Author Topic: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.  (Read 15206 times)

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Pharaoh making us numbers
« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2007, 03:58:00 AM »
Chaim, a week or two ago you mentioned the Pharaoh was evil to make Jews into numbers(instead of names). You then went on to say its ok for the government to have social security numbers. isn't the social security number the same as what the Pharaoh wanted to do?

It's true that some sort of Id is needed for people as you mentioned. The social security or social insurance numbers from US/Canada are evil though.

I tend to agree with about 95% of what you say Chaim. In this instance I was taken aback to hear you say such a thing.

Just had to make my peace on the subject.
Since I'm here I'd also like to say I consider you my Rabbi. Your an inspiration and have given many interesting stories. Shalom :-)

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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2007, 09:43:51 AM »
Reserved for me.

Happy birthday Chaim!

Offline Mishmaat

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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2007, 02:07:10 PM »
Happy Birthday Chaim!

What is your favorite non-religious book? What is the most recent non-religious book you've finished reading?
« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 12:09:01 PM by Yirmiyahu Ben Moshe »

Offline Daniel

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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2007, 09:11:13 PM »
Yom huledet sameach, Chaim!

Have you seen any of the youtube videos of that psycho loser "Summyf"? He looks like some type of American version of Roni who is obsessed and preoccupied with Chaim ben Pesach and JTF. Do you think he's actually helping us by giving us more exposure? Should we flag him or should we encourage him to make more videos since that can only serve to help JTF?


Offline tykus1

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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2007, 09:06:30 PM »
Happy Birthday Chaim!

It's been a while since I last posted.  I believe in educating people about the issues and world around them.  How do you educate relatively intelligent people who have their heads in the sand about the world around them?  I recently entered into a conversation regarding the serious issues confronting this Nation, Israel and the world in general.  It seems that people do not want to think anymore and select one issue to vote on!  How do we overcome this way of thinking?  It appears that we are all living in one of those sci-fi horror movies where the majority of people have been brainwashed!

Hashem give us strength.

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #30 on: December 21, 2007, 08:49:30 AM »
Dear Chaim,

                    Oprah Winfrey and Denzl Washington are putting out a movie called "The Great Debaters" about an all-black debating team that went around debating white debating teams.

They have already admitted that they changed the big debate opponent from USC to Harvard to make it seem that blacks beat the Harvard debating team and also that they have no notes or transcripts to base themselves on and all of the debates were no-decision debates because the whites didn't want it put in the record that they lost to blacks.

Chaim, do you think that this is true? Did an all black college have a debating team that ran around beating white and ivy league colleges in debates?
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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2007, 07:24:20 PM »
Happy Bday Chaim,
   Did you ever find any schwartza shows to be funny like Sanford and Son?

Joe Schmo

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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2007, 10:28:05 PM »
Happy Birthday, Chaim!:

Do you have any plans for your birthday?


Offline ItalianZionist

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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #33 on: December 23, 2007, 09:59:33 AM »
Happy Birthday Chaim.
  In the book of Maccabees we have this quote: "It has been found in writing concerning the Spartans and the Jews that they are brethren and are of the family of Abraham.’ (Maccabees I 12:21)" Also, the Spartans called themselves Danaans -- long before they adopted the name of Spartans. There is also a legend of colonists from Canaan. Is it possible some Greeks are related to Dans?
« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 10:23:08 AM by ItalianZionist »

Offline Zvulun Ben Moshe

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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #34 on: December 23, 2007, 03:13:36 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

Do you think Rabbi Kahane’s astrological sign (Leo) had in any way contributed to his great charisma?

Yacov inserts: Rabbi Kahane was born on 29 Tammuz, 5692 so his true astrological sign is Cancer despite the fact that he was born on August 1, 1932. The zodiac signs go by the Jewish month, not the Secular month (According to The Secular Calendar, zodiacs are counted approximately from the 21st of the Secular month to the 20th of the next month but The Jewish Calendar counts zodiacs for the entire Jewish month.).

Zodiac Sign of the Month

The "sign" of the month is "Sartan," "Cancer," or "The Crab," because a constellation which is observed at this time of year has the appearance of a crab. Also, the season is summer, and the hot weather of summer causes crabs to multiply in the water.

Crabs pinch and hurt, and this month was basically a time in which the Jewish People were hurt.

P.S. If you don’t mind, I have some suggestions of organizational kind:

1. Last week you were complaining about lack of time to handle numerous emails. Why won’t you have someone from the forum assist you in the role of a press secretary? Not only that person would answer emails for you, but he or she would also make regular statements on subjects of popular concern and post on the forum in text or audio format or both.
2. Since one of the goals of JTF is to promote Righteous Gentiles to come to power in America, maybe we should think of encouraging our gentile members to make videos on upcoming presidential elections in America, including those made in support of Mike Huckabee. 

Thank You.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 07:54:25 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »
I am Zvulun ben Moshe and I approve this message.

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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #35 on: December 23, 2007, 03:46:18 PM »
Ezekiel 23:19-20

This passage creates a problem for many new Bible readers. Once you've read this, it is impossible to go back and read the above story of Moses killing the Egyptian guy the same way. When it speaks of the Egyptian beating the Hebrew slave, you have no choice but to imagine him turkey slapping the man. (Note: If you click on "turkey slapping" in the article, you're linked to the Urban Dictionary which defines "turkey slapped" as "to be slapped in ones face possibly other places with a males (sic) penis.") If anything, however, it makes Moses' deadly intervention all the more justified.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 03:55:09 PM by Hidden Author »

Offline imaknick

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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #36 on: December 23, 2007, 06:36:14 PM »
A few weeks ago I asked your favorite and worst presidents of the united states.  Now a harder question would be who you think is the best and worst prime ministers of Israel?  It is really hard to choose the best prime minister of Israel, but I think the less of the evils might be yitzchak shamir.   The worst Prime minister in my opinion is Golda Meir for Letting the surprise attack on Israel happen.  A close 2nd would probably be Yitzchak Rabin for giving up Judea and Samaria.

Offline Haim_Ben_Shimon_3JFB

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Re: Ask JTF For Sunday, December 23, The Week of Chaim's Secular Birthday.
« Reply #37 on: December 23, 2007, 07:42:02 PM »
Shalom Chaim, and Happy Birthday 
                                                i was wondering about going to gym, are Jews prohibited to work on their bodies in order to defend themselves?

some Rabbis say you should work out but yet there are those Rabbis who say you shouldn't work out because when a person dies the soul gets to attached to the body especially if the person spent time on his body, its hard for the soul to leave.

what did Rav Kahane זצ"ל say about physically working out?