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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2014, 07:31:32 AM »
Found it

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QUESTION: The Gemara relates the tragedy underlying the reason for why Beis Din may not judge a king of Yisrael. Yanai the king was summoned before Beis Din during the trial of one of his servants who was charged with murder. King Yanai entered the Beis Din and seated himself. The great Tana, Shimon ben Shetach, commanded, "Yanai the king, stand on your feet and let them testify about you. And know that you are not standing before us, but before the Creator of the world!"

King Yanai responded, "I will not do as you say, but only as your colleagues say." The Chachamim were frightened and were not willing to be as bold as Shimon ben Shetach, and so they hid their faces in the ground. Shimon ben Shetach said to them, "Are you masters of thoughts? Let the true Master of thoughts come and exact retribution from you!" Immediately, the angel Gavriel came and beat them against the ground and they died.

As a result of this incident, it was decreed that a king not be involved in judgment; he may not be judged or give testimony.

Why did Shimon ben Shetach demand that Yanai stand up in the first place? The Gemara in Shevuos (30b) teaches that a Talmid Chacham is not required to stand in court, and the Gemara in Avodah Zarah (19a) teaches that the honor required for a king is considered greater than the honor required for a Talmid Chacham, as a Talmid Chacham may forgo his honor while a king is not permitted to forgo his honor. Why, then, did Yanai need to stand? (TOSFOS, DH Yanai ha'Melech)

(a) The RAN answers in the name of RABEINU DAVID that there is an essential difference between the two types of honor, that of a king and that of a Talmid Chacham. The honor due to a Talmid Chacham is because of Kavod ha'Torah, honor for the Torah. The reason why one must stand in Beis Din is out of honor for the court, which is also Kavod ha'Torah. Consequently, a Talmid Chacham is not required to stand in court, since his Kavod ha'Torah comes before that of the court's. The honor of a king, in contrast, is not due to Kavod ha'Torah, but due to the awe of a king and his authority. A king thus should have to stand in Beis Din because of the honor that is due to the court. Beis Din cannot forgo that honor out of awe of the king, because the verse prohibits judges from being afraid of anyone who comes to be judged (Devarim 1:17). This also seems to be the answer of TOSFOS.

The NETZIV also follows this line of reasoning. He adds that this is apparently why Shimon ben Shetach added that "you are not standing before us, but before the Creator of the world" -- Yanai's obligation to stand in Beis Din was because of the Torah's prohibition that the judges are not to fear anyone.

The Ran adds that when Shimon ben Shetach told Yanai to stand "and let them testify about you," he did not mean that Yanai should stand while testimony was being given, because only the witnesses are required to stand at that time. Rather, he meant that Yanai should stand at the moment that the Beis Din announces its verdict.

(b) The ME'IRI and RABEINU YONAH (and an opinion cited by the Ran) answer that Yanai had seated himself in Beis Din before the Beis Din gave him permission to be seated. Even a Talmid Chacham, who is permitted to sit in Beis Din, must wait until Beis Din gives him permission to sit.

(c) The RAN concludes with a third approach. He says that Shimon ben Shetach simply made a mistake.

The MARGOLIYOS HA'YAM says that it is untenable to say that the Av Beis Din made a mistake, and he doubts that the Ran actually wrote these words.

If this answer indeed is the Ran's, then perhaps it may be explained as follows. Although Shimon ben Shetach's ruling that Yanai must stand was in error, the angel Gavriel still came and smote the rest of the members of Beis Din. Perhaps the Chachamim deserved to be punished for their lack of willingness to discuss the issue because of their fear of Yanai, and they thereby transgressed the prohibition given to judges, "Do not fear any person" (Devarim 1:17), and they caused a Chilul Hash-m. It was for that reason that they were punished, and not because they misunderstood the Halachah. (In a letter to the MISHNEH HALACHOS, someone suggests that the Chachamim were punished because Torah law is determined by the ruling of the leading scholar of that generation, even if he is in error. The Mishneh Halachos, however, refutes the proof from this Gemara.) (Y. Montrose)

OPINIONS: The verse in Yeshayah (29:22) states, "Therefore, so has Hash-m said concerning the House of Yakov, who redeemed Avraham: 'Now Yakov will not be ashamed, and now his face will not become pale." The Gemara asks, where did Yakov redeem Avraham? Rav Yehudah answers that Yakov redeemed Avraham from "Tza'ar Gidul Banim," the pain of raising children. This is why the verse states afterwards that Yakov will not be ashamed.

What exactly is this pain of raising children, and what is the embarrassment from which Yakov was saved?

(a) RASHI explains that Yakov "redeemed" Avraham from the pain of having to raise the Shevatim, whom Avraham otherwise would have had to raise.

(b) TOSFOS asks that it is not a pain to raise twelve sons, as is evident from the case of Oved Edom who was rewarded with many sons because he took care of the Aron ha'Kodesh. If having so many sons would have been troublesome, then it would not have been a reward. Furthermore, Avraham himself had many children from Keturah.

