Author Topic: Poll: Obama’s popularity faces record low with only 37 percent having a positive  (Read 563 times)

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Online Confederate Kahanist

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By BNO News

NEW YORK (BNO NEWS) — As many as two-thirds of Americans (67 percent) have a negative opinion of the job President Barack Obama is doing while just over one-third (37 percent) have a positive opinion,
according to the latest Harris Poll, which was released on Monday.

As President Obama spends the next week traveling around the country in support of Democratic candidates before this year’s midterm elections, he is currently facing his lowest job approval rating of his
presidential term.

According to the report, which surveyed 3,084 adults online between October 11 and 18, nine in ten Republicans and Conservatives give the job the president is doing negative ratings.

More surprisingly, however, is the fact that one-third of Democrats (34 percent) and Liberals (33 percent) also give him negative ratings, as do seven in ten Independents and six in ten Moderates.

People with higher education seem to be the ones looking more favorable at Obama’s job as Americans who give the president the highest positive ratings are those with a post-graduate education (48 percent),
a college education (47 percent), and those living in the West (42

On the other end of the spectrum, almost three-quarters of those with a high school education or less (72 percent) and two thirds of Midwesterners and Southerners give the President negative marks on his
overall job.

Even though President Obama is at a low point, Congress is facing an even lower rating with just one in every ten Americans give the political body positive ratings on the job they are doing while nine in
ten give them negative marks. While Congress may be under Democratic
control, even four in five Democrats (81 percent) give them negative

A larger scope of the American view point may clarify the unfavorable opinion of U.S. politics and politicians. The survey showed that just one-third of U.S. adults (34 percent) believe the country is going in
the right direction while two-thirds (66 percent) think it is going off
on the wrong track.

While not close to the low it was before the 2008 election – when only 11 percent said things were going in the right direction – this is one of the lower points of this year.

As the November 2nd elections approach and momentum seems to be in the Republicans’ favor for Congress (at least for the House of Representatives), it is still uncertain how Obama’s popularity will
affect the official polls.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Obama just said Republicans could go along for the ride in the next term, but they have to sit in the back of the bus.   Aren't we all supposed to be the President's people!