Author Topic: Salvation in the hands of my rabbi  (Read 2465 times)

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Salvation in the hands of my rabbi
« on: August 26, 2019, 02:24:00 PM »

So the Talmud states that seven laws were enjoined upon Gentiles, upon humanity. Its declaration and derivations are evinced in the Jewish Bible. But, apparently, it was wrong.

I know. I know. I only found about this recently. I was shocked, amazed and surprised. It’s my duty, as a truth-seeking human being, to share it here, as a record of my startling discoveries.

So I was browsing, as you do, on the interweb, and I came across a video. I’m not going to embarrass the content creator by sharing it here. But the message was so potent, so utterly earth-shaking, that I could not just let it be. So, according to this video, the book, The Divine Code, is the standard for how Gentiles should live; rabbi Moshe Weiner is the authority on the noahide law; and any dissenting view, a view that contradicts the Divine Code, even if it comes from a rabbi, is wrong and not the way a Gentile should live.

There was a saying that I heard about the respect many Jews give to rabbi Moshe ben Maimon – Maimonides or RaMBaM. It says something like this: Torah was given from Moshe to Moshe. The first Moshe refers to the Moshe (Moses) who received the Torah at Mt Sinai after God used him to rescue his people from Egypt. The second Moshe refers to Maimonides referring to the way he made concise and taught the written and oral tradition, primarily in his work, the Mishneh Torah. So the saying means something like this, that God gave his Torah through one Moshe, the first one, and rabbi Moshe ben Maimon.

Now, from this content creator, it would seem now that the saying should be updated: God gives Torah through the three Moshe’s; Moshe, Moshe and Moshe. The new “Moshe” is rabbi Moshe Weiner, author of The Divine Code. If a person is not keeping the seven laws according to his teaching, then that person isn’t keeping the seven laws.

How did Gentiles live without him? How do Gentiles continue to?

So how was the Talmud wrong? Well, it taught that there were seven laws when in fact there are eight. I’ll tell you what they actually are: Injustice, Cursing God’s name, Idolatry, Sexual Immorality, Murder, Theft, Eating the limb of a living animal, and, most importantly, Keeping the laws in line with rabbi Moshe Weiner.

I highlighted the important law so that anyone reading this will be enlightened and not have their minds darkened by ignoring or deviating from the words of truth and the Mosaic (referring to the third Moshe) standard of righteousness!

Ok, let me take off the hat of sarcasm.

It’s almost natural, isn’t it? As someone was telling me yesterday, when you see humans do something over and over and over again, seemingly ad infinitum, it seems like it’s something basic to human nature. Elevation, deification, the well-studied becoming the standard. It happens in too many arenas of life. Science, education, polit … wait, I should stop myself. Politicians aren’t chosen due to being well studied. But they still get elevated and deified. Someone makes more of a man than what he is.

Look, the book from rabbi Moshe Weiner, the Divine Code, it had approbations. It was vouched for by significant rabbinical figures. It seemed exhaustive. It took effort, learning, sweat and sacrifice to make. I think rabbi Moshe Weiner is epic for such a magnificent endeavour. I pray blessings for him and for Dr Michael Schulman for their efforts that should better us Gentiles. It is not an insignificant work by far, and this article is not an indictment against them and their team of helpers in producing the book.

But what happens when the books of the learned reach the “unlearned?” What inevitably happens? The efforts of the fallible are treated as infallible. And dare any of the unlearned question it. We just can’t know enough.

I’m learning more about the aftereffects of Einstein and the people that idolise his work and become the greatest examples of the fallacy of reification. A concept called “spacetime” – a mental concept, a creation of the mind – becomes such physical reality that to question it or to reject it without having the necessary credentials from universities and the accolades of man is to call upon oneself insults and disregard. Even if you can’t conceive of space bending, if such a notion is ridiculous to you – space … bending … as if it were physical like something solid – you must accept what the experts say. Just have them explain what happened a few billion years ago to help you understand their “expertise.” Why? Because they know the true truth! The knowledge of God!

Feel free to bow to a science book.

So the book of the learned reaches the hand of the unlearned; the book from The Rabbi, Moshe (Weiner) Rabbeinu, reaches the hands of “the Gentile rabble.” We reach out, we stretch desperately, for the vessel of Torah wisdom refined, the divine law confined to paper, not holy fire on fire but as close to it as we unholy ignoramuses can get to it. The holy prophet was rabbi Moshe Weiner, and his word must, must, must be taken as truth.

