Author Topic: southern california wildfire terrorism...  (Read 2404 times)

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Offline nikmatdam

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southern california wildfire terrorism...
« on: October 31, 2007, 06:34:41 PM »
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Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 00:35:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: "nikmatdam" <[email protected]>
Subject: southern california wildfire terrorism... (edited version)... (sorry)...
To: "moss david posner" <[email protected]>
CC: [email protected]
terrorism... you read correctly... and why not...? some were accused of being arson-generated... so why shouldn't this angle be explored and wondered aloud in public...? what is the matter with people today...? why can't anyone put 2 and 2 together anymore...?

all the fires should be explored for possible arson related causation... the initial reports last sunday evening were that 14 fires were burning out of control... when was there ever 14 fires burning simultaneously in one region before...? last saturday were there even 14 fires in total burning  collectively on the whole face of the planet...?

so tell me... how is it that one or two of these fires can be suspected of purposeful  human ignition but not all of them...? and as of this moment nearly a week later why hasn't anyone spoken up and at least entertained the possibility of terrorism in this age of terror...? i mean at least air the concern to show that we are thinking of the possibility and doing all that we can to be on maximum alert and on guard... right...?

a downed powerline can fall by unfortunate chance or it can be pulled down with the intent to harm... telling us that it fell by itself when no one knows for sure yet and before anyone has even had the opportunity to examine the circumstances is a flagrant deriliction of duty and borders on criminal negligence... fires can combust naturally or they can be set by human agency accidently or by design... and to prematurally rule either choice out is just plain stupidity... in fact it is actually suicidal...

considering the fact that advanced weather reports of a week-long santa ana wind condition could have prompted terrorists to strike makes it an even more urgent necessity to examine this avenue of approach as to the real origins of these fires... any sick, demented mind can see the window of opportunity at hand for widespread carnage and severe damage when they are informed that high, dry winds are in the forecast for four or five consecutive days in a row...

in this violent and unstable era terrorism should always be suspected... and dealt with as the first option of concern... it should be ruled out last of all probable causes... just in case and to encourage people to come forward with evidence they may have come across... it is insanely irresponsible not to investigate this event in this manner and the old canard of "not wanting to alarm or panic the public" does not fly any longer in the post 9/11 world... WE WANT TO BE TOLD... NAY... CHECK THAT... WE DEMAND TO BE INFORMED  WHENEVER AND WHEREVER TERRORISTS STRIKE...

and look how most of the subsequent fires spread... further and further south toward the mexican border... along the escape route for the terrorists... with the exception of the santa barbara extention to the north all the rest moved downward toward the border... i smell a rat... if not an arab one than a la raza mexican one... both groups hate america and americans and work and train together down there... all made all the more probable if they were set by mexicans who have easier access to border-crossings...

and should you wish to inquire as to why no one has as of yet stepped forward to claim responsibility or take credit for the strike...? simple... in america... terrorism has a much greater chance of success if it is done in secret... on the q.t.  the better for them if their hits are silently or mutely carried out so that we do not become alarmed and heighten our alert and intensify our vigilence... the last thing the terrorists want is for america to become aroused or suspicious... all the more easier then for them to slowly ratchet-up the level of death and destruction until it is too late for us to stand up and take action to defend ourselves...

i heard the other day radio talk-show host neil bortz addressing the subject of these fires now deemed to be the worst firestorm in california history... he said that he typed in the words "california terrorist fires" just to see what would come up... here's what he said he found... subject to your immediate on-line review...

he said that he got two hits...

1) the first one was an fbi file report from 2003... an arab suspect arrested and detained for activities of an al-qaeda-like nature  confessed that his group had plans to start fires in the wilds of western u.s. states... (similar  to the ones perpetrated against israel in the jewish national forest over the last decade or so)...

2) second he claims to have found an eye-witness police-report of a few days ago of a woman driving in one of the fire areas who says that she saw a man crouching down who set a fire in motion and then quickly hopped on his motorcycle and fled... she called 911 and someone responded quickly enough to put out this blaze before it spread... the report went on to say that this man was tracked down and arrested while stopped for gas in the vicinity... he was held for
questioning and then released but is still under investigation...

now hold the phone here for just a moment...

held for questioning and then released...? when an eye-witness caught him red-handed igniting a fire that could have killed someone...? something is not right here... either this whole story is false or the fix is in and this is one of the real terrorists and not just some vagrant copy-catter... how do i know... you ask...? because they let him go... because if this is real terrorism... fbi and police cover-up is always sure to follow... it happened at oklahoma city (read "the third terrorist" by jayne davis) and it happened again on 9/11 (see the dvd at or the one from alex jones)...

and here it rears its ugly head yet again... if this man is the the one she saw and not a case of mistaken identity... then no way he should have walked... he should be thrown in jail and held for trial for attempted murder... if he were you or me that is precisely what would become of us... but not of one who is a real terorist following slime-orders to destroy this country... and so he was cut loose on orders from somewhere higher up the food chain... notice the report does not identify him for what or who he is... if he is an arab, muslim or mexican my case is proven and this is terrorism and the cover-up is underway full-throttle... at this point we probably will never know now and the story did not name the witness so we have no way of follwing-up ourselves...

and so as usual there is a huge disconnect going on between the reporting in the media of this story and the now probable and actual circumstances of this event... this has to be  premeditiated... the same goes for the abnormal reaction to this crisis from our elected representatives... state and local officials as well as national figures and federal agencies... and of course the same disconnect goes for the general public... how can there not be anyone screaming terrorism here...? it just is not rational... it is as if we are all conditioned not to react... to just accept and absorb each new blow...  WE HAVE ALL BECOME SHEEP!!!

and news footage and coverage of this event is by design meant to keep us distracted from seeking answers to the real and what should be to all of us the obvious questions as to how all of these fires got started... and our slime-run and ruled government disinformation campaign is less than disingenuous not to raise these queries themselves... since anyone of us is capable of typing in "california terrorist fires" and seeing the truth for ourselves...

so the slime's media-controlled outlets are willfully keeping any and all of this information out of the public arena and off of the public airwaves... and strictly off-limits for the corporate-sponsored, pundit-driven discusssion shows and panels... relegating all the points of this op-ed to the fringe "conspiracy-kook" haunts where the slime wish to bottle it all up in order to discredit any and all of the hard-evidence or factual-based questioning and suppositions... in other words the truth is best kept well under wraps as it is far too dangerous to ever see the light of day... yes indeed... far too dangerous... for THEM!!! not for us...   

all we ever get... all day long... is statistical analysis... in terms of lives lost, acreage charred, properties and businesses burned down and dollars destroyed... or we are fetted with non-stop coverage of the president or the governor touring the disaster zones... talk about rubber-necking... our government officials are lookie-loos of the first order... what pap and drivel we hear spew forth from their mouths... it's as if they are reveling in all of the blood and mayhem... and if this is really a case of slime-generated terrorism yet again like oklahoma city or 9/11 was... then this is exactly what they are feeling and actually what they are doing with all of their face-time in front of the cameras and microphones...

consider the point that the govenator was nowhere to be found or heard from until monday morning.... hours after the full-extent of the tragedy was already comprehended and digested... whats wrong arnold... sunday afternoons or evenings too inconvienient for you... couldn't interrupt your cocktail party to show us peons that you feel our suffering...? and forget about the moron-in-chief... he actually said these words... i saw him and heard him myself say them... "i'm looking forward to my trip to california tomorrow..." looking forward...?

the absolute height of insensitivity and lack of true grief... our president feels nothing for our anguish and plight... he doesn't give a damn about our lives... he had an unmistakeable hint of glee about him just below the surface when he said those words... and don't give me the tired, old excuse that he's just not good at phrasing and using his words... no... he's just not good at concealing, containing and controlling his enjoyment in the carrying out of his part in the slime's nwo agenda... he just can't help himself... like when he told katrina victims when he finally got around to going down there to comfort them... "and so we've come down here today to see how folks in this part of the world are doing..." in this part of the world...?

this is the united states of america you  scoundrel and you are addressing your fellow-countrymen and women in their moment of loss... people who are looking to you for empathy, compassion and leadership... and your arrogant, patrician performance that day left alot to be desired... or when you cut-to the chase and simply stated the real truth when you first connived your way into office... when you said and i quote... "this job would be so much easier if only i could be a dictator!!!" disgusting!!!!

which all brings me to my final few points... 20 FIRES IN ONE WEEK IN JUST ONE LOCALE... and no one cries foul...? true... high winds kick up new hot spots and spin off into multiple fires... but if the initial one was lit by a terrorist they are ALL terrorist wildfires... wind is a great weapon to employ to wreak havoc and destruction of lives and property but it is also good cover for the sinister hand hidden behind them all...

this time the slime know they got caught with their hand in the proverbial  ol' cookie-jar... so they now have come up with a suspect for arson (not terrorism mind you) in the orange county, second-day firestorm... they tell us that it was set by someone in three places and the blaze blew together into one giant, roaring inferno... can't that be true in san diego as well...? but they won't say so... instead they are putting out the story that it must be a fireman or an ex-fireman who did that one because of the methods utilized by the perp... as if only a fireman could have access to the information about how to do something like this when we live in an age where any eighth-grader can go on-line and learn how to build a bomb in his chemistry lab at school... only a fireman could get his hands on the equipment used to start that conflagration... BULL!!! any terrorist can get his hands on both the info and the tools if he is of a mind to do so... how about all the arabs in universities all over this country who are learning chemical-engineering... couldn't they do so as well...?

of course they can and probably did here in california... such an unbelievablely galling level and amount of deceit going on in the media and pouring forth from the mouths of our government officials... and now they are setting us up for our next patsy... for the one who will be made to take the fall for all the actual people responsible for this act of pure terroristic savagery and hatred... for all of this wanton destruction of precious wilderness areas... not to mention cold-blooded and calculated murder or the attempt there of...

and now for the clincher... the absolute kicker...

there was reporting the other day of complaints aimed against the government for releasing fire-fighting manpower and equipment too slow to stop these fires from getting as badly out of control as they did... the war in iraq was blamed for the stripping away from us of our national guard and the above said resources and sending them all off overseas... (which if true of course left all of us here in california... high and dry... (couldn't help making the pun)... it left us exposed and very, very vulnerable)... camp pendelton responded to the complaint that they have plenty of stuff but had not as yet received the call where and when to send it...

so then what have we been doing in this country since 9/11 other than  spending billions of dollars and investing  thousands of hours devising contingency plans to better put in motion first-responders for crisis management...  passing legislation to create new interlocking agencies and additional cabinet-level departments just so that we could better coordianate and shorten our response-times in emergency situations just like this one...? they have failed us now three times in a row... by katrina... at virginia tech and now in souther california... we americans are either... all of us... a bunch of bumbling, stumbling keystone-cops who can't get anything right or get out of our own way... OR... our leaders really have played upon our fears in a continuing program of attack which began at waco and with the oklahoma city blast against  their own citizenry... all in order to evicerate the constitution and all of our freedoms and liberties in the bill of rights and they continue with  each new development to keep us at bay from protesting by means of ever-increasing and ever-expanding twisted and diabolical plots of threats and deeds of violence and terror...  you decide... i'm sick and tired of trying to warn everyone only to be called a lunatic with each and every additional attempt..

but then camp pendelton was hit with its own fires burning on the outskirts of its environs and the fire there only escalated belying that any man power or fire retardants were ever present there to be had in the first place... or else why did they not contain this fire in quick order...? LIARS!!!! we are being lied to repeatedly and on a daily... almost hourly basis... and not only do we do absolutely nothing about this but far worse... we don't even recognize that we are being duped and played for suckers continually... truly a depressingly deplorable state of affairs for 21st century america...  something which does not auger well for our future well-being in this country... nor does it bode well even for our very survival...

the southern california wildfires are acts of pure, unadulterated terrorism... plain and simple... and it is stunningly ludicrous that none of us are talking about them in these terms... in fact... THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING!!!! NOT TO MENTION FRIGHTENING!!! someone please wake me when this nightmare is over... it's like halloween comes every single day now... we are such utter knaves, saps and fools... trick or treat people...? but the joke is surely on us... and it's not at all very funny... in fact... it's tragic...  nik. out...


