It is a crying shame that the once respectable and upstanding United States Boy Scout institution has now been polluted by the stench of 'progressive' immorality. When I was a youngster, about 40 years ago, the Boy Scouts were looked up to as a place to go to learn skills, morality, and learning about co-operation with our fellow human beings. It looks like the homosexual deviants have forced this organization into permitting the sexually confused youngsters to flaunt their deviant lifestyle among the ranks of the Scouts. If they would attend with the intention of learning how to control their perverse desires it would be one thing, but it seems the intention is to say that such behavior is actually permissible and just another 'lifestyle choice'.
I used to camp out with the Boy scouts and I will tell you this. If they put me in a tent with a homo I just might have gone on the offensive and shoved my fist down a pansy boys throat to teach them a lesson. I am not suggesting anyone go beat up a homosexual but I know that people just are disgusted with such perverse sexual immorality and act out on such disgust. I would be more accepting of a Gay Scouts division of the scouts which would segregate these degenerates into their own troops, leaving the morally superior kids to continue their scouting experience without being exposed to homosexuality and its problems.
Man and woman are two sides of the same soul, and suggesting that a man and another man could fulfill the desires of the Creator of the Universe is just plain foolishness. It is certain that the dynamic of relationship between a man and a woman is a difficult one to say the least. But to just believe that man can be complete with another man is fantasy. Hashem is weeping at the decline this country has taken in the last 30 years. I cannot believe how bad this country is becoming.
My father, of blessed memory, gave many years of the end of his life to be a Boy Scout leader. In a way I am relieved that he passed away three years ago so that he doesn't have to witness the destruction of his beloved institution. I cannot see that the scouts will be a place to send young men to be moral and fit participants in the future...