
What's your sollution to the growing problem of muslims (especially in western countries)?

1/Appeasment like Britain, Sweden, Holland
1 (2.9%)
2/More negotiation and bargaining for our rights.
0 (0%)
3/Containment of muslims to a walled-in part of the Middle East.
5 (14.7%)
4/Severe military responses to all acts of terrorism/ sedition.
14 (41.2%)
5/Extermination of all muslims.
9 (26.5%)
6/Both 3 and 4.
5 (14.7%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: Poll: The muslim problem.  (Read 11482 times)

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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2007, 09:09:35 AM »
1 will facilitate the Islamic takeover of the west.
2 will facilitate the Islamic takeover of the west a little slower.
3 will split the west into factions that agree or disagree with this option.  Eventually the ones that disagree will find a way to allow Muslims into their countries thus it will facilitate the Islamic takeover of the west.
4 will defeat the Muslims temporarily until they rise up once again and attempt to do what they are doing today.  Next time around there may be no guarantee of victory so eventually it will facilitate the Islamic takeover of the west.

Can you guess what I voted?

Excellent analysis of the choices!

choice 3 only if the walls are high and we can fill the areas with water
choice 4....muslims will declare a hudna, which is a "truce" that allows them to regroup when they are losing, this "truce" is sanctioned by islam and muslims have no intention of keeping it, its temporary until they can build up strength to fight again...and non muslims fall for this trick far too many times :-\

Offline nessuno

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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2007, 09:11:34 AM »
Thank You Newman for standing up for Sarah.
I think she was railroaded - sorry.
I can't believe that they took away her wings.
I don't believe you were conned by a 15 year old - I think the people conning the forum are a lot older then that.
I don't care if they try to get me banned - what happened here was wrong.
I never want to become the radical people I so despise - I want to always be human first.

I just want to know what she's supposed to have said.....and when.

Evidently something said in private to admin, if and when admin feels its appropriate to share then it will be shared. 
Are you part of the administrators KellyMaureen?  How do you know this?
If what goes on in the administrators forum is shared with some members then it should be shared with all members.
I think that if that is true - then it should have been posted and explained when Sarah's wings were removed.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2007, 09:24:27 AM »
Thank You Newman for standing up for Sarah.
I think she was railroaded - sorry.
I can't believe that they took away her wings.
I don't believe you were conned by a 15 year old - I think the people conning the forum are a lot older then that.
I don't care if they try to get me banned - what happened here was wrong.
I never want to become the radical people I so despise - I want to always be human first.

I just want to know what she's supposed to have said.....and when.

Evidently something said in private to admin, if and when admin feels its appropriate to share then it will be shared. 
Are you part of the administrators KellyMaureen?  How do you know this?
If what goes on in the administrators forum is shared with some members then it should be shared with all members.
I think that if that is true - then it should have been posted and explained when Sarah's wings were removed.

No it wasnt shared with me, however yacov was one of her biggest supporters, if he feels that what was said  warrented what happened then I respect that.  Whatever was said wasnt said in the public forum obviously, and I doubt that yacov just "assumed" what he wrote, if it was a private conversation then its up to him if he wants to share it or the reasons behind the removal.

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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2007, 09:32:15 AM »
I never said Yacov assumed anything - so I want to make that clear.
Please don't try to insinuate that.
I want to understand why Sarah is being attacked in this manner.
She has been a member since November of 2006. nothing has really changed about her in over 2000 posts - she is a young girl trying to find her way in a very turbulent time in history - she is here learning/spending time with some very intelligent righteous people. She may be influenced toward the right path by them. Why is she such a big problem now?
« Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 09:34:21 AM by bullcat3 »
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #29 on: October 31, 2007, 09:36:25 AM »
Going back to the intended topic of this topic, I think the optimum solution is too challenge them, our governments need to stand up and say that they recognise the evil that the quran and hadiths contain, and that we do will not accept having people with such beliefs living in our country, no more appeasement. Anyone participating in one of their rallies should be arrested for inciting hatred and violence. Mosques should be infiltrated by people with hidden cameras, the evil hatred being preached in them, should then be broadcast publically and given as the reason for closing them (the mosques) down. I can't see many muslims remaing in our countries if we bring in these policies.

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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2007, 09:46:22 AM »
Thanks FTF.
 I vote to takes severe action to terrorism and all Muslims should be watched very closely for any activities related to the spread of their Evil... If that is the case deport them to the Arabic/Muslim countries where they can practice freely-NOT IN OUR BACKYARD!


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2007, 09:50:23 AM »
Wings are permanent and only get taken away for disciplinary reasons such as was the case with Sarah when she said she's returning to Nazi Islam

Thats a direct quote, and thats the reason that was given for the action taken.  
The bold leads me to believe that it was something that was said, since the word "said" was used....but Im not a detective.
I respect that yacov had good reason to do make the decision that he did, and I dont think he made it lightly.  He is obviously privy to information that most of the rest of us arent, we all have our opinions on the subject, but its up to admin whether or not they think that the entire forum needs to know, maybe he cant share because she asked him not to I dont know....either way yacov has always been fair and I respect his decision.

This subject was beaten to death some time ago, why its back again i have no idea
« Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 10:06:09 AM by kellymaureen »


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2007, 09:51:27 AM »
Going back to the intended topic of this topic, I think the optimum solution is too challenge them, our governments need to stand up and say that they recognise the evil that the quran and hadiths contain, and that we do will not accept having people with such beliefs living in our country, no more appeasement. Anyone participating in one of their rallies should be arrested for inciting hatred and violence. Mosques should be infiltrated by people with hidden cameras, the evil hatred being preached in them, should then be broadcast publically and given as the reason for closing them (the mosques) down. I can't see many muslims remaing in our countries if we bring in these policies.

Unfortunately quite the opposite happens, when the islamic thinkers society (theres an oxymoron) stepped on and burned a US flag in NYC while shouting about how 'islam will dominate' and the favorite cry of headchoppers 'allahu akbar' NYC police protected THEM >:(
« Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 09:53:31 AM by kellymaureen »


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #33 on: October 31, 2007, 09:58:33 AM »
Going back to the intended topic of this topic, I think the optimum solution is too challenge them, our governments need to stand up and say that they recognise the evil that the quran and hadiths contain, and that we do will not accept having people with such beliefs living in our country, no more appeasement. Anyone participating in one of their rallies should be arrested for inciting hatred and violence. Mosques should be infiltrated by people with hidden cameras, the evil hatred being preached in them, should then be broadcast publically and given as the reason for closing them (the mosques) down. I can't see many muslims remaing in our countries if we bring in these policies.

Unfortunately quite the opposite happens, when the islamic thinkers society (theres an oxymoron) stepped on and burned a US flag in NYC while shouting about how 'islam will dominate' and the favorite cry of headchoppers 'allahu akbar' NYC police protected THEM >:(
I know, that's what we need to change.


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #34 on: October 31, 2007, 10:01:42 AM »
Going back to the intended topic of this topic, I think the optimum solution is too challenge them, our governments need to stand up and say that they recognise the evil that the quran and hadiths contain, and that we do will not accept having people with such beliefs living in our country, no more appeasement. Anyone participating in one of their rallies should be arrested for inciting hatred and violence. Mosques should be infiltrated by people with hidden cameras, the evil hatred being preached in them, should then be broadcast publically and given as the reason for closing them (the mosques) down. I can't see many muslims remaing in our countries if we bring in these policies.

Unfortunately quite the opposite happens, when the islamic thinkers society (theres an oxymoron) stepped on and burned a US flag in NYC while shouting about how 'islam will dominate' and the favorite cry of headchoppers 'allahu akbar' NYC police protected THEM >:(
I know, that's what we need to change.

A good start would be castrating that animal Ken Livingstone (the Mayor of London) as a lesson to all the other traitors and appeasers in the UK.


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #35 on: October 31, 2007, 10:04:10 AM »
Well good luck to us changing that....our next president will likely be Rudy or God forbid hitlery(if its  her we can all bend over and kiss our rears goodbye she will destroy this country before her first term is up).....if they are the choices obviously Ill be voting for Rudy, but Im not confident that he will address the problem of islam the way it needs to be addressed.


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #36 on: October 31, 2007, 10:05:46 AM »
Going back to the intended topic of this topic, I think the optimum solution is too challenge them, our governments need to stand up and say that they recognise the evil that the quran and hadiths contain, and that we do will not accept having people with such beliefs living in our country, no more appeasement. Anyone participating in one of their rallies should be arrested for inciting hatred and violence. Mosques should be infiltrated by people with hidden cameras, the evil hatred being preached in them, should then be broadcast publically and given as the reason for closing them (the mosques) down. I can't see many muslims remaing in our countries if we bring in these policies.

Unfortunately quite the opposite happens, when the islamic thinkers society (theres an oxymoron) stepped on and burned a US flag in NYC while shouting about how 'islam will dominate' and the favorite cry of headchoppers 'allahu akbar' NYC police protected THEM >:(
I know, that's what we need to change.

A good start would be castrating that animal Ken Livingstone (the Mayor of London) as a lesson to all the other traitors and appeasers in the UK.
How about a simple double orchiectomy?  :P


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #37 on: October 31, 2007, 10:08:43 AM »
Going back to the intended topic of this topic, I think the optimum solution is too challenge them, our governments need to stand up and say that they recognise the evil that the quran and hadiths contain, and that we do will not accept having people with such beliefs living in our country, no more appeasement. Anyone participating in one of their rallies should be arrested for inciting hatred and violence. Mosques should be infiltrated by people with hidden cameras, the evil hatred being preached in them, should then be broadcast publically and given as the reason for closing them (the mosques) down. I can't see many muslims remaing in our countries if we bring in these policies.

Unfortunately quite the opposite happens, when the islamic thinkers society (theres an oxymoron) stepped on and burned a US flag in NYC while shouting about how 'islam will dominate' and the favorite cry of headchoppers 'allahu akbar' NYC police protected THEM >:(
I know, that's what we need to change.

A good start would be castrating that animal Ken Livingstone (the Mayor of London) as a lesson to all the other traitors and appeasers in the UK.
How about a simple double orchiectomy?  :P

Nothing fancy with traitors!

Hold 'em down, chop 'em off then stuff 'em in their mouth and sew their lips together!


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #38 on: October 31, 2007, 10:10:57 AM »
Going back to the intended topic of this topic, I think the optimum solution is too challenge them, our governments need to stand up and say that they recognise the evil that the quran and hadiths contain, and that we do will not accept having people with such beliefs living in our country, no more appeasement. Anyone participating in one of their rallies should be arrested for inciting hatred and violence. Mosques should be infiltrated by people with hidden cameras, the evil hatred being preached in them, should then be broadcast publically and given as the reason for closing them (the mosques) down. I can't see many muslims remaing in our countries if we bring in these policies.

Unfortunately quite the opposite happens, when the islamic thinkers society (theres an oxymoron) stepped on and burned a US flag in NYC while shouting about how 'islam will dominate' and the favorite cry of headchoppers 'allahu akbar' NYC police protected THEM >:(
I know, that's what we need to change.

A good start would be castrating that animal Ken Livingstone (the Mayor of London) as a lesson to all the other traitors and appeasers in the UK.
How about a simple double orchiectomy?  :P

Nothing fancy with traitors!

Hold 'em down, chop 'em off then stuff 'em in their mouth and sew their lips together!
TBH, I think we're getting a bit extreme here.

I think just kicking him out of office would be enough.


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #39 on: October 31, 2007, 10:30:30 AM »
Going back to the intended topic of this topic, I think the optimum solution is too challenge them, our governments need to stand up and say that they recognise the evil that the quran and hadiths contain, and that we do will not accept having people with such beliefs living in our country, no more appeasement. Anyone participating in one of their rallies should be arrested for inciting hatred and violence. Mosques should be infiltrated by people with hidden cameras, the evil hatred being preached in them, should then be broadcast publically and given as the reason for closing them (the mosques) down. I can't see many muslims remaing in our countries if we bring in these policies.

Unfortunately quite the opposite happens, when the islamic thinkers society (theres an oxymoron) stepped on and burned a US flag in NYC while shouting about how 'islam will dominate' and the favorite cry of headchoppers 'allahu akbar' NYC police protected THEM >:(
I know, that's what we need to change.

A good start would be castrating that animal Ken Livingstone (the Mayor of London) as a lesson to all the other traitors and appeasers in the UK.
How about a simple double orchiectomy?  :P

Nothing fancy with traitors!

Hold 'em down, chop 'em off then stuff 'em in their mouth and sew their lips together!
TBH, I think we're getting a bit extreme here.

I think just kicking him out of office would be enough.

Traitors are killed in the street. They're the rules.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #40 on: October 31, 2007, 10:43:29 AM »
Exterminating all Muslims?!

Man, i would rather let them be cornered on one place so taht they exterminate each other..I dont' want blood on any righteous person's hand unless we are in combat type of war.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #41 on: October 31, 2007, 10:48:23 AM »
Exterminating all Muslims?!

Man, i would rather let them be cornered on one place so taht they exterminate each other..I dont' want blood on any righteous person's hand unless we are in combat type of war.

We're in a war with them NOW!

They've openly declared war on us and the bombs and bullets are flying. Just because their not all wearing uniforms and steel helmets doesn't make it less of a war.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #42 on: October 31, 2007, 10:52:12 AM »
Exterminating all Muslims?!

Man, i would rather let them be cornered on one place so taht they exterminate each other..I dont' want blood on any righteous person's hand unless we are in combat type of war.

We're in a war with them NOW!

They've openly declared war on us and the bombs and bullets are flying. Just because their not all wearing uniforms and steel helmets doesn't make it less of a war.

So technically I can go and exterminate a next door neighbor who just happens to be Muslim? no...of course not..

i would go to jail, but i certainly feel so good about myself if just did that...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #43 on: October 31, 2007, 11:07:21 AM »
Exterminating all Muslims?!

Man, i would rather let them be cornered on one place so taht they exterminate each other..I dont' want blood on any righteous person's hand unless we are in combat type of war.

We're in a war with them NOW!

They've openly declared war on us and the bombs and bullets are flying. Just because their not all wearing uniforms and steel helmets doesn't make it less of a war.

So technically I can go and exterminate a next door neighbor who just happens to be Muslim? no...of course not..

i would go to jail, but i certainly feel so good about myself if just did that...

If proper laws were passed the State could do it. Why sit around waiting for these animals to do us in? They adhere to a doctrine that requires them to kill, enslave or forcibly convert all of us. If they didn't agree, they wouldn't be muslims. Since they continue to be muslims they obviously subscribe to those ideas. What are we waiting for?

If I moved in next door to you and openly stated my intention to murder your family EVERY Friday, would you wait for me to do it or remodel my head with a baseball bat first?

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #44 on: October 31, 2007, 01:02:42 PM »
Exterminating all Muslims?!

Man, i would rather let them be cornered on one place so taht they exterminate each other..I dont' want blood on any righteous person's hand unless we are in combat type of war.

We're in a war with them NOW!

They've openly declared war on us and the bombs and bullets are flying. Just because their not all wearing uniforms and steel helmets doesn't make it less of a war.

So technically I can go and exterminate a next door neighbor who just happens to be Muslim? no...of course not..

i would go to jail, but i certainly feel so good about myself if just did that...

If proper laws were passed the State could do it. Why sit around waiting for these animals to do us in? They adhere to a doctrine that requires them to kill, enslave or forcibly convert all of us. If they didn't agree, they wouldn't be muslims. Since they continue to be muslims they obviously subscribe to those ideas. What are we waiting for?

If I moved in next door to you and openly stated my intention to murder your family EVERY Friday, would you wait for me to do it or remodel my head with a baseball bat first?

I would wait until they get a cache of guns, then I assume that it was no longer rhetoric.

I do not take exterminating certain random people very lightly and don't suggest openly discussing it here on this forum which is attempting to become a mass movement. If you guys want JTF to be seen as a mass movement filled with lots of decent peopel rather than degenrate racists, I would refrain from talking about exterminating people..especially if their population reaches to the billion mark..

and I know Rabbi Kahane didn't talk about murdering people randomly...he just wanted them out to live amongst themselves.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #45 on: October 31, 2007, 01:23:37 PM »
Exterminating all Muslims?!

Man, i would rather let them be cornered on one place so taht they exterminate each other..I dont' want blood on any righteous person's hand unless we are in combat type of war.

We're in a war with them NOW!

They've openly declared war on us and the bombs and bullets are flying. Just because their not all wearing uniforms and steel helmets doesn't make it less of a war.

So technically I can go and exterminate a next door neighbor who just happens to be Muslim? no...of course not..

i would go to jail, but i certainly feel so good about myself if just did that...

If proper laws were passed the State could do it. Why sit around waiting for these animals to do us in? They adhere to a doctrine that requires them to kill, enslave or forcibly convert all of us. If they didn't agree, they wouldn't be muslims. Since they continue to be muslims they obviously subscribe to those ideas. What are we waiting for?

