christian churches has not been to fully follow Christ or the bible, since after the first century they went down a different path and stopped keeping Sabbath and instead switched to Sunday and they also got rid of majority of things Jewish because of their hatred to the Jews. Our own scriptures tell us not to follow a false gospel though, unfortunately people were not able to read all the bible and in fact the Catholic Church prevented the bible being translated until very recent history and that is why many of us have been deceived. Our scriptures also confirm that we would be deceived that as Christians whom carry the very name of Christ we would be fooled.

"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible." (Matthew 24)

I believe anyone who follows the teaching of Christ is a Christian, "He who has my commandments, and obeys them, it is he who loves me" (John 14:21).

Jesus and all his apsotles were Jews and kept the biblical Sabbath and all the commandments of God, and therefore a true Christian is also meant to follow in the footsteps of who (in our belief) the messiah is, and what he taught part of which is to keep the Sabbath. Our own teachings from Christ and the whole of the new testament only reaffirm this to any Christian who reads the bible.

A Christian follows Christ, that's why they call us Christians. The principle that you follow should be the title that you hold. To be a Christian you must follow the Bible. If you follow Christ you must believe his word, the bible (all of the bible) and keep the Commandments of God. Anyone who follows anything apart from the Bible cannot claim to fully be a Christian.

Jesus himself confirmed that he had not come to abolish the old law of Moses and that it still fully applies and he had come to clarify and fulfill it, which is what I'm also meant to do as a follower of Christ.

There are still a number of prety major and fundemental difference from my new belief as a Christian and Jewish faith, Sabbath is not one of them though. I believe all Christians are supposed to keep Sabbath it says so in our bible, both old and new covenant. I believe also Samaritans are meant to, though I'm not as familar with their beliefs.

These are the basics of what I have believed for quite a long time though have only started following recently: http://www.cgi.org/our-beliefs/

And this is an explaination from my standpoint as a Christian as to why I am meant to keep sabbath: http://www.cgi.org/our-beliefs/booklets-brochures/the-questions-answers-book/qa-the-sabbath-holy-days/

In the book of Matthew and Luke, Jesus said:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Matthew 5:17

Jesus confirmed that the Law of Moses “The Old [Testament] and commandments” were to be observed and that he had not come to do away with them only to fulfil them.

Jesus was Jewish. The only book and law that Jesus was talking about was [the Tanach] the Tanakh and the commandments as that is what they had in their hand at the time, the New [Testament] had not yet been written. Jesus followed the Law during his life all Ten Commandments Gods Law handed down to Moses on Mount Sinai for all nations to abide by and confirmed that nothing would disappear from the law. The New [Testament] is different because it is for individuals not nations and how they should live their lives as individuals in relation to each other. The Old [Testament] and New [Testament] are both 100% valid The Whole Bible and is what Christians should follow.

The apostles of Christ clearly kept all the commandments and followed the Tanakh [Tanach] Law after Christ's death and they were not done away with. They still kept the Sabbath as a holy day and obeyed all the Tanakh [Tanach] rules in the early New [Testament] church, which you can read up on in the book of Acts.

Christians who believe the Tanakh [Tanach] has been done away with do not understand the difference between the Old and New [Testaments] and how they are both still 100% valid.

When I read the word of God and the teachings of Jesus and what he did during his life it only confirms that I clearly cannot go around breaking the Commandments stealing, blastpheming, worshipping false Gods and idols, breaking Sabbath etc.

Hope this helps explain my belief,


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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2010, 05:23:29 PM »
Why don't we burn all those pesky roman catholics at the stake? 

The pesky ones seem to mostly be the leadership like the last couple of popes, not the nice average Catholic man or woman. You know that I respect you and other wonderful Catholic people.

I think you're right there. I liked John Paul II, I thought on the whole he was a good man and did a lot for europe and peace. He stood up against Nazism and Communism and provided a lot of hope for many people.

I've never been very impressed with any other popes though esp the present one.

I used to be a Catholic until very recently. I switched though because I found that I didn't believe a majority of teaching of the RCC. I just class myself as Christian now without a denomination though am probably closest to the Church of G-d, Int which is like a continuation of the very early church as set up by Jesus. I've been keeping Sabbath since April of last year and pretty much stopped being Catholic fully since around June. The only thing I haven't yet done is hand the official form in. I'm trying to just follow what the whole bible says now and keep all the commandments and feasts etc.