Tosfos therefore explains that this pain refers not to the general pain of raising children, but to the specific, difficult events which Yakov suffered while raising his sons, such as the episode of Yosef and his brothers, and the way they went down to Mitzrayim.

(c) The MAHARSHA suggests that the pains mentioned here are the pains which Yakov had to endure in order to have his children. He had to run away from Esav, be stripped of all of his possessions, and work for the conniving Lavan for twenty years in order to have his family which would eventually become the Shevatim. Moreover, he was pursued and his life threatened upon returning from Lavan's house, and he faced the threat of war with the men of Esav. All of these things Yakov endured in order to have the Shevatim.

The IR DAVID adds an important point. He asks, why would one have thought that Yakov should be embarrassed? He answers that since Yakov's forebears established the Tefilos of Shacharis and Minchah which are obligatory, while the Tefilah that Yakov established, Ma'ariv, is only voluntary (Berachos 26b), Yakov's contribution to the future of the Jewish people was less important than that of his forebears. Consequently, there was reason for Yakov to be embarrassed, if not for the fact that he was the one who raised the Shevatim.

(e) The Midrash (Bereishis Rabah 63:2, Vayikra Rabah 36:4) gives a different explanation for how Yakov saved Avraham. The Midrash explains that Avraham was saved from the fiery furnace of Nimrod only in the merit of his future descendant, Yakov.

What is the intention of the Midrash? The accepted approach is that although Avraham was much greater than Yakov, Hash-m would have let him die and create a Kidush Hash-m if not for the fact that the Shevatim would issue forth from his descendant, Yakov, from whom a holy nation would be born. Therefore, Hash-m miraculously ensured that Avraham was left unscathed by the fire. (YEFEH TO'AR; RAV AVIGDOR MILLER zt'l; see PARASHAS DERACHIM, Derush Sheni, who discusses this topic at length.) (Y. Montrose)
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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2014, 08:40:05 AM »
One lesson taught here isn't the one I mentioned through kahane.

When it states that the angel smote the judges who looked down, the metaphor should be that they lost the world to come by not rebuking the highest of the high scary king. And so if a judge rebukes a king what's the worst that can happen?  He loses the here and now, but saves his sould.

Your situation involves a rabbi and Jacob the erev rav. I think it's even more relevant that he rebuke this traitor IN FRONT OF EVERYONE if he is really more than a kahanist. If he doesn't it will be a chilul Hashem. If he does it, it is a kiddush Hashem. And rabbi a good religious rabbi should know better ESPECIALLY a Jew who is an erev rav
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2014, 02:46:35 PM »
One lesson taught here isn't the one I mentioned through kahane.

When it states that the angel smote the judges who looked down, the metaphor should be that they lost the world to come by not rebuking the highest of the high scary king. And so if a judge rebukes a king what's the worst that can happen?  He loses the here and now, but saves his sould.

Your situation involves a rabbi and Jacob the erev rav. I think it's even more relevant that he rebuke this traitor IN FRONT OF EVERYONE if he is really more than a kahanist. If he doesn't it will be a chilul Hashem. If he does it, it is a kiddush Hashem. And rabbi a good religious rabbi should know better ESPECIALLY a Jew who is an erev rav

I agree, but not like that. Give a fool enough rope, and he'll hang himself. Keep fueling him with a thing or two and let him go on his liberal tirade for as long as you need it to so that when you respond, people will respect if you cut everyone off after and keep explaining.
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2014, 03:22:25 PM »
One lesson taught here isn't the one I mentioned through kahane.

When it states that the angel smote the judges who looked down, the metaphor should be that they lost the world to come by not rebuking the highest of the high scary king. And so if a judge rebukes a king what's the worst that can happen?  He loses the here and now, but saves his sould.

Your situation involves a rabbi and Jacob the erev rav. I think it's even more relevant that he rebuke this traitor IN FRONT OF EVERYONE if he is really more than a kahanist. If he doesn't it will be a chilul Hashem. If he does it, it is a kiddush Hashem. And rabbi a good religious rabbi should know better ESPECIALLY a Jew who is an erev rav

Instead of rebuking the traitor, I believe my synagogue will rebuke me for being the trouble maker.  I am now, officially, without any synagogue and my Shabbats will be spent in the forest, thanks to this traitor, Jacob Rosenblum.       Sadly, I think my Rabbi is full of it..  He won't stand up to Jacob.  My Rabbi (Now Former Rabbi) is is not more than a Kahanist, but it isn't event a fraction of a Kahanist.  Maybe ,he is a 1/10th of a Kahanist.     If he was more than a Kahanist, I wouldn't be having to do all this work trying to warn this community against Jacob.  He wouldn't have just let me walk away and he would have went up to Jacob and confronted himself, if he was more than a Kahanist..

