Author Topic: If Iran nukes Israel G-d forbid, it's with American uranium  (Read 1260 times)

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If Iran nukes Israel G-d forbid, it's with American uranium
« on: October 23, 2017, 06:52:47 PM »

Is Uranium One the Final Nail in Israel's Coffin?
By Pat Patterson

The awful possibility that Israel could end-up on the receiving end of nuclear bombs manufactured from American ore starts with the obvious sympathies Barack Obama has had for Iran. A simple review of the Iranians he surrounded himself with (think Valerie Jarrett), and the numerous meetings at the White House with members of the Muslim Brotherhood and you get the picture. Add Hillary's right hand aide, Huma Abidin, whose family was intimately involved with the Brotherhood, and you see even more proof. Although I suspect Clinton was always more for the money than any religious bent.

Obama hated Israel. From the date of his inauguration he went out of his way to demonstrate his fealty to Iran. From his disrespectful treatment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his feckless withdrawal from Iraq, to his botched attempts to rid the middle east of its "Zookeepers" in Libya, Egypt and Syria. Zookeepers being those countries leaders that had for generations kept the radical Muslim jihadists in check.  Remember, two of those three countries surround Israel. With the zookeepers gone, the Muslim Brotherhood could ascend and the assault on Israel could commence.

Which it did. In Egypt, with Mubarak gone, the terrorists started forming camps in the Sinai, and digging dozens of tunnels into Israel from which terror attacks would spring. Egypt's El Sisi dramatically overthrew the Brotherhood and confronted them. In Libya, after the U.S. bombed the country for months and Gadhafi was eventually killed, anarchy ensued and four American's were murdered. Libya is still a failed state because of that stupidity. But in Syria, Obama found a more determined opponent in Assad, and to this day Assad still stands, although a good portion of that country is in shambles. As for Iraq, although more stable once again with American forces aiding, Iran is said to have established a foothold there.

That leaves Iran as the last, best proxy to destroy Israel. To make Iran powerful enough to destroy Israel, they would need what? An atomic weapon of course. But how could they make one without the foundation fuel, uranium? Simple, give them some of ours. But it couldn't be done with a Craig's List post. It had to have the cover of a "legitimate" business transaction with someone other than the Obama administration. Who would be the best scoundrel to accomplish this task? Hillary Clinton of course. Why was she named Secretary0 of State anyway? Certainly not for her executive experience.

Enter Uranium One, a mining company with headquarters in Toronto, Ontario, Canada owning one of the largest mining operations of United States uranium. Acquire them and you would have access to the mother load of uranium. Who bought Uranium One and why was it for sale? Rosatom, a Russian State-owned enterprise, through its subsidiary ARMZ Uranium Holding, bought the company. Why it was for sale has not been reported.

Meanwhile Clinton, being no fool when it comes to rackets, demanded some "skin" in the game from the buyers and sellers before she and Obama would approve of the sale. The Mafia's got nothing compared to the Clintons.

So, the Russians (buyers) began funneling money to the Clintons through speech fees and direct payments to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One Board Members (sellers) began forking over $145 million to the Clinton foundation, and presto, the sale is approved.

And funnier still was President Obama simultaneously hashing out, in secret, a letter of "understanding" to allow, guess who... Iran, to continue its nuclear reactor activity unsupervised. No inspectors allowed. Some deal right? And any deal that binds the United States to international duties is called a treaty. And that requires congressional approval. But somehow congress forgot that and led by Bob Corker, worked around the Constitutional duty to approve.

But hidden in all of this is the fact that Uranium One stock had been trading for as low as 10 cents a share just a few years before. The price of the stock when sold? With the purchase of the company valued at $3.1 billion, the share price was about $7. Nice mark up and a serious return on their investment in the Clinton Foundation. And the Obama Justice Department quashed an active FBI investigation into this scandal through two terms in office.

Oh, and on a side note, how about the billions Obama released to the Iranians? Some estimates are upwards of $33 billion. Was there anything Obama wouldn't do to further Iran's goals?

And now we find that Rosatom has, through Canada, where Uranium One was headquartered, shipped yellow cake uranium out of our country without a license to do so.  Also on Obama's watch.  Where did this yellow cake uranium finally end up once it left our country and most likely shipped to Russia?

From ZeroHedge, Jan 9, 2017:

    Obama "Gifts" Iran With Massive Uranium Shipment From Russia Sufficient "For More Than 10 Nuclear Bombs"

    In what amounts to an 11th hour "gift" by the outgoing Obama administration to Tehran's leadership to keep the country, which on Sunday was involved in yet another shooting incident with a US destroyer, content and compliant with Obama's landmark "Nuclear deal", the AP reported that Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant. The move was approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments "seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact."

The Mullahs who head the religious dictatorship eagerly anticipate an apocalypse leading to the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam, or Mahdi, who will then establish a global caliphate, leading to a perfect world. If they are on the receiving end of the Uranium One ore, they might end up with the means to bring about at least the first step of the prophecy, and target the “little Satan” of Israel, next door to their client in Damascus.   

The writer is just a regular guy that likes to try and connect dots.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge