(Don't attack me for this)
But from an angel or thought, why should Israel care about Iran's nukes? Why does it matter? Israel has nukes itself and Iran knows it. If Iran uses nukes on Israel, Israel can use nukes on Iran and its all over.
Iran is a threat to U.S. and Gulf States (and Saudia Arabian) interests. At the end of the day, who cares? Maybe it will drive oil prices up, but perhaps that is what will cause new technologies of alternative energy as well to be developed quicker and quickly as it will be a lot more profitable.
Seeing that Israel isn't its main target (except for ideology it doesn't have anything to gain from Israel) Israel doesn't have oil, nor a lot of land as well. + Israel has a great deterrent- NUKES.
Iran's main focus and profitable enemy and enemies are the Saudis. They have the oil, they have the "holy sites" of Islam that Iran would like for itself soo it can promote its "shiaism". Also some Gulf states run by Sunni's have majority Shia populations. Those areas will be the main places of war and strif.
In Iran's eyes and mindset war with Israel- Risk high reward is low (except for that amalikite irrational hatred which cannot be underestimated).
On the other hand- war with Arabia and Gulf states- risk is lower and rewards are higher, ESPECIALLY with the U.S. backing down.
Soo is Iran Israel's problem to take care of? Mainly not. It is the Arab's nightmare.
(Just a possible thought seeing from another angel).