I use to wrigt in the Hebrew forum ,but I't seams that It's very important to wright about what's going on in Israel , so may you forgive me about my bad English.
The main thing of uwer bad situation as JUesh conunety are the facts that I'm going to say as follow:
1) the main anamy wich killing us day and night are the Islamic Arabs wich making ther'e children be a humen bombs , shutting rokets on Israely sites and citys and publishing a lot of lies abuot '' ther'e poor situation '' and so on..They want to dsroy us and make the land a holly Islamic land ,so they aave alot of monny wich comes from the Oil mideleastern arab states as saudy -arabia, qatar , Islamic Iran , and alot more... , This monney comes to them by U,N,R,A organisasion because thay clame to be '' refuges '' , How can they clame to be refugees and clame allso that thay are the oners of there otonomic land ( We clame that this to be the first lie of the Nazi Arabic moslem anamy of the world !) , and this is not enogh !! those despicable Nazi arab-moslems are taking monny for those who die a lot of tine ago claming there are alive and the U, N, R, A organisasion doesn't chacking for them because they taking there bride from the Nazi arab oil states ,claming they can't verefy whom they give the monney to , so IT GOES TO TEROR NAZI ISLAMIC ORGANIZASIONS !! thats for shure !!
2) The left party of Israel sales us to the Nazi moslem arabs by pressure of the United -states and Europe wich gives monney bride wich comes from the Nazi moslem arab oil states , that gies those states there oil bride too .
SO that is how they selling the real Juish comeunety in ISRAEL !!
of corse they making it '' white '' in the media , claming that we are a'' small party of mads '' so WHY THEY SHUTTING OUER MOUTHES ? THEY PROBABLY AFRADE OF THE TRUGH !!!
Exiled in his country
![Cry :'(](https://jtf.org/forum/Smileys/super/cry.gif)