If I moved in next door to you and openly stated my intention to murder your family EVERY Friday, would you wait for me to do it or remodel my head with a baseball bat first?

I would wait until they get a cache of guns, then I assume that it was no longer rhetoric.

I do not take exterminating certain random people very lightly and don't suggest openly discussing it here on this forum which is attempting to become a mass movement. If you guys want JTF to be seen as a mass movement filled with lots of decent peopel rather than degenrate racists, I would refrain from talking about exterminating people..especially if their population reaches to the billion mark..

and I know Rabbi Kahane didn't talk about murdering people randomly...he just wanted them out to live amongst themselves.

Who said "random"? That means one here and there. I say whack every last one on the planet. If a thousand rabbid, mad dogs are running lose you destroy all 1,000 not one here and there. They ALL want to get us, lets get ALL of them.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #46 on: October 31, 2007, 01:55:55 PM »
Exterminating all Muslims?!

Man, i would rather let them be cornered on one place so taht they exterminate each other..I dont' want blood on any righteous person's hand unless we are in combat type of war.

We're in a war with them NOW!

They've openly declared war on us and the bombs and bullets are flying. Just because their not all wearing uniforms and steel helmets doesn't make it less of a war.

So technically I can go and exterminate a next door neighbor who just happens to be Muslim? no...of course not..

i would go to jail, but i certainly feel so good about myself if just did that...

If proper laws were passed the State could do it. Why sit around waiting for these animals to do us in? They adhere to a doctrine that requires them to kill, enslave or forcibly convert all of us. If they didn't agree, they wouldn't be muslims. Since they continue to be muslims they obviously subscribe to those ideas. What are we waiting for?

If I moved in next door to you and openly stated my intention to murder your family EVERY Friday, would you wait for me to do it or remodel my head with a baseball bat first?

I would wait until they get a cache of guns, then I assume that it was no longer rhetoric.

I do not take exterminating certain random people very lightly and don't suggest openly discussing it here on this forum which is attempting to become a mass movement. If you guys want JTF to be seen as a mass movement filled with lots of decent peopel rather than degenrate racists, I would refrain from talking about exterminating people..especially if their population reaches to the billion mark..

and I know Rabbi Kahane didn't talk about murdering people randomly...he just wanted them out to live amongst themselves.

Who said "random"? That means one here and there. I say whack every last one on the planet. If a thousand rabbid, mad dogs are running lose you destroy all 1,000 not one here and there. They ALL want to get us, lets get ALL of them.

so you know for a fact that every single billion Muslims want to get rid of us? You have met every single one of them?
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #47 on: October 31, 2007, 02:11:24 PM »
Exterminating all Muslims?!

Man, i would rather let them be cornered on one place so taht they exterminate each other..I dont' want blood on any righteous person's hand unless we are in combat type of war.

We're in a war with them NOW!

They've openly declared war on us and the bombs and bullets are flying. Just because their not all wearing uniforms and steel helmets doesn't make it less of a war.

So technically I can go and exterminate a next door neighbor who just happens to be Muslim? no...of course not..

i would go to jail, but i certainly feel so good about myself if just did that...

If proper laws were passed the State could do it. Why sit around waiting for these animals to do us in? They adhere to a doctrine that requires them to kill, enslave or forcibly convert all of us. If they didn't agree, they wouldn't be muslims. Since they continue to be muslims they obviously subscribe to those ideas. What are we waiting for?

If I moved in next door to you and openly stated my intention to murder your family EVERY Friday, would you wait for me to do it or remodel my head with a baseball bat first?

I would wait until they get a cache of guns, then I assume that it was no longer rhetoric.

I do not take exterminating certain random people very lightly and don't suggest openly discussing it here on this forum which is attempting to become a mass movement. If you guys want JTF to be seen as a mass movement filled with lots of decent peopel rather than degenrate racists, I would refrain from talking about exterminating people..especially if their population reaches to the billion mark..

and I know Rabbi Kahane didn't talk about murdering people randomly...he just wanted them out to live amongst themselves.

Who said "random"? That means one here and there. I say whack every last one on the planet. If a thousand rabbid, mad dogs are running lose you destroy all 1,000 not one here and there. They ALL want to get us, lets get ALL of them.

so you know for a fact that every single billion Muslims want to get rid of us? You have met every single one of them?

