Author Topic: Does anyone know anything about the British Royal Family's claim that ...  (Read 20375 times)

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Offline jazzloversinc

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Most of the Christians I know stand behind Israel..and feel as I do.  Problem.  Non believers have cherry picked scripture and thumped us to death with them..  and many Christians have the "turn the other cheek" syndrome.  They forget Jesus also said "I did not come to bring peace..I came with a sword.."  Sometimes you have to stand tough on your beliefs.  Christians are being beat down in the United States by liberal secular progressives, atheists and other religions who hate us and especially the ACLU.   The socialist agenda here knows that the large body of conservative Christians are really the ONLY thing standing in their way in achieving their goal of making the USA a truely socialist country like European countries.  They just have to break up those dirty fundamentalists.  I recommend home schooling your children in order to keep them from being indoctrinated into socialism through the government schools.  This is where it starts.  Please read "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America"  you can google it and read it online for free.  Jazzzz. 

Offline MarZutra

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I agree with you.  I hope to see the Christian "Fundamentalists" rise up and liberate America from the Socialist/Communist/Islamic/Elitist rot that has been destroying it and undermining America since the earliest days of the Union. 

You know I have read the DDA by Thompson.  If you go onto Googlevideo there is a fabulous interview with a man named John T. Gatto.  He is the auther of a fabulous book named "The Underground History of Education in America."   I'm sure you will very much enjoy that. 

I agree with you whole heartedly.  America has the same infection as Israel.  In all reality, I hope the chief Rabbi's openly call for the full liberation of ALL of Israel too in dealing with Amalek (enemies of the Jewish People) morally.  This includes Socialist/Communist Jews, Moslems, Black Hebrews and any other anti-Israel/Jewish group.  They must either be expelled or liquidated.  Eliminating evilness from the Earth is moral and too a righeous deed in the eyes of HaShem: Kiddush HaShem....  None of this "Turn the other cheek" Marxist/"Peace Now" rubbish.....but "Drive them out or they will become thistles in thine eyes and thorns in thy side" or better the logic and the moral teachings of Genesis 34 especially written within the Talmud. 

I'm sure you will enjoy the interview with John T. Gatto.  ... 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline jazzloversinc

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Thank you!  I am going to look for that video tonight.  I wish some of you would join my conservative forum as well on proboards.   

Offline David Ben-Ariel

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God saved King David's descendants when Jerusalem fell and will spare some when London falls.

God Save the Sons of Princess Diana!

Offline David Ben-Ariel

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So-called "British-Israelism" is utter nonsense.

Only to those in denial or who are afraid to be "confused" with the facts, thinking they're "all that" when the Jews are actually only a small part (albeit influential) of the big family of Jacob-Israel that is composed of TWELVE TRIBES.

A cult called "The Worldwide Church of G-d" led by Herbert W. Armstrong

The Worldwide Church of God was just that - the Church of God. Only those who can't debate the plain truth of the issues they stood for (like Joseph being the Anglo-Saxons) seek to defame it as a "cult".

For those honestly interested in the plain truth about Herbert W. Armstrong & the Worldwide Church of God (even if choosing to disagree on some things):
Herbert W. Armstrong Was Ahead of His Time!
The Plain Truth about Herbert W. Armstrong & the Worldwide Church of God

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  "the claim that the House Of Windsor are direct Davidic descendants"

Assuming for the sake of expanding our collective knowledge that the British Royal Family, including the Prince sons of Diana, are descended directly from David HaMelech, then why hasn't this "best known secret" been proudly and publicly proclaimed by the family members themselves?
Why have no members of the family stepped forward to announce their rightful place as citizens of, and rulers in, Eretz Yisrael?
Prince Charles is virtually a crypto-Muslim.
Lady Diana was outspokenly pro-PLO, anti-Jew, and actually working with and within Muslim terrorist front groups to destroy the State of Israel before the time of her death.
One of the Princes was captured intoxicated at a masquerade party dressed in Nazi regalia, and I am unaware of any Royal visits to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, or elsewhere in Israel.
It seems to me that if a person or group had publicly announced that I myself was the heir to the most famous and honored Royal Dynasty in history, I wouldn't be able to contain myself and would immediately step forward to proudly accept the honor with all that it should entail.
Or...if I was convinced that the group or person which publicly proclaimed my Royal rights was in error, I would most definitely step up and announce publicly that no such proof actually exists, and would ask the people making such claims to please desist from doing so.

The Knights Templar & others today claim that it is the French Throne which is directly descended from the children born to Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.  They offer a virtual library of maps, hidden parchments, secret codes carried home from the Jerusalem Crusades, historical timelines, chapels, churches, "best kept secret" burial places where they claim the bones of Jesus were interred in France, etc... .

Other European "Secret Society" groups claim that each and every member of European Royalty are the direct line descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.  Central to all of these groups is their credo that Jesus never died on the cross, but was taken down, revived, and then shipped off to southern Gall etc..

I have read and studied the writings of Herbert W. Armstrong, as well as those of the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, etc..., yet have been unconvinced that any of these "secret knowledge"  stories are anything but major ignorance combined with superstition, incorrectly translated Scriptures, and the desire to have membership in an "elite" hidden secret society laying totally illegitimate claim to what rightfully belongs only to today's Jewish remnant.

I have no problem with you believing or worshipping as you see fit, but I am personally unable to find credence in these claims of direct Davidic descent.

Your thoughts on the matter are most welcome.

I have been good friends with classmates who were followers of Herbert Armstrong, and I read every single piece of literature they presented to me, so I am not disparaging you or your faith, just ready to be enlightened if possible.


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Curse the "royal family" and their entire kingdom.  They and the French
are responsible for stealing from us our sacred land, for creating the illegal
and artificial state of Jordan on 80% of land that the League of Nations
designated as part of the Jewish Homeland, for barring Jews who fled the
German inferno from entering Eretz Yisrael, and for imposing a weapons
embargo on Israel since the 40's and selling Bradley tanks and other
weapons to the surrounding Muslim beasts.

I long for the day that I can watch on CNN Muslims razing Buckingham
palace and burning Parliament, just as the savages are now burning
cars every night in France.

Curse the British.


Offline David Ben-Ariel

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Re:  "the claim that the House Of Windsor are direct Davidic descendants"

Assuming for the sake of expanding our collective knowledge that the British Royal Family, including the Prince sons of Diana, are descended directly from David HaMelech, then why hasn't this "best known secret" been proudly and publicly proclaimed by the family members themselves?

I could think of several reasons, chiefly how many folks would be comfortable with a JEWISH Queen or JEWISH Royal Family? I've read Queen Victoria was more open about their Jewish descent, which means Disraeli would have been aware of it too. I think they should go public and return to the Torah as taught by Herbert W. Armstrong, forsaking the Babylon of the Anglican Church, etc.

As for the real or imagined anti-Semitism of various royals, that doesn't negate their Israelite or Jewish origins any more than it does for all those self-hating Jews, Hollywood/liberal and elitist/globalists Jews.

At least the Scots know they're Israelites. I'm doing all I can to help the British recognize the fact that they're also Israelites and are ruled by a Jewish dynasty, King David's dynasty, by the grace of God.

The Declaration of Arbroath

God Save the Sons of Princess Diana!

Offline ScotcH

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The British Royal Family are from Germany; not England.

They changed their name from their German Royal name to the House Of Windsor in order to be better accepted by the people of Great Britain.

As royalty has so often done throughout history, their official title is more often than not appended with grandiose hyperbole describing their "omnipotence", etc... .

Hence, in official ceremony, the Queen's long, long list of royal titles is pronounced; one of them being "Queen Of Israel".

They most definitely do not share Davidic lineage.

As to whether or not the Royals demand circumcision of their male line, I have never in my life heard any such thing.

However, it is rumored that Princess Diana attempted to circumcise Prince Charles with a kitchen knife when she heard that he tried to rape one of the Palace's male attendants.

Fortunately for Bonnie Prince Charlie, there was no end to the schmuck, so Diana knew not where to begin cutting.

I strongly concur that the Anglo-Saxon British Royals came for early Germanic tribes that invaded the Isles.  Similarly to the British Royal claims of irreproachable ancestry, the Romanovs of the Russian Empire also of Germanic lineage assimilated heavily into Slavic Russian Society.

Take even today, "Jorge" Wahabi Bush claiming to be a rugged TEXICAN when only a generation ago his family was among "the New England Elitest SNOBS" as he called his former Commie Challenger !

As much as things change...they remain the Same       

Offline MarZutra

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That is true.  Isn't Ghorge Bush related to the Windsors?  I heard that or read that someplace but cannot remember where or if it is true? 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline jazzloversinc

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I am also related to the windsors through my maternal grandmother.  Am I jewish too?