I am very disappointed in the Chabad , as a whole.. I've contacted two Chabad rabbis who know this guy quite well and neither of them are willing to confront him.  Both of them were acting like I was just starting trouble.  One of the Rabbis, said "Why would you let this guy get under your skin?"   Well, for the same reasons neo-nazis and other Jew haters get under my skin.  They are bigots and have a hatred of my heritage and culture.     It is hard to sit across the table of Shabbat with a guy you know is hellbent on destroying your homeland.

According to Jacob, Israel is an Arab country and the land must be given back to the Arabs.   He says we Jews must apply for citizenship in their country, that we are guests.  He also says Hebrew, like English, is the language of the oppressor and that all these Israelis are just foreigners who have had their native cultures taken from them.

Now, the Chabad Rabbi asks, "Why do I let this guy get under my skin?"
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2014, 04:46:02 PM »
I think his open door policy is a good policy but that can only applies to people who come in good faith and want to take part of a Jewish community or at least Jewish experience. Jacob on the other hand is infiltrating the community so he can corrupt it from within he even admits that (except he would call it influence rather then corruption). He wants to incite other good Jews to join him in his campaign to boycott and ultimately destroy Israel.

Would your rabbi admit into his synagogue a J4J missionary who admits he comes to try and convert Jews away from their religion? I am pretty sure he wouldn't... if it's a convert who really comes in good faith and wants to learn more about true Judaism he should be let in but if he comes in order to missionize others away he would be shown the way out pretty quickly I imagine.

Instead of rebuking the traitor, I believe my synagogue will rebuke me for being the trouble maker.  I am now, officially, without any synagogue and my Shabbats will be spent in the forest, thanks to this traitor, Jacob Rosenblum.       Sadly, I think my Rabbi is full of it..  He won't stand up to Jacob.  My Rabbi (Now Former Rabbi) is is not more than a Kahanist, but it isn't event a fraction of a Kahanist.  Maybe ,he is a 1/10th of a Kahanist.     If he was more than a Kahanist, I wouldn't be having to do all this work trying to warn this community against Jacob.  He wouldn't have just let me walk away and he would have went up to Jacob and confronted himself, if he was more than a Kahanist..

I am very disappointed in the Chabad , as a whole.. I've contacted two Chabad rabbis who know this guy quite well and neither of them are willing to confront him.  Both of them were acting like I was just starting trouble.  One of the Rabbis, said "Why would you let this guy get under your skin?"   Well, for the same reasons neo-nazis and other Jew haters get under my skin.  They are bigots and have a hatred of my heritage and culture.     It is hard to sit across the table of Shabbat with a guy you know is hellbent on destroying your homeland.

According to Jacob, Israel is an Arab country and the land must be given back to the Arabs.   He says we Jews must apply for citizenship in their country, that we are guests.  He also says Hebrew, like English, is the language of the oppressor and that all these Israelis are just foreigners who have had their native cultures taken from them.

Now, the Chabad Rabbi asks, "Why do I let this guy get under my skin?"

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2014, 08:47:23 PM »
If it is like this, it isn't a Chabad but a chilul hashemabad
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #31 on: June 27, 2014, 08:21:27 AM »
Please know that attacks on Christians and Jews are going to increase, be alert as you were!  We will be persecuted and deceived..Thats what the devil's disciples do, they come into churches and Synagogues and gain trust and confidence, preach false doctrine,  and then the real agenda comes out, they are trying to gather support in places where people are supposed to be Holy, not anti-God and not Anti-Israel, eventually their mouth betrays their true agenda.  psalm 119:3 "Follow the instructions of the Lord...Do not compromise with Evil."  We are all going to be challenged to stand up for truth in this unpleasant world as it grows darker!

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #32 on: June 27, 2014, 12:01:37 PM »
The guy is a [censored] nozzle who supports our enemies.  Who says you have to be friends with him?  You did nothing wrong.  Just keep telling the truth.  Its a good idea to speak with your rabbi about it too.

Anyone who supports BDS is a piece of trash.

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #33 on: June 27, 2014, 03:33:37 PM »
The guy is a [censored] nozzle who supports our enemies.  Who says you have to be friends with him?  You did nothing wrong.  Just keep telling the truth.  Its a good idea to speak with your rabbi about it too.

Anyone who supports BDS is a piece of trash.

Kahane Was Right, in case you and others have missed it, I have started a new thread where I have exposed this traitor and have updated more of the situation.  The guy's name is Jacob Rosenblum and he is a Palestinian Nationalist who's mission is to lure Jews into West Bank and indoctrinate them into supporting the Palestinian cause and hating Israel.  He's part of this "Reconciliation Movement" which should truly be renamed to "Palestinian Submission" movement.

