Author Topic: Who is Itamar Ben Gvir?  (Read 1296 times)

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Offline wonga66

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Who is Itamar Ben Gvir?
« on: July 30, 2010, 07:51:45 AM »
What is Chaim's opinion of Ben Gvir?
Who is Itamar Ben-Gvir??

by elyakatz


Recently on A7:

“We Will Protest Against the Pride Parade Again” by Elad Benari

    With the gay pride parade scheduled to take place in Jerusalem this coming Thursday, July 29, it seems that in contrast to the counter-protest that was held the first time the event was held in Jerusalem, the event is more or less ignored as the years pass.

    Right wing activist Itamar Ben-Gvir has in the past led public moves against the pride parade including running educational programs in several schools last year explaining the issues of homosexuality, holding protest vigils outside the Open House, and distributing gloves to policemen protecting the march in a provocative move to “protect” against “contracting” the condition. On July 6, he commented on the permit given by Jerusalem police to organizers of the parade to march near the Knesset and said that police should be criticized for “assisting provocateurs.” Ben-Gvir spoke to Arutz7 Radio on Sunday about  the low key atmosphere regarding the continuation of the pride parades… continued….

 Ahhh, wholesome sounding guy, but then check what some of Ben Gvir’s adversaries have to say about the man:

Itamar Ben Gvir sues Barry Chamish by Barry Chamish, 11 Dec 2005

    He sues everyone and suspiciously, always wins.

    First he sued the newspaper Hatsofe….

The newspaper commented on news of the suit dryly, “

    “Itamar Ben Gvir has sued Hatsofe for implying that he is a Shabak agent. The suit has been widely reported by the media but we have yet to receive the suit. It must be that the Shabak lawyers have a long list of suits before ours.” – translation from Hebrew provided by Barry Chamish.

Then, Ben Gvir sued a Knesset member, Aryeh Eldad:

As allegedly reported at Israel National News:

Note: If you click the link, you will get a 404 error page, so I’m not sure what’s up with that. Perhaps INN had to scrub the piece  for some reason to do with Eldad’s apology? I tried plugging the title Barry cites into a search engine…to no avail. I have notifed Mr. Chamish of the problem.

(INN) MK Eldad: Itamar Ben-Gvir is a Gov’t Agent Wednesday, 21:30/June 29, 2005 / 22 Sivan 5765

    ( Knesset Member Aryeh Eldad (National Union) said this evening that right-wing activist Itamar Ben-Gvir, known for his affiliations with Kahanist organizations, is actually an agent of the General Security Services (GSS). Eldad claims that Ben-Gvir was sent by the GSS to the Maoz HaYam hotel area in order to stir up the emotions and cause provocations. MK Eldad made the charges on Channel Two’s Mishal Cham interview program. Ben-Gvir has been involved in many right-wing demonstrations and activist operations.

Eldad later issued an apology. Chamish believes it was simply not worth his while, given that Ben Gvir seems to always win his lawsuits. And here he goes again…”demonstrating”…nobly fighting a cause that might be a draw for Orthodox Jews in Israel. Or a hook.

Barry summarizes his main points in his article:

    Ben Gvir was called a Shabak provocateur for his activities in Gush Katif by Arie Eldad and Nadia Matar. Matar asked the police to remove him from Gush Katif for his activities. He sued Arie Eldad for the accusation.

    Ben Gvir was accused of being a Shabak provocator in both Makor Rishon and Hatsofe. He sued Hatsofe for the accusation.

    Most telling: Ben Gvir was accused of being a Shabak provocateur in the Kahane Chai and Yesha websites. And they should know. Other websites who have so accused him include and

    Ben Gvir organized a staged training camp for Eyal youths which included shooting at effigies of Arabs. This camp became a television report made for IBA Channel One by Eitan Oren, accused of being a Shabak Agent by the late Adir Zik in his radio broadcasts and reports for Hatsofe. On Nov. 3/05, I appeared on Channel Ten’s London And Kirschenbaum program. There Kirschenbaum, who was the chairman of the IBA in 1994, admitted that the report organized by Ben Gvir was staged.

