Author Topic: Aricle written by very evil idiot in Haaretz  (Read 2287 times)

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Aricle written by very evil idiot in Haaretz
« on: October 30, 2007, 02:29:55 PM »

It's Judeo-Fascism Month in Israel 
By Bradley Burston 

You may have noticed that conservative students and their mentors have just concluded "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" on American college campuses. The goal, according to the David Horowitz Freedom Center, was to "draw attention to a leading issue of our time, radical Islam and terrorism."

I mention this only because, for those readers living in Israel, the event would have been easy to miss. Not only because it was taking place thousands of miles away, but because of a concurrent local campaign which is still going on. Inexorable, inescapable, it has reached every home in the nation.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: Judeo-Fascism Awareness Month.

The campaign can be seen to be more effective by far than its American counterpart. Perhaps this is because it cannot be ignored. Perhaps it is because it is led by the Judeo-Fascists themselves.

They are a compelling group. You can't take your eyes off them. There is Larissa Trimbobler, who plays the beloved if dubious Sarah to Yigal Amir's Shabbatai Zvi. Then there are the apostles. There is singer-screedwriter Ariel Zilber, who appears either to be permanently self-medicated, or in need of being. There is Avigdor Eskin, the prince of pulsa denura. There is Yigal Amir's mother Geula, the molder of young minds, everyone's favorite day care provider. And then there are the disciples, the rank-and-defile, the hilltop hopheads, the gunslinger grunge and grange society of the wild West Bank, the Kahane worshippers, the Muslim-baiters.

But forget for the moment the idea that the circumcision of Amir's newborn son is to fall precisely on the 12th anniversary of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. Lay aside, for the moment, Trimbobler's stated intention to someday tell her son, not that his lifer father Yigal was a murderer, but that he "sacrificed himself for his people." Forget all that for now.

Consider instead, that like any sideshow, the Movement for the Beatification of Yigal Amir has its lessons for us. One of them is this:

It was Yigal Amir who paved the way for the disengagement from Gaza.

Following the 1995 assassination, the rage of the left - as well as its guilt over its often waffling support of Rabin - was so all-consuming, that it was not enough for the left to see Yigal Amir apprehended, indicted, convicted, and imprisoned for the rest of his natural life.

The left wanted to see the right as a whole punished for the murder. The left wanted to see the right as a whole, suffer for the crime.

The left was willing to wait as long as necessary to see the right punished. Ten years later, the left would get its chance.

When Ariel Sharon floated the notion of expelling all settlers from the Gaza Strip and several settlements in the West Bank, the left kept quiet about the issue of unilateral actions bypassing the Palestinian Authority.

How better to pain the right, than to erase entire swaths of the settlement enterprise. How better to pierce the very heart of the National Religious right, than to use the Israel Defense Forces to oversee the expulsion of settler families, the demolition of settler homes, the dismantlement of settler schools, synagogues, hothouses, farms, small businesses and factories.

The fact is, that there was general agreement across Israeli society - among hardliners and centrists as well as leftists - that the only right that Yigal Amir deserved in prison, was the right to remain silent.

But for many on the left, slamming the dungeon door on Yigal Amir didn't go nearly far enough.

If revenge is a dish best served cold, you couldn't get much colder than the left. There was little concern for the plight and the fate of the settler deportees, the baffled and distraught children, the deeply betrayed teens, the suddenly unemployed and homeless parents.

The right was finally paying the price for the assassination, and the left was there to watch every moment, live and in color, by satellite.

There was little speculation on the left as to the consequences of the act, the effect that it might have on the rise of Hamas, the chance that jihadists would exploit the army pullout to attack Sderot and other border towns, kibbutzim and moshavim within Israel.

There was little willingness on the left and among leftists in the media, to go after the prime minister over a long series of corruption suspicions.

After all, this was Ariel Sharon, of all people, the vaunted champion of the right, the very symbol of settlement expansion, who was taking the settlement movement apart, red roof tile by red roof tile.

In the end, there may yet be a silver lining in all of this. The right to remain silent so richly earned by the Judeo-Fascists who applaud the Yigal Amirs and Baruch Goldsteins and Meir Kahanes of the Jewish world may yet be conferred, simply by the public's having its fill of their Larissa Trimboblers and the Ariel Zilbers and the Avigdor Eskins.

May Yitzhak Rabin's memory be for a blessing. And for lessons we all need to learn 
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Aricle written by very evil idiot in Haaretz
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2007, 02:40:43 PM »
Yitzhak Rabin murdered a dozen Jews on the Altalena and we're supposed to be sad that he got popped after deciding to hand half the country over to the Arab Muslim Nazis? I wouldn't expect him to mention that in the article.

Hopefully he will join Baruch Kimmerling in gehenom very soon.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 02:43:25 PM by Trumpeldor »