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Offline nikmatdam

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Re: southern california wildfire terrorism...
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2007, 10:17:11 PM »
NO COMMENTS??? ZERO...? you guys are whacked!!! nik. out...
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: southern california wildfire terrorism...
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2007, 10:43:30 PM »
naa, i prefer to believe it was an act from Gd...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Sarah

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Re: southern california wildfire terrorism...
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2007, 04:04:44 PM »
I saw on the news over here in the UK, that a little boy admitted to starting some bush fire that got out of control after he was playing with matches, dropped one alight and ran away scared.


Offline nikmatdam

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Re: southern california wildfire terrorism...
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2007, 04:46:33 PM »
cookie-monster... act of G-d my foot... this was brutal premeditated larceny and attempted murder... you just don't WANT to believe it's true... nik. out...

sarah... yeah they tried to foist that canard off on the public here in l.a. as well... these were terrorists plain and simple... no doubt about it... just like in israel in the jewish national forest during the 80's and 90's... nik. out...
« Last Edit: November 06, 2007, 04:48:25 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline Lubab

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Re: southern california wildfire terrorism...
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2007, 04:50:01 PM »
NO COMMENTS??? ZERO...? you guys are whacked!!! nik. out...

Make your posts shorter and more people will read them.  ;)
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Offline Sarah

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Re: southern california wildfire terrorism...
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2007, 05:13:10 PM »
cookie-monster... act of G-d my foot... this was brutal premeditated larceny and attempted murder... you just don't WANT to believe it's true... nik. out...

sarah... yeah they tried to foist that canard off on the public here in l.a. as well... these were terrorists plain and simple... no doubt about it... just like in israel in the jewish national forest during the 80's and 90's... nik. out...

What kind of terrorists do you believe did it?

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: southern california wildfire terrorism...
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2007, 05:29:59 PM »
lub job... thanks for the critique... you and everyone else here are of course more than welcome not to read any of my offerings... if the length turns you guys off then i don't care if you guys read them because since your attention spans are shorter than a sitcom you probably wouldn't understand anything i have to say in the first place... and you are better off not straining yourself... nuff said... nik. out at the plate...

sarah... they could have been arabs... but i rather think they were mexican terrorists because they burned southward to the border and then hopped across to safety... an arab would have had a harder time crossing as they are not native-born citizens... la rasa hates us every bit as much as do the arabs... i mean us americans not just we jews... and i know that it is already in the cards that one day a major armed invasion into western, southwestern and southern states will be launched in a coordinated effort by the chinese with russian nautical support and the mexicans with arab ground support staged from alaska, cuba, and of course long beach, california whose port the chinese already own... it's only just a matter of time... nik. away...   
« Last Edit: November 07, 2007, 05:34:55 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: southern california wildfire terrorism...
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2007, 05:36:20 PM »
This wasn't terrorism. Certain parts of the fire were lit by arsonists. This certainly wasn't an act of Muslim Nazi terrorism.

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Re: southern california wildfire terrorism...
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2007, 05:42:30 PM »
I heard about this conspiracy theory.  This is getting a bit much.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: southern california wildfire terrorism...
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2007, 05:57:34 PM »
I even heard liberals go as far as to say it was Global Warming.   :::D

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: southern california wildfire terrorism...
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2007, 05:54:07 PM »
yeah sure fannie... but did you here the one about the conspiracy theory about the a-rabs who torched the jnf in israel in the 80's and 90's...? or was that too just part of my wild imagination... sheesh... true nonsense, huh...? wake up fool and smell the bonfire... nik.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2007, 05:55:59 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."