I never said Feiglin "is the answer."
I disputed your claim.
If he is willing to slander the names, and in the case of one the memory, of two Jewish saints just for political correctness, do you not think that that demonstrates that he would be willing to make unpleasant compromises?
I also never said that G-d doesn't put evil people in power, but you claimed that the reason Feiglin is not in power is because G-d is preventing him since he supposedly said something against Jewish heroes.
Lewinsky, Holemert, Hitler, etc. don't pretend to be great people or the answer. Feiglin on the other hand runs as a reformist, an alternative, a solution-maker. He presents himself as a figure of light, and yes, I do think G-d will hold him to a higher standard for that.
That's funny because shouldn't he then be PUT into power in order to teach Jews a lesson since you're trying to say he's so evil (chas veshalom - he is certainly a great man)? Make up your mind.
How is he a great man if he made a blood libel against the memory of one of the holiest Jewish men in history? Name three Israelis today that you know for a fact would be willing to sacrifice their lives right now to save other Jews from an Arab massacre.
And when you say we shouldn't aspire for Feiglin to take power, I think that's insane. If Feiglin did take power, that would be a great day for the Jewish people and for the nation of Israel. Have you ever looked at his platform and what he wants for Israel?
He's an improvement over Lewinsky and the rest of the current batch of losers. That's all I will say. Maybe he would completely crumble and sell out once in power just like Begin did. I can't prove that he will but he is secular and secular people, in the end, will cave because they have no deeper truths that they stand on.
JTF and hayamin disagree with Feiglin's strategy and maybe on some minor points but to say that it would be anything but a great day if he took power is just partisan blindness.
I would call the issue of making a blood libel against a martyred Jewish hero more than a "minor point".
Btw, name me those kahanists inside israel who would do a better job and what have they done compared to what he has done? A whole lot of nothing. Come on.
Michael Ben-Ari, Noam Federman, etc.