Newsflash.....I just discovered I am officially a billionaire....actually a multi-billionare...........well, at least I am in Zimbabwe. You probably are too. $1,200,000 Z$ = about $40 US $....and will reportedly buy you....1 can of baked beans !! (the article says you could buy a 4 bedroom house on an acre of land with the same ammount in 2001.....not a bad deal for $40 even if it is in deepest darkest Africa

)......I dicovered all this while reading an article on one of the most "anti-Zionist" (that's anti-semitic in common English for most educated people) web sites around stupid, but sometimes amusing to read articles about bigfeet and ufo's and conspiracy stories...... I am very pleased I never considered myself a billionaire before.....And what's more a can of beans at the corner store doesn't cost me $40. It keep getting better all the time. Mmmmmm Hmmmmmm I'm a multi billionaire....Whoo Hooo!!
