Shalom brother Chaim,
With Israel's prime minister effectively freezing new Jewish construction in east Jerusalem and the behavior of Jews being worse then even during the end of the 2nd temple era it really does look like we lost. it brakes my heart but it looks like we will have a fourth exile (the last one being bar-kochba) gentiles hate us and Jews really could not give a damn as long as they are comfortable , what curse it is to be a part of such a self haring nation.
Chaim let me propose something to you. The Jewish people they cheat , they speak loshon harah baseless hatred towards one another and make reform temples . Muslims as bad as they can be are willing to give their lives for their cause .. do we ? no. the Muslims dont have such a thing as reform Islam ... but we do. only a small number of Jews are g-d fearing like you.
oh but we have nothing to worry about we have the naturai karta , reform Jews conservative Jews , things like peace now and beni brith.
honestly, for a while I was proud to be a Jew but when i look at this I wonder ... do I want to be a part of these people? no wonder the temple isnt built .....
let me ask you a question Chaim , you have read the tanach right? you know that the reason the temple was destroyed was because g-d actually did not want the sacrifices and it was an abomination to him. I am looking at this rationally , i dont think, scratch that , i know all the Jews will never make tesuva ,also do you think g-d wants people that are passive with atheist leaders such as Pipi?
Rabbi Kahane said winners are winners (us) and looser are losers (the fakestinians)
but take a good hard look at us Chaim are we really the winners or are we the loosers? Do I want to be on the loosing team?
Ive come to the conclusion that its not that land of Israel that will save us , but rather listening to the word of g-d and sorry most Israelis wont and if we become a mass movement it cannot be a religious one or else there will be a civil war you know that , Kahane knew that so what good is it? how can g-d protect an irreligious movement?
I hope you can point out my mistakes, I hope Im wrong.. The one thing that does make sense is that hashem will help us not for our sake but to show his glory because he swore it in Issiah.
Im still going to keep the laws but my faith is shaken many people on the forum I see really care and it did help me, but I am wondering what you have to say.