Then we have this story, recently reported at A7:

Perlman Appeals to be Allowed to Meet with Lawyer

Suspect in Murder of Two Arabs Says He was Framed

Tapes Show that GSS Incited Perlman to Murder

Police Search at Perlman Family Home

My point? Well, all I’m saying is, if you are someone with nationalist leanings, and especially if you are someone with religious nationalist leanings (dati leumi as it’s known in Israel), and…if you live in Israel, and if you choose to go to this particular demonstration (see top article if you forgot) watch two things: Itamar Ben-Gvir, and your back.

More advice you didn’t ask for…but it’s good advice anyway: Don’t let anyone get you worked up into a tizzy. Or a froth, or a hissy fit. There’s reasons why anger is just a bad idea. It controls you. You are more likely to fall into huge troubles that you will later regret if you indulge the sin, yes…the sin of anger. Please read the Ramban’s letter to his son if you don’t believe me. Behave. Consult your rabbi before taking any action, someone who’s hashkafah you know and trust implicitely as being sober-mindedly and thoroughly grounded in the Torah. I am not suggesting that Jews don’t have the right and the duty to defend their homes and lands from future expulsions by the tyranny that is the current client regime running Eretz Yisrael. I am struggling with that question for the time being. I am saying, whatever you choose to do, do it wisely, with Torah based counsel. You are going to have to study yourself in order to know by what authority your teachers are guiding you.

So for goodness’ sake…I mean it for goodness’ sake….study Torah and daven everyday to keep your own hashkafah grounded in the good sense of the Torah…and to keep your lines of communication open with HaShem, who loves you. And don’t do anything anyone could use against you if found out. Blackmail is another trick the enemies of the Jewish people love to use. Don’t give anyone ammunition…keep your nose clean no matter what. I’m talking to me too…none of us is perfect, but we must come as close as possible during these trying times when our enemies are searching out our weak links, our vulnerabilities in order to exploit them for their own purposes.

This is all excellent advice anyway, but now we all can understand in 3D one of the practical reasons why all these wise words have been drummed into us since childhood by our parents, our teachers, our mentors, our rabbis ­  all our lives. We have 613 commandments to live by, not 613 suggestions. We are fish and the Torah is our water. Let’s stay in the water.

We may not live to see the nation of Israel in all her glory, but we do have an obligation to lay a solid foundation for our children and grandchildren, that they may more easily complete what we have begun.

And to the provocateurs among us…since you don’t seem to care for the wisdom of your fathers…perhaps you’ll listen to a wise old man from another renouned land and people, famous for their fierce, unconqeurable love of liberty: “Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” - Sir Walter Scott

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Re: Who is Itamar Ben Gvir?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2010, 08:29:13 AM »
I do not consider Barry Chamish a reliable source. I am sorry...
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline wonga66

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Re: Who is Itamar Ben Gvir?
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2010, 10:11:36 AM »
Nevertheless, Ben Gvir's ability to escape any sanction at all, whilst others would have been jailed or heavily fined, makes one at the very least suspicious that he is an Avishai Raviv-type "Champagne II".

I suspect that he is playing both camps - which is very good!

"On the Yom Hadin you will see that what I did was right!" (Avishai Raviv 1997).

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Re: Who is Itamar Ben Gvir?
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2010, 10:20:32 AM »
Nevertheless, Ben Gvir's ability to escape any sanction at all, whilst others would have been jailed or heavily fined, makes one at the very least suspicious that he is an Avishai Raviv-type "Champagne II".

I suspect that he is playing both camps - which is very good!

"On the Yom Hadin you will see that what I did was right!" (Avishai Raviv 1997).

All I know is what I have read of him makes him appear like a Jewish hero to me... His opposition to the Gay Shame parade is noble, in my opinion..

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Who is Itamar Ben Gvir?
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2010, 12:07:44 PM »
Itamar Ben Gavir is 37 years old he lives in Hevron. He is on the staff of Michael Ben Gavir. He got arested at the age of only 14 and still considers himself a member of the Koch party. He is very close with Baruch Marzel who also is on Ben Ari's staff. I see viedos of him with Marzel at the Supreme Court in their constint battles for the rights to march in Umal Fackem and other Arabs areas. Now his fighting for the right to march in protest against this sick parade. I like him and wish that he would help our movement in Israel I don't consider him bad I like him but I doubt that he would help up because he is in the gov't
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh