Author Topic: "The Black Hebrews"  (Read 15017 times)

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"The Black Hebrews"
« on: August 24, 2006, 03:02:49 PM »
On my recent trip to Israel, I visited Dimona. I walked by the "Black Hebrew" ghetto there. Dimona is the poorest town in Israel in the middle of the desert. There are flies all over and pigeons were on the ice cream freezers in front of stores. After I saw the dirty conditions in the Jewish section, I walked by "da broddas" and they live there just like in Africa. They live in the poorest part of the poorest town in Israel. They wear affirmative action "Black Hebrew" garments and they speak just like the blacks in The United States. Their kids were playing baseball in a field by their "religious" center. Then I saw the shacks they live in. They call it "The Village of Peace". They probably think it's Africa. I heard they consider Israel to be in Africa. It's true that The Greater Land of Israel includes part of Africa up to The Nile River up to the the line of latitude where The Euphrates River empties into The Persian Gulf but even that part of Africa is not black. North Africa is white. Even Ethiopia and East Africa were white until Negro invaders arrived.

They also fast on Shabbat and don't eat meat. They claim to be Jewish yet they don't keep Judaism and therefore fast on Shabbat when it is a commandment to eat on Shabbat. What morons they are.

Why does Israel let them stay and spread their affirmative action filth? Do you think there are flies and pigeons all over Dimona because of The Black Hebrews?

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2006, 06:58:53 PM »
Dimona is where the nukes are, right?  ;)

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2006, 02:53:59 AM »
Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim , i can surely tell you that the fast thing is extremely unpopular by other Ethiopian communities here, although the "ghetto" environment is. i live in the Kerayot, just north of Haifa, and its very prominent here. every black kid dresses like the "brothers" from the US, these over sized shirts, the rap crap music, they even spray names of rappers on walls here. i would define their children's way of life as "wild" as they cause damage on the streets, beat up cats (i always act against them when i see it) and stuff like that. however, the elders seem to be very rational, extremely polite, the youth goes to elite army units, and they are very devoted to the country and to how they see Judaism.
They have been so separated from the Babylon and the Jerusalem Jewish communities (which made all the halacha as you know) that they developed some of their own "halacha", which as you noted contradicts the main one in some cases.
I believe they need some more time to adapt to Israeli way of living, and i guess they would change some of their ways of worship, although i dont know enough to judge their fasts or other deviations from halacha. I surely believe they must stay here, and we must help them develop in the right way- thats my opinion anyway.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2006, 07:29:42 AM by NeverMore »

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2006, 10:35:42 AM »
If you watch cable and see some of the afro-centric shows you will see these primitives saying that they are the 'real Hebrews', if you really want to have a good laugh go to the 'zulu nation' site (just google zulu nation, black hebrews etc). They teach this made up history in schools. If you speak out you will be called a racist. I DON'T CARE IF THEY CALL ME A RACIST. IT DOESN'T SCARE ME TOO MUCH ANYMORE! They have twisted that word around so much it has lost any relation to the dictionary. I read in an afro-centric textbook that blacks are afro-asiatic-hebrews. These screwball theories are accepted by black scholars such as dr. john henrick clark (the man with no degrees), cornel west (the man who has phoney degrees), dr. ben ( a real nut case), ivan van sertima (who claims that the darkies were world travellers who taught the south americans how to build pyramids), henry gates (who has a ugly, stringy oily haired, fat white wife) and bill cosby (the man who has never been in a classroom but was awarded a masters and a ph.d in ONE DAY for his fat albert cartoon creature. I hope you remember when the crack ho nitwit houston went with her gangsta mate boobie brown to Isarael and stopped off to see the black hebrews. It was hilarious. She was so stoned. I do believe that the chief of the tribe made her a queen. You can't make up this stuff.

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2006, 11:50:09 AM »
Yacov, sorry for the misunderstanding, altough from what i see from the Ethiopian Jews, they bare resemblance to the black hebrews in the few ways i mentioned.

Do you live in Kiriat Yam? I've seen Ethiopians there.
hehe, its rather funny for me to hear this, because there are a lot of Ethiopians in the rest of the Kerayot either. in Kiriat yam there's an aliya center that provides residence for the olim hadashim (the new immigrants- for the non speakers), where a lot of Ethiopians live. a lot of them also live in my town, which is Kiriat Bialik.

sorry for the ignorance, but could you say some more details about these black hebrews, for those of us who aren't familiar with the subject?
« Last Edit: August 26, 2006, 12:02:52 PM by NeverMore »

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2006, 05:56:16 PM »
Why not just assign the area that the "He-be-a-bro's" live in to the Palestinain Authority if they don't seem to accept white Jews as equals ? ;D

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2006, 05:19:22 PM »
u come a lot to Israel?

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2006, 06:27:41 PM »
beat up cats (i always act against them when i see it)

'People' who attack cats in youth have a much higher probability of growing up psychopathic, murderous, violent, perverted, etc.

The L-rd demonstrates his sore displeasure by putting outward signs on the body so as to show other people the viciousness which reposes inside.  Thus it is, that black skin is a portent of an evilness of character which only true conversion to Torah can clean away.

But I strongly suspect that no pure-blooded negro has enough brainpower to behave like a human being.


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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2006, 11:24:10 AM »
beat up cats (i always act against them when i see it)

'People' who attack cats in youth have a much higher probability of growing up psychopathic, murderous, violent, perverted, etc.

A person is ALREADY psychopathic if they are harming innocent creatures, NOT the otherway around.

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2006, 04:36:10 AM »
On my recent trip to Israel, I visited Dimona. I walked by the "Black Hebrew" ghetto there. Dimona is the poorest town in Israel in the middle .....The Black Hebrews?
The Black Hebrews? Aren't they the apes on 14/34/42st screaming Jesus was a black man?  Aren't they the gorillas wearing the monkey suits?

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2006, 09:08:35 AM »
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2006, 06:58:16 AM »
beat up cats (i always act against them when i see it)

'People' who attack cats in youth have a much higher probability of growing up psychopathic, murderous, violent, perverted, etc.

The L-rd demonstrates his sore displeasure by putting outward signs on the body so as to show other people the viciousness which reposes inside.  Thus it is, that black skin is a portent of an evilness of character which only true conversion to Torah can clean away.

But I strongly suspect that no pure-blooded negro has enough brainpower to behave like a human being.

[censored], starting from your second line and on. pure racism.

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2006, 08:57:37 AM »
[censored], starting from your second line and on. pure racism.

Go to: are you going to try and disprove anything I said or are you just some kind of imbecile?

I've already said I am fond of the Ethiopian Jewry.  I simply said that pure-blooded negroes are beasts, brutes of the field, which is certainly true.

African-Americans are on the average 15% WHITE because of inter-racial mixture between abolitionist white women and manumitted black men, white slave owners and female slaves, etc.

But the African negro is a menace but then again so is the average European.  THey suit each other.  I hope Europe is miscegenated and invaded until it becomes an annexe of black Africa. 

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2006, 09:39:50 AM »
are you going to try and disprove anything I said or are you just some kind of imbecile?

now that wanst pretty at all.
i will always stand against all kind of racism- dont forget that only 60 years ago Jews were the lower race (and absolutely not the "high white race" and other crap like that) all over europe... time passed and now, Jews use the same kind of racism against other races. that cant be good i think "life's a boomerang" symbolizes what im trying to say. please, unless you are a friend of the KKK dont say that true blacks are like beasts- thats VERY wrong, just because they kicked your butt in school doesnt mean they are all the same. saying that their sin is being black... no, i cant agree with you on that. i agree that a lot of afro- americans cause trouble, sure i agree (even though im not from US). but being racist and not treating other races as equal HUMNs is the worship of satan, thee get it?

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2006, 09:56:10 AM »

now that wanst pretty at all.
i will always stand against all kind of racism- dont forget that only 60 years ago Jews were the lower race (and absolutely not the "high white race" and other crap like that) all over europe... time passed and now, Jews use the same kind of racism against other races. that cant be good i think "life's a boomerang" symbolizes what im trying to say. please, unless you are a friend of the KKK dont say that true blacks are like beasts- thats VERY wrong, just because they kicked your butt in school doesnt mean they are all the same. saying that their sin is being black... no, i cant agree with you on that. i agree that a lot of afro- americans cause trouble, sure i agree (even though im not from US). but being racist and not treating other races as equal HUMNs is the worship of satan, thee get it?

You are absolutely right about white violence against non-whites.

Dark-haired people were vilified as being 'non-Aryan' even in the immediate years after the second world war.  The racial myth was strong in Europe but today the pendulum has swung too far back in the other direction.

Listen, I hardly even consider myself to be 'white'.  To me 'white' is more of a club than a racial grouping.

And I already told you that I love and adore many black people.

Look, I am really NOT a racial supremacist.  I just notice that the MAJORITY of blacks, esp. black males, behave like absolute beasts.  Black men seem to fail in life so often because all of their efforts go towards pestering and harrassing white women, usually blondes.

Why does noticing this evil behaviour prevalent among young negroes make me 'less Jewish' or a hater?

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2006, 10:09:41 AM »

now that wanst pretty at all.
i will always stand against all kind of racism- dont forget that only 60 years ago Jews were the lower race (and absolutely not the "high white race" and other crap like that) all over europe... time passed and now, Jews use the same kind of racism against other races. that cant be good i think "life's a boomerang" symbolizes what im trying to say. please, unless you are a friend of the KKK dont say that true blacks are like beasts- thats VERY wrong, just because they kicked your butt in school doesnt mean they are all the same. saying that their sin is being black... no, i cant agree with you on that. i agree that a lot of afro- americans cause trouble, sure i agree (even though im not from US). but being racist and not treating other races as equal HUMNs is the worship of satan, thee get it?

You are absolutely right about white violence against non-whites.

Dark-haired people were vilified as being 'non-Aryan' even in the immediate years after the second world war.  The racial myth was strong in Europe but today the pendulum has swung too far back in the other direction.

Listen, I hardly even consider myself to be 'white'.  To me 'white' is more of a club than a racial grouping.

And I already told you that I love and adore many black people.

Look, I am really NOT a racial supremacist.  I just notice that the MAJORITY of blacks, esp. black males, behave like absolute beasts.  Black men seem to fail in life so often because all of their efforts go towards pestering and harrassing white women, usually blondes.

Why does noticing this evil behaviour prevalent among young negroes make me 'less Jewish' or a hater?

it surely doesnt make you "less jewish" or a hater, as long as you continue to state it in this manner. but, if you put it like you said before:
But I strongly suspect that no pure-blooded negro has enough brainpower to behave like a human being.

... see what i mean? that looks rather bad. however, if i got what you really mean- then the only thing i would oppose is the way you express your views, which is rather too extreme and bears resemblence to the way the nazis portraited Jews. dont you think so?
« Last Edit: September 06, 2006, 11:18:54 AM by NeverMore »

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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2006, 10:52:51 PM »
Blacks were made blacks as a punishment. Ham molested his father so his Kushitic descendants were cursed and made black. But Canaan was singled out even though Canaan himself was white. He was a white Hamite like The Ancient Egyptians which JTF does a good job of pointing out in the Africa articles.

I am glad you pointed this out, because many here do not seem to hold this belief.

One can be justified in preserving one's race, because that is within one's control and it is a way of perpetuating the racial groups that G-d created.  It seems to me that G-d is usually punishing a group of people when he causes to dilute their gene pool with foreign blood.  But it is not good to be 'proud' of one's race, because this is actually like taking the credit for one's creation (formation of genetic matter).  I give thanks to G-d for making me not black.


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Re: "The Black Hebrews"
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2006, 06:34:23 PM »
Baruch Ata Hashem, Elokeinu Melech HaOlam, She'Lo Asa Li Kushi.

Blessed are You G-d, King of The Universe, Who Has Not Made Me a Negro.

G-d is good!