Hi again guys,
Jeffguy, don't worry. I read all the posts, and did not feel personally attacked. I have been visiting the JTF site for maybe ten years. Chaim's shows on MNN were one of the main the main reasons I've become so rightwing. I think he's awesome, and I am in no way jealous of him. If anything, I feel like less of an oddball for being a right wing Jewish woman. I'm just glad to find this forum, being that the JTF web site only updates once a week.
As for feminism, I have no problem with equal pay for equal work, or being treated with equal dignity. The problem with feminists is that they seek to deny any differences (other than the physical) between men and women. Like other leftwing movements, they want the government to enforce equality of outcome, rather than opportunities. I also hate the fact that they have defended child killer Andrea Yates, and that they let Terri Schiavo be starved to death. They also say they are pro choice, that women should have control over their own bodies. However they conveniently ignore the fact that control also means keeping your legs together.
Anway, I run a blog called The Urban Grind --
http://www.theurbangrindblog.com under the name Zelda.
I don't focus exclusively on Israel, since the other blogs I mentioned in my previous post do, and they do an excellent job of it. I also link to those blogs on my sidebar.
So if you want to visit and let me know what you think, be my guest.