Dear Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim;
For some reason I am unable to find where to post a question to Chaim Would you please send me the link, I did it twice, but only with your help, thank you. My family and I love Chaim. May G-d Grant him Aliya ASAP.
I would appreciate if you forward this to chaim:
Dear Chaim;
First, Chag Sameach, may you be inscribe in the book of life, and may you go to the holy land ASAP.
Now, my question - I hope you do not think, I am not an epicorose, I am not.
What do you think about the 'Jews, people' who think that the Jews should wait Until the Mashich comes and brings the Jews from all over, create Eretz Israel and Bet Hanikdash? In connection with that, we, Jews have been waiting forever for the mashich. Do you think the mashiach is metaphorical? That is something abstract, where we (Jews) will wait for him forever, maybe another 1,000,000 years? I know it is a fundamental issue in Judaism, non-the less; I have difficulty with the issue as follows:
According the tractate 'Chelek' the mashiach is to come any minute (every Jew believe that) also; the mashich is to be a great man in TORAH and many other things. All these, means he is living with us,(most likely a known man) otherwise, how can he come 'any minute'. I find it quite incredible that any men will be declared a mashiach - by (Jews?) and will be accepted by the 'all Jews'.
Thank you Chaim, G-d bless you and all that you do for our people, if only they will appreciate it. With much admiration for you leadership - Harel156