In case you have missed, this is the thread, where I expose all his information and share his vicious Anti-Israel videos and memoirs (which I have now named 'Mein Palestine').,76590.0.html

If you want to contact him or view his facebook page, here is the link:

This guy is very slick and well-trained by the Anti-Israel/Terrorist organizations he is part.     He has even won the heart of two Chabad rabbis whose shuls he has attended.  Despite my protest and adamant requests to the Rabbis to confront him, they seem to just want me to shut up about it.  They have told me that I am overreacting and that I shouldn't let small things like this get me upset and I should just be nice to him at the Shabbat table and agree not to talk politics.  They told me he is a Jew and that they cannot refuse him a home.  I countered their statements by saying those who war against Israel and the Jewish people are not considered Jews in my eyes.  What I would have loved to add, but did not have the opportunity is that Hashem will punish traitors and all those who tolerate traitors in their communities, unabated.

I've contacted a third Chabad rabbi who I was close with and he seemed to be disturbed about the situation.  He says he will meet with the Rabbi and talk with him in person and question him about Jacob Rosenblum.  As much as I respect this rabbi, who was my Rabbi at the previous synagogue I attended, it waits to be seen if he is just giving me lip service or really will bring up this issue. 

If it is like this, it isn't a Chabad but a chilul hashemabad
I'm starting to lose my faith in Chabad..  I have attended some good Chabad shuls, but considering that two different Chabads in the area have given this guy a refuge and a place to spread his roots.   Also, the Chabad I was attending seem to be functioning like a "Reformodox" synagogue.  The Rabbi never really enforced any rules and it seemed like anything could go.  Well, considering a vicious Israel/Jew-hating traitor is one of the favorite members of this shul, I guess that proves it.
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #34 on: June 27, 2014, 05:26:36 PM »
Chabad is a very righteous organization and should be respected. I know four Chabad Rabbis personally and can vouch for the organization and it's mission. I have been involved with Chabad for over 10 years, have contributed to it and made our community grow 5x since it started. It is very upsetting to hear people bad-mouthing this righteous organization.

While I support your effort EJA44, I cannot condone your speaking lashon hara against Chabad. Peoples politics should be secondary to the mission of bringing Jews back to their Jewish observance. I cannot believe that this guy speaks about destroying Israel over Shabbat lunch. Only after you have done some digging have you discovered these things, and you say he wrote them many years ago.

I think you should find a community you feel comfortable with. As I said before you should have been the one to work with the Rabbi and the community to bring this guy to the realization that there is no 'palestinian people' and no '2 state solution'. I know that in my community I was able to persuade all the main men in my minyan of this fact. All my Rabbis know my Kahanist leanings, and they all support my efforts.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #35 on: June 27, 2014, 05:36:30 PM »
Chabad is a very righteous organization and should be respected. I know four Chabad Rabbis personally and can vouch for the organization and it's mission. I have been involved with Chabad for over 10 years, have contributed to it and made our community grow 5x since it started. It is very upsetting to hear people bad-mouthing this righteous organization.

While I support your effort EJA44, I cannot condone your speaking lashon hara against Chabad. Peoples politics should be secondary to the mission of bringing Jews back to their Jewish observance. I cannot believe that this guy speaks about destroying Israel over Shabbat lunch. Only after you have done some digging have you discovered these things, and you say he wrote them many years ago.

I think you should find a community you feel comfortable with. As I said before you should have been the one to work with the Rabbi and the community to bring this guy to the realization that there is no 'palestinian people' and no '2 state solution'. I know that in my community I was able to persuade all the main men in my minyan of this fact. All my Rabbis know my Kahanist leanings, and they all support my efforts.

I am sorry for your feelings Muman..   Nonetheless, I cannot condone what this Chabad is doing..  If I must crushed by Hashem for defending Israel and the Jewish people, so be it...

Chabad are human beings and not infallible.. Remember, only Hashem is infallible..

You are also wrong in your statements that I just found out about him after digging.  He openly praised Rachel Corrie and the Olympia Food Co-op at the Shabbat table.. I simply said we should boycott the Olympia Food Co-op for supporting Palestinian terrorist groups that contributed to the kidnapping of these boys.  Then Jacob stood up against me and defended the Olympia Food Co-op and Rachel Corrie.  Almost everybody took his side and informed me I am uneducated about Rachel Corrie.  IT seems he has gained the respect and love of the community.   I felt outnumbered.  Maybe you won the hearts of your Chabad, but there is no way I will win the hearts of mine.. After sending many of the members of the synagogue messages about Jacob, they all have ignored me.

I apologize for criticizing Chabad as a whole.  It's a huge organization and I am hoping that Chabadniks will take it on themselves to remove dangerous people in their synagogue that seek to indoctrinated and convert people to their false religions, beliefs, etc.   

I don't want to turn this thread into a food fight over Chabad.. So, my goal is to expose Jacob Rosenblum and convince the Chabad rabbis to blacklist him from their shuls.    ANyhow, I apologize again if I offended you.
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #36 on: June 27, 2014, 05:58:49 PM »

I don't think what you went to was a true Chabad.  It sounds so awfully a Deform, Deconstructed, or Conserved Temple..  Or at 'best', an evil "orthodox" temple (like Park East in Manhattan).
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #37 on: June 27, 2014, 06:06:07 PM »

I don't think what you went to was a true Chabad.  It sounds so awfully a Deform, Deconstructed, or Conserved Temple..  Or at 'best', an evil "orthodox" temple (like Park East in Manhattan).

Dan, I think you are right.. I attended another Chabad where I use to live with a wonderful rabbi who I know is very devoted to Judaism and very Zionistic.  I am in contact with him now over the situation and hoping he may help talk to the other rabbi about this situation.

After doing a YOm Kippur service at my last Chabad synagogue, I did have a lot of respect, admiration for their diligence and felt it was a very nice and devout community.

I guess I am just frustrated because of my bad experience and how these two Rabbis at the other Chabads would not listen to my pleas about this guy.   Anyhow,  I agree I should not blame Chabad and will even seek out another Chabad synagogue to join one day.  My lack of income meant that Chabad was a good place for me to join, as I had no means to join the more expensive synagogues in the area.  The Chabad has done a lot to help me with Judaism and I know it's wrong to use this situation to condemn them as a whole. 

I am hoping, however, that I can influence some of these Rabbis to confront him.  If they don't , who will?
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #38 on: June 27, 2014, 07:01:09 PM »
Dan, I think you are right.. I attended another Chabad where I use to live with a wonderful rabbi who I know is very devoted to Judaism and very Zionistic.  I am in contact with him now over the situation and hoping he may help talk to the other rabbi about this situation.

After doing a YOm Kippur service at my last Chabad synagogue, I did have a lot of respect, admiration for their diligence and felt it was a very nice and devout community.

I guess I am just frustrated because of my bad experience and how these two Rabbis at the other Chabads would not listen to my pleas about this guy.   Anyhow,  I agree I should not blame Chabad and will even seek out another Chabad synagogue to join one day.  My lack of income meant that Chabad was a good place for me to join, as I had no means to join the more expensive synagogues in the area.  The Chabad has done a lot to help me with Judaism and I know it's wrong to use this situation to condemn them as a whole. 

I am hoping, however, that I can influence some of these Rabbis to confront him.  If they don't , who will?

Who? Call him, *67 your number and use a fake voice, tell him he won a t.v. and you need his information to send it to him, get his SIN number, make it known, and we'll see. If you think it's hard, I've pulled it off like nothing with Americans, most are greedy, gullible and action+attention seekers, which are all very easy corruptions to play on.

Anyways, the Rabbi is right, don't let him get under your skin. Put yourself in Rabbi Kahane's shoes, when the whole generation was worse than this guy, and he was basically the only one saying the truth. If you leave a shul because you disagree with him, you've shown that you're less comfortable in your position than he is in his.

Don't fear confrontation. It makes you stronger.

Rabbi Mizrachi: "Someone who gets angry or depressed has 0% emmunah in Hashem".

You think this guy is doing this to you? It's Hashem. Whatever happens to you is what Hashem knew was what you needed, and is the best thing for you. Confront him intelligibly, without coming across as an emotional wreak, which frankly you do here. Such behavior will do little to convince anyone of the righteousness of your cause.

Go there in the middle of the shabbat table, and as calmly and politely as possible, tell him to stop worshiping clitoris-cutters. Remain silent for the 1-5 minute explosion that will happen, ignore everyone's stares, don't be full of pride and get embarrassed no matter what is said, and then follow up with "they kill you and eat your heart" in response to the other 20 or so canned politically correct phrases people are brainwashed with about pisslam, and then engage in the conversation.

The guy that you think is bugging you isn't real. It's all Hashem, he sent him there to talk to you. He also knew you were going to talk to him before the world was created. If you start calling him bad, or what he does bad, he'll have to defend himself and may attack you. If you start saying how good Israel is and defending it, he will have to attack it (if he is evil). Instead, talk about how bad muslims are. If you get called racist, saying "I just don't want new Jewish sex-slaves". and you'll get plenty of ammo to destroy them after they respond emotionally to that.

The most emotional guy in an argument looses. Use those emotions to keep you from being embarrassed. But don't start blurting things out. Personally, when after a ten hour liberal tirade, some piece of garbage tells me "awwww don't talk about PALITICS" when I respond to one lie, I'd very much like to see how cushy their inner skull is with my fist. However, this serves no purpose other than them to say "see, I told you I'm good and people who disagree are bad". Wait for the animal to start talking his treason, and usually do so very smugly, then respond with a loaded comment. If nothing is said by the end of the night, say something like "with this much ahavat Yisrael, we'll be getting together kicking out the Terroristinians in no time", and then you'll have your chance.

Oh by the way, after you defeat him in this small, semi-private argument, it is unlikely that anything will come out of it at all. You probably won't even feel good after, and he is almost completely unlikely to change. There's also 1000 to replace him. If you see value in arguing with him, do it, if not, just go to the shul and daven the line about informers with extra kavanah.
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2014, 07:26:52 PM »
LKZ, your post was wonderful. I wish I could bring you to the synagogue with me to show off your stuff.  I admit I am not the best person to win the hearts and souls of poeple. I never went to that synagogue with the intentions of winning the hearts and souls of the community.  Rather, I went there to learn more about Judaism and have a community to daven and socialize with. 

