Everybody knows about this mix of different drugs maybe combined with alcohol. It has contributed to his death. But the unprofessional handeling of the Democrat controlled police in Minneapolis finished him.
My best friend is with the police force in Hamburg. He is an comissed officer there. He told me in cases like this they contact the public health officer who then allowes them to contact the psychatric clinic. They send some professional employees there with an ambulance and then he goes for 14 days there locked up to supervise him. This drug and alcohol addicts need a special treatment. Otherwise they die easily. To kneel on their neck is not the right procedure. Better to put them in a comfortable position till the doctor arrives. With all the police officers in place there this would be no problem. Then he gets tied to a special bed and transported.
The Democrats there must invest more in training of the police force. Otherwise it will repeat.
He told me even if they get sober they can die easily. This called dilirium. To prevent this they get special drugs by the psychatrist.