Author Topic: Fight the Chemical Companies and useful idoits fight against tobacco!  (Read 639 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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"Blended tobacco, water, high fructose corn syrup, glycerol, propylene glycol, sucrose, invert sugar, casing flavor, natural and artificial licorice flavor, menthol, artificial milk chocolate, natural chocolate flavor, artificial tobacco flavors, valerian root extract, molasses extract, vanilla extract, vanillin, isovaleric acid, cedarwood oil, phenylacetic acid, patchouli oil, hexanoic acid, vetiver oil, olibanum oil, 3-methylpentanoic acid, denatured ethanol"

Cigarette ingredients listed by L&M. The New York Times, December 28, 1997.

The implications of the ingredients are as follows:

 For everything sugar related (high fructose corn syrup, sucrose (misdirectedly called white sugar),  licorice, invert sugar and molasses) means cancer, hardcore, damage to male reproduction, and likely hijacking of natural female hormone production, meaning damage, and less hormones (good things, smell nice) when you stop intake. Propylene glycol is the main ingredient of jet anti-freeze, and will irritate everything on its way down, necessitating sugar and weird chemicals to mask the irritation, making things worse.

Valerian root extract: a drug, smoked and injected in Iran, among other countries. Super addictive, anti-anxiety, anti-insomnia, sedative. Large doses or chronic use may result in stomachache, apathy, and a feeling of mental dullness or mild depression. Because of the herb's tranquilizer properties, it may cause dizziness or drowsiness, effects that should be considered before driving or operating heavy or hazardous equipment. In some individuals, valerian can cause stomachache, anxiety, and night terrors. Creates cytotoxicity in the fetus and hepatotoxicity in the mother, meaning kills babies. Also attracts cats and rats like catnip, because it smells like their urine.

Isovaleric acid: ironically used in perfumes and such, after entering your body, is a major cause of "unpleasent foot odor" (the guy who discovered this won a 1988  International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists award) Isovaleric acid is corrosive to metals and to tissue (melts tissue from your body, like the tissue in your throat and lungs). Also chemically reacts with everything, such as cyanide salts, to create hydrogen cyniade (bad).

TOXIC; inhalation, ingestion or skin contact with material may cause severe injury or death. Contact with molten substance may cause severe burns to skin and eyes. Avoid any skin contact. Effects of contact or inhalation may be delayed. Fire may produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. Runoff from fire control or dilution water may be corrosive and/or toxic and cause pollution.

Cedar wood oil: Ingestion of cedar wood oil:  stomach problems with intense burning sensations, nausea, thirst and injury to the digestive system, liver damage (due to phenols), interference with anesthetics (they wont work), dermatitis on the skin, cancer (inconclusive research available for this but theres something there) intestinal problems and pregnancy complications.

phenylacetic acid (also used in the manufacture of methamphetamine) : Severe eye irritant, Skin and respiratory irritant, teratogen (hurts unborn babies), Cough, Sore throat, skin redness, Redness and Pain in the eyes, harmful to aquatic life, horrible odor, "The substance decomposes on burning producing irritating fumes.", May cause severe gastrointestinal tract irritation with nausea, vomiting and possible burns (when ingested). May cause severe irritation of the upper respiratory tract with pain, burns, and inflammation, lung damage, probably more ("The toxicological properties of this substance have not been fully investigated.") Lies. You chose it well rat fucks.

patchouli oil: extreme relaxation and drowsiness,  Stay away if you are pregnant, although research here is spotty, and possibly a sham to discredit this plant, it is also used as an insect repellent, so there are living things that dont like it, whatever that means.

Those stop "tobacco products" f***** should do their drop dead routine in front of parliament who bans its growth at home because of its smell, (a much bigger threat than the smell of toxic chemicals burning) allowing us to forgo the need for big evil corporation suppliers, or just get rid of these [censored] who sully the name of a plant that was used by native Americans, and much of Europe as a medicine for millenia.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge