This is from Torah, Israel's constitution. All other nations should include the fact that Ishmaelites are a bunch of hostile uncivilized wild asses in their constitutions as well.
While I think I understand what you are saying, I would like to clarify that to a religious Jew the Torah is much more than a 'Constitution' but rather a contract between the people of Israel and the G-d of Israel. As I was explaining to one of my bosses at work the other day. The Torah does not lay out a series of rights which are granted to man but rather the Torah lays out a bunch of responsibilities man has to G-d and to his fellow humans. Todays Western view is that the Constitution grants mankind the rights of 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'... The Torah lays down 613 rules of obligation while promising only the blessing of peace for keeping them...
I am just trying to clarify my opinion of the difference between a Constitution and the Torah.