Author Topic: The Story of Ephraim Khantsis  (Read 3617 times)

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Re: The Story of Ephraim Khantsis
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2010, 03:37:52 AM »
Let me tell you all the real story he is a personal Friend of mine who went to Yeshiva with me.

Ephraim is a law abiding citizen of Israel. Traveled to Israel to live in Kfar Tapauch (Where Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane Lived) a small Settlement outside of Ariel the capital of the Shemron. Ephraim stayed there to live and Study Torah. He was arrested for no reason. The Israeli gov't said they had reason to believe that he would use force to prevent the evacuation of a Jewish town in the Shemron region. He went back to the states and made Aliyah around the 1st of the Jewish Month of Elul 5769, 2009. Ephraim is a Bal Tsuva (One who becomes Religious later in life) Ephriam was held up at the Tel Aviv Airport and almost deported upon arival despite the fact that he was on a flight with only new Immigrants. They asked him many persional Questions and only let him precede into the country because he said he wouldn't break the law. Ephraim grabbed onto a Poll and refused to let go.

Ephraim then moved into the dorms at the Machon Meir Yeshiva where I meet him. Ephraim was eager to learn Torah and wanted very much to be involved in the struggle for the land of Israel. Ephraim traveled by bus to Kfar Tapuach to spend Shabbat with Yikutiel almost every week. Ephraim would talk about Kahanism, Baruch Goldstein and the Gov't. After a while the people of Kfar Tapuach (Which is considered a Kahanist Settlement) thought he was too extreme for him so they reported him and he was sent a letter by the Shabak (Shin Bet) that he was banned from Judea and Samaria for 6 months. Ephraim ignored it and proceeded to go anyway. Ephraim was Arrested. Ephraim was very load and vocal of his views in morning Class. Almost every line of Talmud they would go over he would comment about Kahane. The Rav was concerned so he went to the he of the Yeshiva. This is when Rosh Yeshevia HaRav Dov Bigon said enough is enough he either stops or he is out of here. The Rosh Yeshiva gave him only 2 days to find a place and he did. Ephraim continued to learn Torah at a different location (I don't know where). Soon there after Ephraim was arrested yet again. Ephraim's Lawyer tried to convince him to take the 3 months in America rather then the torture in an Israeli prison; Ephraim refused but after a couple weeks he agreed. Ehud Barak YS'V signed the order banning him from the country for 3 months. For 2 Weeks Ephraim Maximum Secutity Prision in Beer Sheva denying him of Prayer books or Teffilin.

Ephraim is a very nice and Religious guy. He moved to Israel because he is a Religious Zionist and wants to Live where all Jews belong. He does read the forum from time to time.

If anyone has any more questions please message me.
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline mord

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Re: The Story of Ephraim Khantsis
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2010, 06:22:15 AM »
Yimach schmo vezichro to Doom, Tina Greco, Kelly Scott, and the retard and his shiksa "girlfriend".
and the retard and his shiksa "girlfriend". who is that
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: The Story of Ephraim Khantsis
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2010, 09:28:14 AM » 

He was in the U.S. Army for many yrs 

« Let’s Take Stock
בגד עברי לעם עברי »
The Vienna Mike Plan
By Vienna Mike

Everyone seems to have a plan to save the State of Israel nowadays.

Tzipi Livni(y”sh) claims she can save Israel by surrendering Yosh to Hamas, so that Hamas can use it as a platform to launch rockets at every major Jewish population center in Eretz Yisrael. While she is at it, she’ll give the Golan to Syria. And if Egypt is really nice, she’ll give them Eilat, too! This way, Israel can have rockets raining on it from all directions at once. It’s great!

Bibi Netanyahu(y”sh) claims that he and not Livni is the best candidate to surrender Yosh to Hamas. According to Bibi(y”sh), it’s better to vote for him and get a constant barrage of Kassams from Yosh than vote for Tzipi(y”sh) and get a constant barrage of Kassams from Yosh and Katyushas from Lebanon and Syrian artillery from the Golan and maybe even Egyptian missiles from Eilat. Hey, maybe he’s right!

Avigdor Lieberman claims he can save Israel by surrendering half the Galilee to Hamas. In exchange, Israel will receive… 56% of Yosh. But wait, doesn’t Israel already control 56% of Yosh? Great plan!

Moshe Feiglin claims that if we vote for Bibi(y”sh), we can strengthen Feiglin. This way, after Bibi(y”sh) has given up Yosh to Hamas, expelling and murdering 200,000+ Jews, Feiglin might get the #10 spot on the Likud Knesset list next time around. Who knows, by the time Israel consists of Greater Tel Aviv, Moshe Feiglin might even be elected Prime Minister amid a barrage of Moslem rockets. We need Moshe Feiglin to preside over the final massacre of the Second Holocaust! Vote Likud!

