the bible - it is absolute truth. Thankfully you can get that in audio.
computer books on my shelves. Good to have an interest in some skill and enchance it.
accountancy is a skill I have an interest in working on. Got some books on that from a recognised course.
But things like fiction or history , just seem pointless. The lessons of history are usually fairly obvious (even by logic - without knowing any history), and you can read commentators of current events for lessons of history as applied to current events.
In the end, even people with a deep interest in , say, computers, when they get older, some I have spoken to start to see it as a means to an end. They lose interest, and look at it as a means to making the lifestyle they want. And they just ask "will it pay". This usually happens after or by the time, they get married. If they do. And thank G-d they seem to get married.