Wow, this video is great! Very powerful stuff, good job Boeregeneraal! We have so many talented beginning film-makers here!
We should make the video title something that people would be interested in, like JTF Africancrisis Exposure: Nelson Mandela and Arafat
Something like that, or you could just call it Join JTF/Africancrisis to save Western Civilization
something powerful like that. Then we also need to think of many words that we can connect the video to so that people will be able to search for it. Simple terms that are related somehow to the video like:
media, nelson mandela, PLO, south africa, apartheid, morality, media brainwashing, etc.
Think of some words that you want to use for this that you would like to be connected to the video.
Let me know of your ideas for the title. Also, you can give a short description of what you want people to get out of the video to put in the details section on the right-hand side of the video.
Great work!