Ketzaleh has a plan, too. Ketzaleh claims that if we all vote for him, he can get 4 or maybe even 8 seats in the Knesset, where he will rail impotently while Bibi(y”sh), Tzipi(y”sh) and Ehud(y”sh) disarm the Jews of Yosh by force and precipitously withdraw the IDF in the hopes that the Jews either run or are massacred by the Israelis’ Moslem allies. It’s a great plan, it is. Ketzaleh will make such fine speeches while 200,000 Jews are massacred! Why, the eyes of every leftist will tear up and their hearts will rend asunder – for all of five minutes, after which they will go back to celebrating the destruction of the hated mitnachalim who, of course, deserved every bit of it. After all, every Israeli worth his salt knows that the evil settlers are the sole obstacle to peace. Once they are all dead, rainbows will erupt, birds will sing, peace, love and harmony will rule the Land and fuzzy pink bunnies will emerge hopping from under every bush and rock to spread good cheer, joy and fairy dust with every itsy bitsy hop!

So, given all these brilliant plans, does Vienna Mike have a Plan to Save the State of Israel? Vienna Mike must keep up with the times!

Well, dear readers, you might be disappointed. Vienna Mike does not have a Plan to Save the State of Israel. Indeed, Vienna Mike does not believe that the State of Israel deserves saving or even has a right to exist. Vienna Mike does, however, believe that HaYishuv HaYehudi B’Eretz Yisrael, the community of the Jewish People in the Holy Land, is worth saving. Vienna Mike believes that the YISHUV has a right to exist in the Holy Land. Vienna Mike believes that only the Yishuv, acting in accordance with the will of Hashem as expressed in His Holy Torah, has any right to exercise political power and sovereignty in the Land of Israel. Here, therefore, is the Vienna Mike Plan to Save the Jews of the Holy Land:

– See that goyish Israeli State? Reject it! Reject everything about it! Reject its authority, its legitimacy, its symbols, its army, its police, its courts, its flag, its anthem, its music, its art, even its manner of dress. Reject its very right to exist. It’s a foreign occupier on Jewish Land. Draw a line between it and yourself. Reject it and eject it and build a Jewish State in the Land that Medinat Israel cannot hold and does not want. A Jew is not and cannot be an Israeli. Our country is Medinat Yehudah.

–See those green-suited kapos beating Jewish children with clubs? Throw them out of your country! Chase them out of Medinat Yehudah! They do not belong here. It does not matter if they wear kippot or not, if they have tzitizit or not, if they lay tefilin or not. It does not matter whether or not they keep kosher or keep shabbos or speak Hebrew. Jews do not expel Jews. Jews do not beat Jewish children with clubs. Jews do not give up pieces of Hashem’s Holy Land to murderous goyim. Those who do these things are Israelis, not Jews. Send them packing back to Israel! Curse them, spit at them, stone them, beat them, scream at them to go away. And if they refuse to go away, then kill them and kill those who give them orders. Soak the Land with their blood. It’s good fertilizer.

–See those Moslem Bnei Amalek baying for Jewish blood? Exterminate them and exterminate those who try to protect them! He who stands with Amalek IS Amalek, regardless of what language he speaks, what uniform he wears or what religion he professes to follow.

–See those unviable suburbs with paper houses, euphemistically dubbed “settlements” by those who refuse to know any better? You probably live in one. Turn them into fortresses! Fortify your homes and communities. Make them self-sufficient. Grow your own food, dig your own wells, make your own electricity, your own tools, your own weapons and fuel. Make your own clothes and make your own identity. What you cannot make, buy. What you cannot buy, expropriate by force or by stealth. Medinat Yehudah will live or die by the mercy of Hashem, the strength of her fortresses and the power of her arms. Israeli “settlements” are death. The fortresses of Medinat Yehudah are life. Choose life!

–See that gaggle of kids with orange ribbons? Turn them into an army! The Israeli army does not provide you with security and it never will. All it does is protect the Amalekites and facilitate Islamic terror with its wishy-washy policies, its “purity of arms”, its “limited operations”, its “appropriate response” and its “enforcement of order”. It’s time for a Jewish Army to defend the Jewish State. It’s time for Tzvah HaIvri, the Army of Life, to replace the Ra’al, the Army of Suicide!

–See that monolithic Israeli elite united in its hatred for the dati leumi who threaten its power and existence? Split it in half! Demand your own State and let the elite rule its Israeli Bolshevik paradise. Let them have the Tel Aviv they want. Let them have Haifa. Let them have the coastal strip that houses 70% of Israel’s population. Offer them a deal – they can have the beach to schtup on and no borders with any Arab state. Medinat Yehudah will take the rest. Medinat Yehudah will fight. Israel can party. Watch the Israeli elites fight each other and watch Medinat Yehudah win!

–See that array of lemming communities full of addled fools who think that they are Israeli even though the Israelis have been beating them with clubs for 20 years? See the mindless horde of robots who serve in the IDF even though the IDF demolishes their very homes and schuls, throws their children out of windows and sexually assaults their teenage daughters? Wake up the lemmings! Deprogram the robots! Take the communities of Yosh and build from them a Jewish State!

THAT is the Vienna Mike Plan for National Salvation. It is simple. It is realistic. It is viable. It is the only way. This plan is the only plan dedicated to victory. This plan is the only plan that can split the monolithic Israeli enemy, create an independent Jewish State in the Holy Land for the first time in 2000 years and avert the Second Holocaust.

Dear readers, we are up against the wall. Time is quickly running out. The Jews of the Holy Land face extermination at the hands of the Israeli State and its Moslem allies. Not too long ago, another nation stood on the brink of extinction. Its leader, Winston Churchill, said then what we must repeat now. Our only answer must be total struggle and our sole aim – victory; victory by any means; victory despite all obstacles; victory no matter the cost. For without victory there is no survival.

4 Shevat 5769
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: The Story of Ephraim Khantsis
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2010, 11:47:44 AM »
I think he complains too much and never offers any solution. I have read his postings on Fishmans blog and generally I find his posts annoying... Sorry...

Actually, the blog he writes offers solutions which are quite practical if enough people got behind the ideas.   The complaints he raises are quite valid, in my opinion.  They are the complaints on the mind of every nationalist-thinking Jew (or at least the vast majority) with the events taking place today in Israel.   It is the post-Oslo consciousness that will only grow and spread as time goes on.  The problem is that everyone else seems to offer no solutions, especially those who shout down the practical ideas he presents.   They should offer better solutions or better ideas if they disagree.   The same old stale thinking is not working, and it's getting old.  Because we are just dragged deeper and deeper into the oslo muck with the conventional thinking and conventional approach on the right.

Would you consider Vienna Mike in the Kahanist camp? I did not get that impression from his postings in Talkbacks on A7...

I try to avoid labeling people.   It misses the point.  And it reduces complex things to absurd simplicity, encouraging intellectual laziness.  

Aside from that, I'm not 100% sure what you mean by the question.  

Before, you mentioned his "complaining."  The complaining I see from him is about many of the same things Rabbi Kahane complained about in his day (only there are more complaints to amass from events which occurred in the years since the Rabbi passed away).   What does that tell you?

Rabbi Kahane, from what I have read and heard from videos, never told Jews to not move to Israel. 

Of course.   On this I happen to think this fellow is mistaken.  But not everyone is going to agree on everything.  I think if you read his site in detail you'll see that we at JTF have many similar points of view, and he is simply floating out creative solutions since the conventional thinking has failed.   This is exactly why I prefer not to label someone because it's a very lazy exercise.  If he is wrong about this, then you label him as "non-Kahanist" and discredit anything else he says?    What if he has many other valuable things to say and other ideas worth engaging?

The whole idea, as far as I understand it, is that the Jews must move to Eretz Yisroel and vote in the existing system in order to get more seats in the government. Rabbi Kahane started his own party which was able to make some headway in starting the process.   

He argues that since Rabbi Kahane was banned and then murdered by arabs, and his son was also murdered by Arabs, that any attempt to carry out this "whole idea" you mention will always fail because the regime will make sure it fails, including by banning any movement or party that actually poses a threat of succeeding - or even helping the arab nazi peace partner murder the politicians.   He also argues that Rabbi Kahane himself began to change his vision of this particular 'whole idea' as a policy due to the Kach-banning and that this is reflected in his last work, "Revolution or Referendum."   

If I was told that I am wrong about my opinion because he really wants a strong Jewish state which attempts to govern righteously with Torah wisdom then I might start to change my opinion. 

It's abundantly clear from his writings that this is the entire goal of any medinat yehudah.

   Does he also support the position that the arabs in the land of Israel should be relocated? 

That and nuking Iran and other muslim nazi countries that threaten Israel.

It seems that you have given your support for his position and as a result my feelings may soften about what he says. 

I'm not saying I agree with everything he writes but I think what he advocates is deserving of serious attention.   And I think the overall concept of Medinat yehudah may be a necessary solution if it can gain popularity.

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Re: The Story of Ephraim Khantsis
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2010, 11:53:17 AM »
Let me tell you all the real story he is a personal Friend of mine who went to Yeshiva with me.

Ephraim is a law abiding citizen of Israel. Traveled to Israel to live in Kfar Tapauch (Where Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane Lived) a small Settlement outside of Ariel the capital of the Shemron. Ephraim stayed there to live and Study Torah. He was arrested for no reason. The Israeli gov't said they had reason to believe that he would use force to prevent the evacuation of a Jewish town in the Shemron region. He went back to the states and made Aliyah around the 1st of the Jewish Month of Elul 5769, 2009. Ephraim is a Bal Tsuva (One who becomes Religious later in life) Ephriam was held up at the Tel Aviv Airport and almost deported upon arival despite the fact that he was on a flight with only new Immigrants. They asked him many persional Questions and only let him precede into the country because he said he wouldn't break the law. Ephraim grabbed onto a Poll and refused to let go.

Ephraim then moved into the dorms at the Machon Meir Yeshiva where I meet him. Ephraim was eager to learn Torah and wanted very much to be involved in the struggle for the land of Israel. Ephraim traveled by bus to Kfar Tapuach to spend Shabbat with Yikutiel almost every week. Ephraim would talk about Kahanism, Baruch Goldstein and the Gov't. After a while the people of Kfar Tapuach (Which is considered a Kahanist Settlement) thought he was too extreme for him so they reported him and he was sent a letter by the Shabak (Shin Bet) that he was banned from Judea and Samaria for 6 months. Ephraim ignored it and proceeded to go anyway. Ephraim was Arrested. Ephraim was very load and vocal of his views in morning Class. Almost every line of Talmud they would go over he would comment about Kahane. The Rav was concerned so he went to the he of the Yeshiva. This is when Rosh Yeshevia HaRav Dov Bigon said enough is enough he either stops or he is out of here. The Rosh Yeshiva gave him only 2 days to find a place and he did. Ephraim continued to learn Torah at a different location (I don't know where). Soon there after Ephraim was arrested yet again. Ephraim's Lawyer tried to convince him to take the 3 months in America rather then the torture in an Israeli prison; Ephraim refused but after a couple weeks he agreed. Ehud Barak YS'V signed the order banning him from the country for 3 months. For 2 Weeks Ephraim Maximum Secutity Prision in Beer Sheva denying him of Prayer books or Teffilin.

Ephraim is a very nice and Religious guy. He moved to Israel because he is a Religious Zionist and wants to Live where all Jews belong. He does read the forum from time to time.

If anyone has any more questions please message me.

Appreciate it.

So you're saying the Kfar Tapuah people reported him?   Yekutiel or other residents?    I don't get it.   After this whole affair, Guzofsky wrote a long letter explaining how the informants at Machon Meir had reported Ephraim...  Was that merely a deflection of the blame and the projection of his own informing onto others?

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Re: The Story of Ephraim Khantsis
« Reply #30 on: August 26, 2010, 07:47:10 AM »
Yimach schmo vezichro to Doom, Tina Greco, Kelly Scott, and the retard and his shiksa "girlfriend".

Knock it off please. The lady who you're referring to is a genuine convert.

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Re: The Story of Ephraim Khantsis
« Reply #31 on: August 26, 2010, 09:29:11 AM »
Mishmaat: You used to hate her more than anybody else on the forum.

David: Excuse me!?!?!? You are good friends with a Guzofskyite Nazi who refers to Chaim as "Vancy" and supported Tina Greco?

WTF from both of you?

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Re: The Story of Ephraim Khantsis
« Reply #32 on: August 26, 2010, 11:57:38 AM »

I would ask our members not to turn this thread into a personal feud among fellow JTFers or a place for insults.

If Ephraim were a real religious Jew, let alone a Kahanist, he would never dare express hatred and contempt for someone who spent five and a half years in prison and has sacrificed 30 years of his life to liberate him and his family from Soviet Russia. Ephraim couldn't take 2 weeks in prison. After just 2 weeks, they broke him and he came running back to America. But he ran a forum where he expressed non-stop hatred and contempt for someone who spent five and a half years in the worst prisons of America. On the forum that he and Guzofsky ran, a handful of petty, jealous and evil phonies spent years calling me a Nazi, a racist, a terrorist etc. etc.

I will not forgive Ephraim and Guzofsky for this unless they publicly acknowledge all of the wrong which they did and publicly apologize for their vicious slander. Otherwise they will answer for their wicked behavior either in this world or on Yom HaDin (the Day of Judgement) or both.

BTW the young lady which Dr. Brennan Fan refers to sent me a private message on this forum and asked me to forgive her for her past actions and statements. I am usually a forgiving person if someone who does me an injustice requests forgiveness. So I have forgiven her.

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Re: The Story of Ephraim Khantsis
« Reply #33 on: August 26, 2010, 07:21:59 PM »
Chaim, I know that she supposedly apologized. The reason why I do not accept her apology is because she continues to say horrible things about JTF on her "forum" (which is her and her retarded lapdog).