The main problem hasn't been the catholic people imho it's been the RCC/Church of Rome leadership for the last 1900 years.




You are not Jewish. The Commandments were given to the Jews at Sinai as a special covenant, not as something which the Noachide nations need to follow. What you are doing is not Jewish, nor is it Christian, you have made up your own religion... I don't know who taught you this.

You should follow the seven noachide laws and you will be considered a righteous gentile and have a place in the world to come. According to Jewish law you are committing a grave sin and would be liable for death...


See my reply to Moshe for full explanation. You are correct I am not Jewish. I am a Christian and follow Christ.



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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2010, 05:29:40 PM »
is it true that Church membership in US is declining? or is this left wing propaganda?

I believe its mostly left wing atheist propaganda. They would very much like to class America as a secular country though. They already say my country Great Britain is secular but nothing could be further from the truth. I've even recently seen an answer to a question on Yahoo Answers from someone who believes that Israel of all places is a secular country! The majority of places that the atheists like to say are secular aren't secular either.

My country it is true that attendances at Church have dropped, however that certainly doesn't mean people no longer believe or that you're no longer practicing simply because you don't attend church regularly. Just over 70% of people in the UK still class themself as Christian. Jesus in the bible confirms to us to pray in private and not to go to Church just to be boastful and pray in public in front of everyone to look good (see Matthew 6). As followers we're all meant to be priests under our high priest. I do believe Church is important but it's meaning, significance and importance has been forgotten about. Not many people know and realise the true purpose of the Church.



This is a Jewish forum and we frown on any missionising. There are ample resources for Christians to post about their religion. Although there are a good number of non-Jewish members of JTF our goal is to re-establish a Jewish holy land which will not accept the gods of others.


I was just repying to previous poster about Catholic people not being bad, and agreeing about it being left wing propaganda re church attendances (to do with Chrsitians so an on-topic respons???). Apologies if I have offended, I was not meant to be preaching to others, just replying to a post you asked about Christian church numbers?? I agree with your goals and support them. As a Christian I do not believe my God is a different God to the Jewish God, though I do know and realise that this is not the Jewish belief and that you will disagree.



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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2010, 05:36:37 PM »
John, gentiles are not allowed to observe the sabbath according to the Talmud. In fact, it is punishable by the death penalty. The sabbath is a speical gift that G-d gave only to the Jews.


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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #59 on: February 17, 2010, 05:44:29 PM »
John, gentiles are not allowed to observe the sabbath according to the Talmud. In fact, it is punishable by the death penalty. The sabbath is a speical gift that G-d gave only to the Jews.

Not that I disagree with you about Gentiles observing the Jewish Sabbath but who would carry out the death penalty? Some Christian churches observe the sabbath day on Saturday now so this might be what John is talking about and not the Jewish Sabbath per say.
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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #60 on: February 17, 2010, 06:31:43 PM »
John, gentiles are not allowed to observe the sabbath according to the Talmud. In fact, it is punishable by the death penalty. The sabbath is a speical gift that G-d gave only to the Jews.


The fact that the Talmud teaches that this practice is for Jews only and not for Gentiles shouldn't have anything to do with how other people who don't believe in the Talmud practice their religion. Let Noahides who voluntarily fall under these rules but don't try to impose it on Christians.

We have freedom of religion here in the United States. Would you intend to change that and impose a death penalty on people who follow religious practices just because they contradict your beliefs? Many Christians believe in resting one day a week, some on Saturday and some on Sunday. This isn't practiced much anymore but it's still part of Christian belief.

Less religious people like me don't always do it but Christians believe it's the right thing to do even if we don't do it.

I wanted to add something to my previous posts. I think many Catholics are great Christian people but I just don't like the leadership of the RCC much. I hope my posts didn't come off as an attack on Catholics themselves. Many of my relatives on my dad's side of the family were Catholics.

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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #61 on: February 17, 2010, 06:51:43 PM »

Okay, who is the joker that voted for Islam?
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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #62 on: February 17, 2010, 06:53:31 PM »

Okay, who is the joker that voted for Islam?

That's what I wanna know.
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Re: Christianity or Islam?
« Reply #63 on: February 17, 2010, 07:17:27 PM »
One of the trolls here. We always have some...
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