Author Topic: This Week's Kudos -- Some Thoughts of MassuhDGoodName  (Read 2173 times)

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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This Week's Kudos -- Some Thoughts of MassuhDGoodName
« on: November 04, 2007, 09:04:23 AM »

The Military Junta ruling Myanmar (formerly Burma)
The methods employed by the Burmese Government were those which The State of Israel should emulate.  They repeatedly have warned the world "Hands Off Burma!"...They repeatedly have denounced Globalism and The New World Order...When an uprising inspired by the UN started, the Junta squashed it.  Brutally.  They threw out of their country foreign "diplomats" there to "negotiate a peaceful changeover to "democracy".  End result:  The world is terrified and runs like frightened rabbits, just as they once considered Israel to be "too hot to handle".

Russia's Vladimir Putin
He promised Bush that if the U.S.A. & the EU attempted to "declare" a "free and independant Kosova" that Russia would military intervene on behalf of a united Serbia.  Israel should announce that they will join him to militarily crush another Muslim Terror State in the making.

Pakistan's "General" Musharraf
He suspended Pakistan's Constitution, cut all communications within and without Pakistan, seized all traitorous media outlets, and turned his military loose, proclaiming to the world "I can not allow Pakistan to commit suicide".  If only The State of Israel had enough will to survive and will to resist international pressure to commit suicide, the world would do with Israel exactly as it does now with away like scared rabbits and complain at the UN.