"The races are meant to keep apart, just like the Tribes are meant to dwell separately" (R.Avigdor Miller). Entire Jewish neighbourhoods in the US disappeared overnight because of Black invasions. Even though the Black Ethiopians may gain the status of Jews, and even become observant, they should be kept apart in their own kfars and towns where they will be happy, and not compelled to live miserably cheek & jowl in small hot development town appartments with even more goyisher Ukranians, White Russians and Moldavians! Entire areas of Ashdod and Netanya and Beer Sheva and Lod have been emptied out of Ashkenazi Jews, once black-as coal Ethiopians were bussed in in droves. This is not "racism". But it is "racialism": the instinctive gut feeling that Hashem has put in to every person to be wary and keep a distance and generally avoid contact with those of other races as much as possible, whether Caucasians, Asiatics, Aryans, Semites, Hamites, Amerindians etc etc.
This runs totally against the modern ideal of jamming all races and genders together: 'thou shalt melt!'.
The end result is the liberalist/leftist social engineers wet dream: the creation of a new sub-breed of human being who is not black nor white, not male nor female, not Jew nor Gentile: something like.....Michael Jackson!!