Dearest Chaim,
I hope that you and the rest of the great members of this great forum had a great week.
My question this week concerns the New York City subway system. Having recently moved back to Queens, I now take the subway every day to commute to work. What a disgrace this operation is! The workers are all subhuman sewerage, ugly minorities of the worst kind - and when they attempt to deliver information, their lack of command of the English language makes it virtually impossible to understand what they're saying. In addition, there are constant schvartza panhandlers, and I can see women on the train nervous as these animals slither by, begging for change to buy alcohol and drugs with. I'd like to criticize them for begging, but I beg as well, except I'm begging for these sick freaks to burn forever in Gehenom.
What can we do about this problem? Do you share my disgust with the NYC subway system?
Lastly, I'm not sure if you have been following the World Cup, but the United States was screwed out of what would have been a game winning goal on Friday. You might ask why? Because the referee was an unqualified affirmative action appointee, a schvartza from the oh so advanced country of Mali, who refused to acknowledge his actions afterwards, the hallmark of true lazy schvartza drek. When will people learn not to trust these satanic fiends?
In closing, Happy Father's Day to you and everyone on the forum. I'm sure there are lots of warm family get togethers in Harlem today, as we all know that there are no illegitimate children or deadbeat dads in the African-American community.
May HaShem continue to bless you and the JTF,