Who is bar-Ron? Who is Zalman? False prophets? And Gentile naysayers, not who, but what are they?

But wait! The Divine Code was not prophecy prophesied. The first Moshe was the only one to have the most direct contact with transcendence. It is to that revelation that everything should be tested. And the Divine Code and its author, its authority is not based on itself but rests on the shoulders of others. So to see it as a foundation when it is far from that is a mistake, at best.

It is not the only attempt to communicate our divine law and obligations. He wasn’t the only rabbi that attempted to learn the relevant sources to communicate Torah as it impacts Gentiles, although he was one who actually focused all of his work on the Gentile divine law. He still isn’t the only one to do that either.

Even as Gentiles, there is room to ask questions. Even as Gentiles, there is room to reject what it says without fear of bringing God’s wrath upon oneself, especially if the book is not discussing one of the core seven laws, something outside of the realm of seven laws explication.

But one problem is that, for the most, the Torah observant Jews are in-the-know, privy to info Gentiles don’t know or don’t have access to. It’s hard to question things when they seem to have all the cards. Any attempt for us to read their books is met with “well you don’t understand it,” even if you’re the only one to have spent time learning in a kollel, even if you read commentaries on it. Apparently we can’t learn enough to do it ourselves. Apparently.

But another problem lies in a teaching shared with Gentiles: find yourself a teacher and accept whatever he says as the truth, the correct way. Yes, part of that can be found in the Talmud (“find yourself a teacher”), but to only accept his teachings as true, that is encouraged to “avoid confusion.” And it’s very true: learn from one teacher and get taught one way. It doesn’t matter if part of it is wrong, as long as it’s one way that avoids confusion (and some personal responsibility). Unfortunately, that one way becomes the perfect and only way, even though, innately, it can’t all be right. Remember, a non-prophetic human did it. The fallible seen as infallible, right? Yet it gets preached to others to accept that rabbi’s one way, almost like evangelism.

But does everyone do it? Does everyone (else) promote their own rabbi? Hmmm …

But if Gentiles are simply gonna accept the teaching of the Divine Code as if it is all divine law, what’s the point in me writing this? I mean, no one is gonna think twice with such a meandering and aimless article like this. But then again, I write this more for myself than anyone else. Just to remind myself, I guess. Remind myself of what? That people want to be led and elevate their “leaders?” That it’ll take something miraculous to not have Jewish leaders of Gentiles? That a Gentile may be forever too unlearned? That people may have made a new religion out of rabbi Weiner and the Divine Code? That spewing opinion is way easy on the internet (yes, I’m talking about myself)? That “human nature” may not be a cop-out explanation, and being a sheep may be part of it (not always a bad thing)?

Where was I going with all of this?

By the way, I’m not condemning all people who respect the Divine Code or see rabbi Weiner as their teacher. I’ve got to put out that disclaimer because, you know, we live in the age of getting offended.
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Salvation in the hands of my rabbi
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2019, 08:00:04 PM »
You pick a Rabbi and you stick with him, you don't pick and choose from this one and that one and make your own religion. If you follow Rav Katz follow Rav Katz, if you follow someone else follow them, if you don't like it switch to another one, but yes, if you have a Rabbi, what he says is gold to you, unless you are a Rabbi that answers to someone.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

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Re: Salvation in the hands of my rabbi
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2019, 09:02:17 PM »
You pick a Rabbi and you stick with him, you don't pick and choose from this one and that one and make your own religion. If you follow Rav Katz follow Rav Katz, if you follow someone else follow them, if you don't like it switch to another one, but yes, if you have a Rabbi, what he says is gold to you, unless you are a Rabbi that answers to someone.

I agree that a person should choose one Rabbi. David, the author of the blog and my good friend, prefers to learn many sources and do the best with them.
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Salvation in the hands of my rabbi
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2019, 03:53:15 AM »
I agree that a person should choose one Rabbi. David, the author of the blog and my good friend, prefers to learn many sources and do the best with them.

You should learn from every source you can find. How are you going to know where to switch? In the first place, it's Torah. However, when it comes to practical laws, there are complex reasons why one will allow this and not that, and they compliment each other. You must practice what your Rabbi tells you, learn everything though.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge