Shalom brother Chaim.
My last fee post I kept really short for the longest time. But I’m sorry this is going to be long and deep. But this has to be debated, you know I love you and Kahane with all my heart , the same love I have for my parents , you are my brother , my leader , my reason for being a Jew. If you only you knew the things you saved me from.
Anyway, What do you think was the most evil empire of all time? I feel it was the British. As bad as the Arabs are it was "great" Britten that organized them and even trained them in war. (sources not need this is common knowledge for us JTFers) They created the Trans-Jordan , The white papers and even back when we had the crusades .. I can go on 1000 pages on what they have done and the mess they did and the prevention they did to keep us out of our home. They are like cockroaches that take and take from others and give nothing back.
Kahane was right when he called Arabs "dogs" as they are just that, stupid pawns and pets of the UK, as you say "Islam makes you stupid!" The Stupid mullahs cannot do anything with UK help. These are not conspiracies Chaim, these are facts..don’t you see why Israel used BRITISH passports? Do you think they flipped a coin to choose which country to forge? No! They know the British have close ties with the Muslims! Hence, they can arrive to Dubai without a raised eyebrow. Do you think it’s a coincidence Yasser Arifats wife was Christian and white?
I don't mean to sound angry ( im not) or call you ignorant, for you are the one of the most knowledgeable people I know.
A slight tangent but still related to this topic,
I wish Kahane would have targeted the British too in his speeches, I feel he under estimated them ( I know you know how anti Semitic they are I’m sure you know if they wanted to kill Kahane they would, there is no way they are completely innocent and I’m being generous ). I also feel I if I was him, I would not go back to The U.S. But rather send a charismatic representative such as yourself ( i know you were in jail but someone
almost like yourself. My case in point, look how much impact you have on us!. Much like in a chess game the king (in this case Kahane) needed to be protected , he was the king the jewel the backbone of our people and he needed to send a lieutenant to speak for him, I feel what he did may have been suicide. (of course he is in gan-edan and he didn’t want to die but his passion got the best of him). There is no way I feel it is a coincidence that Kahane murder came about when in the U.S. as opposed to Israel.
By the way, in one of my ask jtf questions I spoke of the British helping make the Islamic Iran bring Komani, but you brushed it as just a crazy conspiracy and that Iranians wanted it. True some did , no doubt, but many were because of propaganda much like the way Nazi Germany did, funded by the British . Much like they took over India they wanted to do the same with Iran but this time more discreetly.
Respectfully, Chaim I am an Iranian Jew, my family had lived and experienced the world of Iran. My family has been in the Persian exile since the first bet hamikdash for over 2000 years. My mother lived by Morachi and Esters grave! Furthermore, my father left Iran in the time of the Shah because the Iranians were even more materialistic and westernized then even the U.S. (ask any iranian how it was and the attitude of the people) My parents and grandparents saw first hand what was going on and how the British were making trouble. I can give you pages upon pages of facts I have been collecting for the last 6 months , facts! not conspiracy's take a look at Khomanis mother he was English not Persian every Iranian knows this!!!! His father was an Indian imperialism sympathizer his last name means resident of Komnain , a common name created for a new generation resident of which his fater lived ! If you don't believe me look up his ancestors .. even I have a better Farsi accent then that monster. He was raised and educated in Europe , no its not a coincidence and I will never believe it is. My family were personal friends of the Shah and you know me and I will privately tell you my sur name in which the entire Iranian community knows it is true. Many Iranians HATE the Koran and call it the religion of the Arabs. My family lived there, they had friends who else would know the culture better? It was a rising power in Asia, it was secular and maybe the modernization went to far and that helped the backlash. Yet, now things are different, my parents generation are now old and when you say now they embrace Islam this is true! ...Now.The younger generation knows nothing but that, and hence, they embrace evil. But we can’t confuse the issue that this wasn’t as bad as it is now, you have no idea how many Arabs were brought in Iran to make trouble.
In the end Chaim, all of the world’s problems throughout history are bought about socialist Brittan, they hate us and they hate us for no reason..The ultimate evil. You should see the second I mention Brittan how the Chinese and Indian and many others lit up my topic like a menorah! (the vid)
Please Chaim, no their evil is not a conspiracy. This is how they are, With the slavery of people to the prevention of Jews going back to Israel in the holocaust that are worse then the Nazis because the Germans gave them a chance to leave~! They sent them back to their deaths! And they weren’t tying to go to Brittan they were trying to go home! What contemptible evil. May G-d send a meteorite and destroy Brittan~!
What do you think?
Thanks, sorry for the long post I will keep it short next time.