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Baruch HaShem, 4 New JTF Videos (11/01)
Another part of that article i enjoyed was this ...
"The performer, known as Thompson, combines folk-inspired melodies with the electric thrill of heavy metal and nationalistic lyrics."
I didn't know nationalism was wrong ?? And i have no clue when nationalism and fascism got all tied up ?? America constantly promotes nationalism and patriotism to it's people .. in fact, at just about all sporting events, the song 'America the Beautiful' is performed. Very patriotic song, nationalistic .. doesn't make it fascist in any way. Bruce Springsteen sings many songs that are both patriotic and nationalistic .. he's not a fascist neo-nazi. So why is it that this singer from Croatia has patriotic and nationalistic lyrics and is labelled a fascist and nazi ?? It's simply false and lies.
--- Quote from: RealDalmacija on November 05, 2007, 05:24:43 PM ---Yes, it is lies on the serbian part to the jewish people ...
"While Thompson's songs promote love of G-d, family, and his nation, the singer and songwriter is also said to glorify war and Croatia's Nazi past" .... prove it ... look at all his lyrics and tell me where he glorifies anything nazi ...
"In past concerts, he has performed an anthem of the country's Nazi-backed military regime" ... again, prove it ... if he has performed some nazi croatian anthem, which i in all honesty have not one clue what it could be, there must be proof of him doing it .. so please show us.
"He greets adoring crowds with a famous Ustasha slogan — and many respond with the Nazi salute." ... again, false information .. the slogan they are refering to is 'za dom spremni' ... which translates to .. 'for the homeland ready' ... which the saying actually dates back to the early 1800s ... not the 1940's. Here is the proof .. Yes it was a saying used by Ustasa, but it dates way back and therefore cannot solely be said to be a nazi slogan when it simply isn't.
--- End quote ---
No you are wrong. Perhaps you don't know it better, but this band Thompson is really a Nazi-Band and the fans use regulary the nazi-salute.
Look here is an article in the German wikipedia about this:
THIS WAS TAKEN DURING A "thompson" "concert":
Are "Jews fooled by Serbs" ?!!!
Other "Jews fooled by Serbs"....
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