Well, the Jewish viewpoint is that if 100 people which is more like one or two guys writing that 100 people saw it in this case, claim to have seen someone who looks identical to someone who passed away, that is not a obvious miracle witnessed by enough people to be considered anything significant. If some guy really was the Massiah and wanted to prove it he would have went in front of the whole nation of Israel, meaning millions of people and did a miracle similar to the revelation at Mount Sinai when G-d himself spoke publically to the whole nation of Israel. I mean at least split the sea, bring back to life instantly a whole graveyard like Ezzekiel did with the valley of dry bones. Or do like Elijah the prophet did at Mt. Carmel where a fire came up from heaven to consume his sacrifice in front of all of Israel witnessing, or do like what happened with the 3 prophets thrown into the furnace of Nebuchadnezer again with an audience of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people witnessing the spectacle. Or try something that the Massiah must do, like defeat the Romans in battle, bring back all the dead and bring world peace. Something like that done it in front of millions of people is what us Jews consider a public miracle. If a few people claim that they saw something tiny happened, even if they say a small group of nameless people were there, it doesn't mean anything to us.