Author Topic: Serbian History Books and other matter documents...  (Read 48593 times)

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Offline crnitrn

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Re: Serbian History Books and other matter documents...
« Reply #50 on: December 23, 2011, 07:56:47 AM »
This rewriting of history sickens me !   The Chetniks fought openly with the Nazis ! >:(
I don't know where from you are, and who tell all this crap but you should start to search the truth! If you want the true start with this! (book)

If you speak serbian than watch this!

Offline maelgwyn

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Re: Serbian History Books and other matter documents...
« Reply #58 on: June 30, 2012, 10:52:40 AM »
OK efendi !  Perhaps i got my facts mixed up! The serbs tied down 30 kraut Divisions thats the main point!

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Serbian History Books and other matter documents...
« Reply #60 on: June 30, 2012, 12:24:40 PM »
In defiance of the propaganda that the Serbs lost the battle of Kosovo that is not true. There are plenty of sources on this, but enough to Turkish sources to confirm the same! Also is not true that Vuk Brankovic betrayed Knez Lazar!

Serbs did not eat pork, while the Turks have occupied Serbia! The Turks took a big tax and so robbed of all the Serbian people as they could. To help the survivors, some Serbs, they begin to eat pork, knowing that the Turks would not confiscate it. Too bad this happened and the Serbs separated from the original diet that was more or less biblical, today would not have so many Serbs died of myocardia!!!

Offline Slobodan

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Re: Serbian History Books and other matter documents...
« Reply #61 on: July 01, 2012, 02:47:09 AM »
OK efendi !  Perhaps i got my facts mixed up! The serbs tied down 30 kraut Divisions thats the main point!

That is not entirely true. It is communist propaganda. Number of those divisions is lower.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Serbian History Books and other matter documents...
« Reply #66 on: July 08, 2012, 04:03:45 AM »
Google translate! I don't have time to do translate, so i did this,  its very clear what says in text!

Accurate statistics show the truth about the simultaneous expulsion of Serbs and the constant influx of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija.

 If you want to look at the demographics and to discuss the Albanians in Kosovo as the Albanian majority and the Albanian natural or not we have to go far in the past. No need to talk about the great rulers and the empire. It is quite enough to go back to the 1871st and already we have many different picture.

In a world of paradox seems to be the capital of Serbia, although the entire west fought the communist legacy of communism, and today are the same scripture to our western friends. Although the Serbs have always fought on the west side, with huge losses in both World Wars.

Today these are the biggest enemies of his comrades, to the extent that they are nineteen of them together, and by habit again bombed Serbia to form Albania - Muslim and narco-terrorist state in Old Serbia. On the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. As the little Serbian life and property sacrificed in the fight on the side of the same in America and Europe.

As the Balkan Peninsula there since 1945. year. We have borders and provinces which are formed by the Communist authorities of former Yugoslavia, and today they are untouchable, demographic and social conditions are seen as appropriate to Albanians.

No one mentions that the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija were in a subordinate position until the arrival of Slobodan Milosevic and a large rally at Gazimestan. Serbs in Kosovo live in fear, were harassed at every step and I will not exaggerate if I say that their lives were threatened.

Let's look at the statistics:

First - | - Albanians - | - Serbs - | - Other

1871 - | - 32% - | - 64% - | - 04%
1899 - | - 48% - | - 44% - | - 08%
1921 - | - 69% - | - 26% - | - 05%
1931 - | - 60% - | - 27% - | - 13%
1939 - | - 60% - | - 34% - | - 05%
1948 - | - 68% - | - 27% - | - 05%
1953 - | - 65% - | - 27% - | - 08%
1961 - | - 67% - | - 27% - | - 06%
1971 - | - 74% - | - 21% - | - 05%
1981 - | - 77% - | - 15% - | - 08%
1991 - | - 82% - | - 11% - | - 07%
2000 - | - 88% - | - 07% - | - 05%
2007 - | - 92% - | - 05% - | - 03%
2000 and 2007 to approximate the data.

Source: Statistical Office of Kosovo, the World Bank (2000), OSCE (2005)

During the 19th century began discrepancies in the population of Kosovo and Metohija. Some sources give a numerical advantage of the Serbs, the other Albanians. Turkey Census statistics are irrelevant because the numbered religious affiliation, not ethnic, and using the certificate.

Research Austrian physicist 1838th The Joseph Miller (Joseph Müller) has argued that the mostly Slavic Metohija, and further provides data for the three landscape units (district): Prizren, Pec and Djakovica which roughly consists of the entire territory of Metohija. The areas bordering with Albania have been most affected by the influx of Albanians. Of 195,000 inhabitants Metohija, Miller has registered:

114 000 Muslims (58%) than that
38 000 Serbs (19%)
76 000 Albanians (39%)

73 572 Orthodox Serbs (38%)
5120 Catholic Albanians (3%)
2308 other non-Muslims (and others from Kosovo.)
Miller's results for the cities of:
Pec: Serb - 11 050, Albanians - 500
Prizren Serbs - 16.800, Albanians - 6150
Gjakova: most of the Albanians, the city is surrounded by Serbian villages.