The core beliefs of islam are the genocide, forced conversion or slavery of ALL non-muslims. Therefore: If those billion people ARE muslims, they believe in the genocide, forced conversion or slavery of ALL non-muslims. If they don't believe in those things, they're not muslims and they get to breath. So yes.

Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #48 on: October 31, 2007, 03:44:34 PM »
Option 5 is very harsh, not all of them are actually religious and actually know the truth of their religion, some when they are exposed to the core teachings of islam do end up leaving it, although obviously not many of them. Destroying the religion by exposing it as the mass cult of death that it is and by eradicating the kabaa which is apparently "eternal" should be the way to go. Those who still don't comply which will still probably be over 95% should be taken care of.
The same treatment should apply to replacement theology christians who are just as anti-Jewish as the muslims.

I'm sure that 95% percent of woman and children killed in Drezno and Hamburg were not nazim neither but we killed them by incendiary bombs anyway becouse they were living in enemy country and this was war. It's the same with muslims: who lives by the sword; dies by the sword.
I chosed 6 both: 
3/Containment of muslims to a walled-in part of the Middle East.   
4/Severe military responses to all acts of terrorism/ sedition. 
5/ 3 and 4
6/ KIll THEM ALL AND LET ALLA (in Hebrew curse = snake satan) in HELL REGOGNISE HIS.

becouse I'm humaniatrian and christian person who want them them to leave pisslam and live;  but every act of terror fromreligion of piece is making the six choice more atractive and when it'll go Us or them I' wont hesitate. Israel has every right to nuke all A-rab and Muslim capitals maybe exept Beirut anymoment.   
I'm sorry Kelly and Infidel that I doubt you about Sarah.
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

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Re: Poll: The muslim problem.
« Reply #49 on: October 31, 2007, 05:21:52 PM »
Exterminating all Muslims?!

Man, i would rather let them be cornered on one place so taht they exterminate each other..I dont' want blood on any righteous person's hand unless we are in combat type of war.

We're in a war with them NOW!

They've openly declared war on us and the bombs and bullets are flying. Just because their not all wearing uniforms and steel helmets doesn't make it less of a war.

So technically I can go and exterminate a next door neighbor who just happens to be Muslim? no...of course not..

i would go to jail, but i certainly feel so good about myself if just did that...

If proper laws were passed the State could do it. Why sit around waiting for these animals to do us in? They adhere to a doctrine that requires them to kill, enslave or forcibly convert all of us. If they didn't agree, they wouldn't be muslims. Since they continue to be muslims they obviously subscribe to those ideas. What are we waiting for?

If I moved in next door to you and openly stated my intention to murder your family EVERY Friday, would you wait for me to do it or remodel my head with a baseball bat first?

I would wait until they get a cache of guns, then I assume that it was no longer rhetoric.

I do not take exterminating certain random people very lightly and don't suggest openly discussing it here on this forum which is attempting to become a mass movement. If you guys want JTF to be seen as a mass movement filled with lots of decent peopel rather than degenrate racists, I would refrain from talking about exterminating people..especially if their population reaches to the billion mark..

and I know Rabbi Kahane didn't talk about murdering people randomly...he just wanted them out to live amongst themselves.

Who said "random"? That means one here and there. I say whack every last one on the planet. If a thousand rabbid, mad dogs are running lose you destroy all 1,000 not one here and there. They ALL want to get us, lets get ALL of them.

so you know for a fact that every single billion Muslims want to get rid of us? You have met every single one of them?

The core beliefs of islam are the genocide, forced conversion or slavery of ALL non-muslims. Therefore: If those billion people ARE muslims, they believe in the genocide, forced conversion or slavery of ALL non-muslims. If they don't believe in those things, they're not muslims and they get to breath. So yes.

I have to disagree with that.

I'm a Jew, but don't agree with a quarter of things Tzvi believes in. Therefore I'm not a Jew?  Of course I'm still a Jew. I'm simply not as observant as him or other Orthodox Jews.

There are Muslims who definately deserve a bullet in their head...Don't get me wrong.

but not all billion of them because simply they consider themselves Muslim by birth but are secular like many Jews and Christians are secular. I don't advocate "exterminating" random people. However, I advocate exposing the murderous religion for what it is.  That is a more efficient means than killing anyone...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein