Author Topic: Repentance Prayer for U.S. Jews  (Read 7918 times)

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Repentance Prayer for U.S. Jews
« on: April 26, 2014, 10:32:50 PM »

Repentance Prayer for U.S. Jews

Our Father, our King, we have sinned before Thee!

Once we were a nation devoted to Torah & Ahavat Yisroel. But now our faith is weak, Love of Israel is forgotten.
We have turned away from Thy commandments and Thy judgments that are good, and it has profited us naught.
Once we were a proud nation called American Jews, but now we have become assimilated, alienated, confused & ignorant in Torah.

As a nation that bore Torah Prophets, nation with Forty Centuries of history with communities in many countries, we were supposed to offer advice & moral guidance to our American Government. Instead, we became an aimless and forlorn clan, the shattered ruin of a once glorious sanctuary of Thy spirit.

For all these, O God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement:

For when the evil nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, we stood idle when our brethren were murdered. We failed to persuade American Government to confront that evil at the onset. We failed in Ahavat Yisroel. If we would have acted then, we could have prevented World War II, Pearl Harbor, the Holocaust & untold human sufferings.

Our Father, our King, You had waited for over Eight Years for us to wake up before sending our country to war.

For when the Oslo War broke out in Israel in September 2000, we stood idle as our brethren were murdered by terrorists. We did not offer any help to our suffering people in Israel. We failed to persuade our government to take action.
Our Father, our King, You had waited for the whole year for us to wake up.
Seeing our inaction, terrorists grew bold and caused a terrible tragedy to our country. If we would act, we could prevented September 11, the Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, our young soldiers being killed & wounded daily.

Instead of  advice & moral guidance to our Government, we foolishly supported the misguided “Oslo “Peace” Process”, “Roadmap”, "Two-State" establishment of  terrorist entity on Our Jewish Land.
Instead of peace, we brought more war & sufferings.

Our Father, our King, we have sinned before Thee!

We have turned away from Thy commandments and Thy judgments that are good, and it has profited us naught.

We grew arrogant in our sins.

Our Father, our King, we continue to sin before Thee!

We sit silently as bloody terrorists murder Our People. We sit silently as evil forces uproot and expel our People from our Jewish Land. We sit silently as a terrorist entity is established on the Land that You, our Father, our King, gave us. We are silent as our own government continues to ship arms, money and provide support to terrorists squatting in the Land of Israel.

Our stupidity will cause more bloodshed & misery.

Our Father, our King, forgive us for neglecting Your Mitzvot & Your Torah, for growing arrogant & materialistic.

Our Father, our King, forgive our timid rabbis who are ignorant in Thy Torah, whose lips do not speak Ahavat Yisroel.

 Our Father, our King, forgive our arrogant Jewish leaders who grew drunk with power, who steal from our community, who lie and deceive.

Our Father, our King, remember the merits of our patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
 Our Father, our King, remember the merits of American Jews who brought Soviet Jews to freedom.
Our Father, our King, remember the merits of American Jews who fought & died for the Land of Israel.
Our Father, our King, remember the merits of Rabbi Meir David Kahane, Irv Rubin, Earl Kruger who died for Your Name.
Our Father, our King, remember the merits of Yonathan Pollard and other American Jews jailed & tortured for Your Name.
Our Father, our King, remember the merits of charity of American Jews.

Our Father, our King, foil the evil conspiracies of hateful leftist cliques, false rabbis and pretentious Jewish leaders, expose their lies and wickedness.
Our Father, our King, give Thy wisdom to our government and other world governments.

We beseech Thee, O God, forgive, pardon, condone; have pity & compassion; grant us atonement, and subdue our sin & iniquity.

V’neemar Amein. Selah.