Maps produced by the French ethnographer incompetent (G. Lejean) 1861. shows that the Albanians have lived in about 57% of today's Kosovo and Metohija, while similar map created by the British travel writers Mackenzie (Mackenzie GM) and AIRB (AP Irby) 1867. , indicates a somewhat lower surface. Both cards do not show the size of the population than just the amount of space they occupy.

Study of 1871. Austrian colonel Peter Kukulje (Peter Kukulj) for internal use by the Austro-Hungarian army shows that Mutesarifluk Prizren (corresponding largely to present-K) has 500,000 inhabitants, of which:

Serbs - 318 000 (64%)
Albanians - 161 000 (32%)
Roma and Circassians - 10,000 (0.33%)
The Turks - 2000

It is estimated that 200000-400000 Serbs expelled from Kosovo Province from 1876 to 1912, especially during the Greco - Turkish War 1897th year.

Maps published by the German historians Kipert Heinrich (Heinrich Kiepert), Han (J. Hahn) and the Austrian consul Saks (K. Sax) 1876. show that the majority of Albanians living in the territory of today's province, but they do not show the population but only the surface.

According to these maps, regions of Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo Polje were settled predominantly by Serbs, while most of the territory to the west and east of the present province of inhabited Islamized Albanians.

The ethnic composition of Kosovo vilayet and Pljevlja sandžak the Austrian statistics published in Vienna 1899th year:
Albanians - 182 650 (47.88%)
Serbs - 166 700 (43.7%)
Other (Cincari, Circassians, Turks, Roma and Jews) - (8.42%)

20th Century

British journalist Henri Breilsford (Henry Brailsford) estimated that two thirds of Kosovo-Metohija's population are Albanians, Serbs and the rest. For the most populated area of ​​Djakovica and Pec reported to have between 20,000 and 25,000 Albanian households, according to the 5000 Serbian. Site Stedi Alfred (Alfred Stead) from 1909. shows that a similar number of Serbs and Albanians living in Kosovo and Metohija.

German scholar Gustav Vajgand (Gustav Weigand) gives the following statistics for Kosovo and Metohija, based on pre-war situation before 1912th year:

Pristina region: Albanians - 67%, Serbs - 30%
Prizren region: Albanians - 63%, Serbs - 36%
area Vučitrn: Albanians - 90%, Serbs - 10%
Uroševac area: Albanians - 70%, Serbs - 30%
Gnjilane region: Albanians - 75%, Serbs - 23%
area of ​​Kosovska Mitrovica: Serbs - 60%, 40% of Albanians

Metohija with the town of Djakovica is moreover defined as purely Albanian territory by Vajgand.

The population structure has changed a lot in the 20 century. SASA and its prominent member of Vaso Cubrilovic, a document prepared for the exodus of Albanians as the removal of Albanians, which was in accordance with the then population exchanges that took place in the Balkans.

Due to the complex political situation, the area of ​​Kosovo and Metohija was the target of the settlement of Albanians or Serbs, with the aim of Kosovo and Metohija integrated into the Albanian or Serbian society and thus become an integral part of one of these states.

Colonization during the 20th century is divided into three main periods:

Colonization of Kosovo and Metohija in the Kingdom of the settlement means, first of all Serbs and Montenegrins from the backward areas of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the period 1919-1941. years. (60.000-65.000)

Colonization of Kosovo and Metohija during the Second World War means bringing Albanians from Albania to Kosovo and Metohija. (150.000-200.000)

The colonization of Kosovo in Yugoslavia Albanian population includes immigrants from Albania. (1948 to 1956. Years - 40,000)

As we see from the above-attached, abduction of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia of today is not the idea, but the Serbs systematically suppress the entire space of two centuries, while in fact the Communists who have excelled in Albania caused between 150,000 and 200,000 people during the Second World War until after the war has settled about 40,000. Serbs have died in wars while the Albanians settled.

The roots of the mafia state of Kosovo

The roots and beginnings to create a mafia state by Shiptar drug cartels is a project that lasts for a long time, which is cleverly wrapped in the flag of Brotherhood and Unity. For the strong Serbian never even today was not the interest of the West and a large share in this vision and this nation has faith, ie. The Catholic church that Croats and even seen as a criminal NDH and its Serbs, Orthodox Christians always as opponents.

In the Orthodox world there protivreža Serbs would now be much more. In the near future, a good example of bombing Serbia in 1999. when Russia was treacherous regime headed by Yeltsin and Russia, which is considerably weakened and dropped to his knees.

Analysis leave readers, this is just one of many examples that if you make the passage from the text he finds solutions that can be completely different meaning and history of the conflict in Kosovo and Metoviji begins long before the 1981st year. So this is just another fact in favor of the thesis that the Serbs as a nation systematically destroyed for a long time.

In the area of ​​Kosovo and Metohija in 1871 were 64% Serbian stranovništva while today we have only 5%, we have suffered systematic genocide by the Croats to the Serbs than 1,600,000 today we have about 200,000. These are facts that we must not forget that we need to introduce our children to not be passed again through our ordeal, and to save as a nation. Because it is much easier to keep if you know who your enemy.

Marko Pejic

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Re: Serbian History Books and other matter documents...
« Reply #74 on: January 05, 2013, 07:23:42 AM »
awesome topic, so many docs and informations.
Thanks for your effort Crnitrn