I was caught completely off guard and thrown off my rocker.

Even though, I think you have a lot of good chutzpah and would be very influential, the techniques you describe will not work at THIS PARTICULAR Chabad.  The Rabbi already warned me to keep my mouth shut and not say anything political.  It's his synagogue and if I start bad-mouthing the Arabs at the table and hurting Jacob's feelings, they will probably ask me to leave.

BTW.. I have not been angry, but rather just doing lot of research as I have done here and sharing it with you and the other people.  It's true I can be hot-headed and emotional and it is my weakness.  Hopefully, this Shabbat, which I will do alone, I will pray to Hashem to help me overcome anger and emotion.   There are other things I am praying for, such as to overcome other carnal desires.  That was one reason I sought out a community to help myself become a more devout person.  I'm struggling in life, without a doubt.

Life is very hard for me , LKZ, just like for you.   I don't have it in me now to try to win over this Chabad.    Hopefully, one day I can be a better person to influence others.

There may be 1000 more to replace him, but he is a lot more intelligent than many of them and he is sitting at the Shabbat tables of my local shuls, so it means a lot to me to raise awareness in my community.  He is also part of the Rachel Corrie inner-circle.  The Corrie family are some of the most notorious Jew/Israel-hating propagandists in this country.  The Chabad blacklists missionaries and those who inssult the Rebbe at their shuls.  Why not try to promote the blacklisting of Palestinian Activists and Anti-Israel zealots..  As you said winning an argument against him will be futile, so why argue at all?

My goal isn't to argue with him at all but have him removed from the synagogue so he can stop missionizing people with his PRO-PALESTINIAN/ANTI-ISRAEL fanaticism.  The Reconciliation movement (aka Submit to Palestine movement) is much more demonic than any other the Jews are faced with, even J4J.

I have talked to one Israeli member of the synagogue who I have influenced with my message, the same as I posted here on JTF.. He says he is going to raise awareness in the community about Jacob and will confront him eventually..  He seems very moved by what I wrote and now is very concerned about him.  He told me that he thought of Jacob as a friend and a great guy up until I notified him about him and shared his letters and video.  It feels great that I could influence at least one person in the community.  I hope others will eventually listen too.

I am off now, Shabbat Shalom.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 08:06:03 PM by EveryJewA44 »
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #40 on: June 27, 2014, 08:21:22 PM »
LKZ, your post was wonderful. I wish I could bring you to the synagogue with me to show off your stuff.  I admit I am not the best person to win the hearts and souls of poeple. I never went to that synagogue with the intentions of winning the hearts and souls of the community.  Rather, I went there to learn more about Judaism and have a community to daven and socialize with. 

I was caught completely off guard and thrown off my rocker.

Even though, I think you have a lot of good chutzpah and would be very influential, the techniques you describe will not work at THIS PARTICULAR Chabad.  The Rabbi already warned me to keep my mouth shut and not say anything political.  It's his synagogue and if I start bad-mouthing the Arabs at the table and hurting Jacob's feelings, they will probably ask me to leave.

BTW.. I have not been angry, but rather just doing lot of research as I have done here and sharing it with you and the other people.  It's true I can be hot-headed and emotional and it is my weakness.  Hopefully, this Shabbat, which I will do alone, I will pray to Hashem to help me overcome anger and emotion.   There are other things I am praying for, such as to overcome other carnal desires.  That was one reason I sought out a community to help myself become a more devout person.  I'm struggling in life, without a doubt.

Life is very hard for me , LKZ, just like for you.   I don't have it in me now to try to win over this Chabad.    Hopefully, one day I can be a better person to influence others.

There may be 1000 more to replace him, but he is a lot more intelligent than many of them and he is sitting at the Shabbat tables of my local shuls, so it means a lot to me to raise awareness in my community.  He is also part of the Rachel Corrie inner-circle.  The Corrie family are some of the most notorious Jew/Israel-hating propagandists in this country.  The Chabad blacklists missionaries and those who inssult the Rebbe at their shuls.  Why not try to promote the blacklisting of Palestinian Activists and Anti-Israel zealots..  As you said winning an argument against him will be futile, so why argue at all?

My goal isn't to argue with him at all but have him removed from the synagogue so he can stop missionizing people with his PRO-PALESTINIAN/ANTI-ISRAEL fanaticism.  The Reconciliation movement (aka Submit to Palestine movement) is much more demonic than any other the Jews are faced with, even J4J.

I have talked to one Israeli member of the synagogue who I have influenced with my message, the same as I posted here on JTF.. He says he is going to raise awareness in the community about Jacob and will confront him eventually..  He seems very moved by what I wrote and now is very concerned about him.  He told me that he thought of Jacob as a friend and a great guy up until I notified him about him and shared his letters and video.  It feels great that I could influence at least one person in the community.  I hope others will eventually listen too.

I am off now, Shabbat Shalom.

Yeah if you haven't noticed, I was talking about embarrassing and humiliating people instead of influencing them.

You need a cause if you want to influence someone. Don't back down though, who cares if an Arab-loving shul kicks you out. At least ask him if he'd like to support that organization that rescues Jewish sex-slaves from Arab villages, say that the Arabs do horrors to the Jewish girls, and when he says "oh they're lying" or "oh that's racist Arabs aren't bad", share the low-lights from a story or two, and he'll still probably not change, but you'll influence everyone around him.
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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2014, 07:20:26 AM »
I have been mute on the topic. Let's be honest about Chabad. Chabad itself is great, full of great people, loving and welcoming. I know that when I meet a Chabadnik, I feel a strong comfort that this is an observant person. However, that is Chabad itself. The Chabad shluchim go all over the world to spread the sparks of Yiddishkeit to Jews of ALL levels of observance. This creates a situation where Chabad shuls and Chabad homes in the middle of nowhere towns are composed of very few observant people. There are exceptions to the rules. But honestly, would the little Chabad house in Pineville, Oregon be full of frum Jews?

I was telling EveryJew this before. I have been to several Chabad shuls. I remember being in a Chabad shul out in the middle of nowhere a long time ago, where there is no Jewish community and the people who visit this Chabad are very liberal, secular, mostly non-observant etc..etc. However, the rabbi and his family did what they could with a lot of caring and love. I know, however, that the people who attend only 2 families are actually observant (not counting the two Chabad rabbi's families). Only two families! However, Chabad welcomes them with open arms to inspire them to return. The majority of the people attend the events and enjoy being in a Jewish environment when they remember that they're Jewish but even then really don't do much in regards to building a Torah life. I could post examples but there is no need to disparage these people publicly, especially if we want to inspire them to change.

On the other hand, the Chabad shuls I have been to in an actual big Jewish community are majority frum. For example, I went to one Chabad shul right before Purim and it was completely frum. Another Chabad shul I am attending officially now has about 90% Chabad membership. I know for a fact that something like this Jacob infiltrator would NOT happen there.

I don't think anyone is saying anything negative about Chabad as a whole because of this jerk. Rather, it is this one Chabad house that has a traitor. And I am just pointing out that every Chabad shul will be different, depending on the location. Like I said, shluchim will do what they can but if they're located out in Montana or North Dakota or somewhere else, it is more likely that their shul membership will be composed of Jews who have a very small Jewish education or even small Jewish identity. In these people, out of ignorance would side with someone who defends rabid Israel haters.

In other words, the problem here is not Chabad, it's the people who attend because they bring their secular ideas with them. I agree in accepting them because they may be inspired to change. Chabad is admirable in that they're able to accept all people. They open their doors and B"H because of their welcoming environment do get to inspire a lot of these secular people into becoming Torah observant. By all means, their doors should remain open. Unfortunately, people like Jacob will get in the way.

I could not resist and looked up this Jacob person. I don't know what the limits are in baseless hatred but if this person is defending organizations that are anti-Israel then I do call him an infiltrator, traitor and an enemy!! Either he is a complete idealistic fool who fails to see the reality that his precious co-op is a boycotting entity and Rachel Corrie was a US and Israel hater (along with her sick demented family). Or he knows perfectly that they anti-Israel and he is just trying to infiltrate his ideas to the most vulnerable people: uninformed Jews at a random Chabad house where people are prone to be less involved (and easier to convince). I now for a fact that this man would not make it in the Chabad attend now.

I hope he gets exposed as the Israel hater he is! 

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #42 on: June 29, 2014, 01:03:09 PM »
I have been mute on the topic. Let's be honest about Chabad. Chabad itself is great, full of great people, loving and welcoming. I know that when I meet a Chabadnik, I feel a strong comfort that this is an observant person. However, that is Chabad itself. The Chabad shluchim go all over the world to spread the sparks of Yiddishkeit to Jews of ALL levels of observance. This creates a situation where Chabad shuls and Chabad homes in the middle of nowhere towns are composed of very few observant people. There are exceptions to the rules. But honestly, would the little Chabad house in Pineville, Oregon be full of frum Jews?

I was telling EveryJew this before. I have been to several Chabad shuls. I remember being in a Chabad shul out in the middle of nowhere a long time ago, where there is no Jewish community and the people who visit this Chabad are very liberal, secular, mostly non-observant etc..etc. However, the rabbi and his family did what they could with a lot of caring and love. I know, however, that the people who attend only 2 families are actually observant (not counting the two Chabad rabbi's families). Only two families! However, Chabad welcomes them with open arms to inspire them to return. The majority of the people attend the events and enjoy being in a Jewish environment when they remember that they're Jewish but even then really don't do much in regards to building a Torah life. I could post examples but there is no need to disparage these people publicly, especially if we want to inspire them to change.

On the other hand, the Chabad shuls I have been to in an actual big Jewish community are majority frum. For example, I went to one Chabad shul right before Purim and it was completely frum. Another Chabad shul I am attending officially now has about 90% Chabad membership. I know for a fact that something like this Jacob infiltrator would NOT happen there.

I don't think anyone is saying anything negative about Chabad as a whole because of this jerk. Rather, it is this one Chabad house that has a traitor. And I am just pointing out that every Chabad shul will be different, depending on the location. Like I said, shluchim will do what they can but if they're located out in Montana or North Dakota or somewhere else, it is more likely that their shul membership will be composed of Jews who have a very small Jewish education or even small Jewish identity. In these people, out of ignorance would side with someone who defends rabid Israel haters.

In other words, the problem here is not Chabad, it's the people who attend because they bring their secular ideas with them. I agree in accepting them because they may be inspired to change. Chabad is admirable in that they're able to accept all people. They open their doors and B"H because of their welcoming environment do get to inspire a lot of these secular people into becoming Torah observant. By all means, their doors should remain open. Unfortunately, people like Jacob will get in the way.

I could not resist and looked up this Jacob person. I don't know what the limits are in baseless hatred but if this person is defending organizations that are anti-Israel then I do call him an infiltrator, traitor and an enemy!! Either he is a complete idealistic fool who fails to see the reality that his precious co-op is a boycotting entity and Rachel Corrie was a US and Israel hater (along with her sick demented family). Or he knows perfectly that they anti-Israel and he is just trying to infiltrate his ideas to the most vulnerable people: uninformed Jews at a random Chabad house where people are prone to be less involved (and easier to convince). I now for a fact that this man would not make it in the Chabad attend now.

I hope he gets exposed as the Israel hater he is!
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #43 on: June 29, 2014, 01:41:35 PM »
I would like to point out, that when the little Orthodox Jewish boy need petition signatures in Texas. I reached out to everyone one I could in the state. You know who helped the most? Chabad and the Mason's.

Btw, anyone one have any recent news on him?
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: A Traitor at my Chabad Synagogue.. Please Help and Advise Me..
« Reply #44 on: June 29, 2014, 03:26:08 PM »
I'm getting busy with work, so cannot respond in depth.

IsraeliHeart, thanks for the post.   I want to apologize again for blaming Chabad as a whole for this.  I'm not blaming Chabad, but rather two Chabad rabbis who know about Jacob Rosenblum, have had him as an active member for years and refuse to confront him on his vicious Anti-Semitism/Anti-Israeli Zealotry/Palestinian Nationalism.  Even, one of these rabbis I was building a relationship with and liked him, so the fact I left his synagogue and caused him this grief, has made me very sad.

I want to say that I actually LOVE THE CHABAD.  It was the Chabad who got me into Judaism and when other synagogues told me I couldn't join because of lack of finances, Chabad was there for me and gave me a place to make tefillot and didn't charge me for attending the holiday services.  In Seattle, you could pay like $100 for a Pesach seder at some of the wealthy kehillot/shuls.   So, I will say how much I love the Chabad.  I was just very frustrated at these two rabbis for trying to silence me about Jacob and for ignoring my pleas to confront him and to stop his missionizing of innocent Jews to his evil "Reconciliation Movement", which is hellbent on brainwashing Jews, trying to convince them to hate Israel and join the Palestinian cause.    People should look up this Reconciliation Movement, where Jacob is a long term member and leader.

I have no problem with secular or non-observant or even liberal Jews at my synagogue.  I'm far from shomer, myself.   However, because I love Chabad and the fact that they do help these types of JEws is why I do not want ultra-radical Palestinian Nationalists in my community.  I don't want him around our kids or around Jewish people who come to Chabad looking for a community, only to be sabotaged by this parasite and become indoctrinated by him.

This guy Jacob is no simple secular leftist Jew.  No, he risked his life fighting the ISraeli government, going to dangerous areas of the West Bank and Iran.  He attempted to sneak into Gaza and join sides with Hamas.  He has served time in an Israeli jail and is blacklisted by the Israeli government.  For example, he explains how the Israeli border agent at the airport almost sent him back to USA and didn't want to let him into the country during his trip of 2007.

It is sad that this guy Jacob is using the Chabad as his host right now.  I have knowledge of two Chabads in the area he attended regularly.    I just feel I need to do my part to raise awareness and to do what I can to have him booted from the Chabad shuls.   Unfortunately, as of now, the Rabbi has chose to retain him and with his NO POLITICS rule he placed on me, I couldn't bring myself to ever go back and sit down next to him and pretend he is some Jewish brother, when I know he is a heretic and bent on destroying our culture and nation.   So, I chose the high road, I suppose, and left.  But, I still want to bring to the attention of the Chabad.   Being that the Chabad is a frum organization, maybe somebody will get involved with trying to ban Palestinian Nationalists like him from attending Chabads and spreading their fanaticism in the Chabad, itself.
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