Marzutra: "I hope that this answers your quesitons and I posted a little something..."
Marzutra, you have passed over the truly important questions!
Please answer the following:
Question: When it's time for their "come 'uppance", which mongrels should be bullwhipped first?
a) the two fat yellow skinned bulldykes?
b) the 7 ft. spook with 15 lbs. of black blubber growing on the back of his neck?
c) Goofus & Gumby, the frightened 6'2" whiteys afraid to be the first on their block to do anything?
d) Kerry's campaign manager?
e) The jigolo?
f) All of the Above
Question: Once the bullwhip has "educated" the uneducated, which mutants should be tasered from 1" away from their butt?
a) everyone from the media in attendance?
b) everyone who laughed at the tasering?
c) the jackboot Fascists given dangerous weapons to compensate for their inferior minds?
d) all Mohammedans on the campus?
e) forget electricity...lock all of the above in a bamboo cage, packed so tight that any movement is impossible, suspend with a crane to "dry out" in the Florida sun, and come back in a year or two to view "The JTF exhibit of modern art".
f) All of the above
Answer wisely, Marzutra! This is your last chance!
From what I saw from watching the video, the guy did not do anything wrong as far as I could tell. If it were me, you or most of the others on this forum we'd too have been tasered for asking any and all questions we'd like to have asked most especially if it was directly posed to Mr. Kerry and his connections to the Skull and Bones.
What was done to this kid was pure fascism. Sadly, this kid being of the left probably will not think twice that it was his own ideological cohorts that did it to him just as the Bolsheviks that run Israel can't seem to grasp that the anti-Jew hates the Jew no matter if the Jew is a Nazi like Fisher or a Communist like Marx.... my two cents....