Dear Chaim
Thank you for your answer to last weeks question, I also agree, no negotiating, no releasing prisoners, just brute force, even starving them and their people to death to get those boys back!
Why are our schools allowed to teach our children history which, although accepted by many thanks to our PC media is FACTUALLY incorrect. I have just come from a meeting with my sons school prinicpal and a member of the school board, they are concerned because in a social studies class, during a current events discussion, my son challenged the teacher when he kept talking about "pal-estine" telling the teacher that such a place has never existed, he backed up his statement with facts, even telling the teacher how that word came to be (Adam is 11), the teacher removed him from the remainder of the class discussion. My son was asked by the teacher where he got such ideas, he told him "my mom, plus Ive researched it online, anyone can, even you" I was called in for a meeting with the teacher last week, and told him that I was right, he was wrong, and I would not tolerate my child being taught history that was incorrect, just because it is the PC thing to do, the teacher and I had a few choice words, but I did not back down. Because my son brought the subject up, evidently other children in the class questioned the story of "pal-estine" as well (my son told the teacher and class that it is the 'biggest mass lie ever told and believed by the masses in history') which was what todays meeting with the principal and board official was about, the fact that because of me there are now several children in that class who have "racist" views, and it is not correct to say that an entire people "have never and do not now" exist. I told them that the REAL facts are there for anyone who wants to see them, and I made no apologies and will not back off, and that if this was going to be the case that I would have to think about taking him out of school, and if I cant find a suitable school, then home school him. How can we get our schools to start teaching what is RIGHT not what is PC?
Thank you very much!