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Five important Kahanist e-books
Zionist Revolutionary:
Thank you!
Yeah that is a pretty sickening book when you think about all the Jewish History that they, being the Jewish Socialist Establishement, don't want Jews to know.... I have it next to me, but I must say that I much prefer Rabbi Antelman's "To Eliminate The Opiate" much better. He goes through pain staking research of Shabbatai Tzvi and the Sabbatains/Dumnah/Suffi, Jacob Frank and the Frankists, Oppenheimer, Schiff, Loeb Khun, Abraham Geiger, The League of the Just, Karl Marx, The Bund, Labor Zionism, Reform and Conservative "Judaism", Wise and Brandeise.... There are many is fascinating to hear the history of "Jewish" groups working so hard to molest Judaism, push socialism/Communism, assimilation and intermarriage. VERY good books... Almost like the Jewish version of the "Christian" Carnege/Ford/Rockefeller agenda for Christianity and the NWO ;)
Another good book that goes lends credability to Rabbi Antelman's work is one called "The Rainbow Swastika" by Hannah Newman...
Antelman also believes that Rabbi Yonatan Eybschutz was a Sabbatean.
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on December 31, 2006, 03:21:50 PM ---Antelman is the Barry Chamish rabbi.
--- End quote ---
Actually, I don't know if I agree with you there Yacov. Rabbi Antelman lays some very important information in his books. My opinion from reading both volumes that the reader gets a real awakening to the splitting of Judaism and the "Jewish" forces which are hard at working to undermine them. When one reads about the "Christian Book Club" being an entity of the British Fabian Society to molest scripture and socialize Christianity one eyes to open because if it is happening to Christianity you can bet your bottom dollar there are groups doing it to Judaism. My 2cents... :)
I admit that Chamish is a crack pot to say the very least. Tamar has said the exact opposite to me when she told me that Rabbi Antelman's daughter is her best friend. I do know that he quotes some very good sources from looking at his bibliography. I'm not knowledged in Torah, but I do know that there are groups out there to undermine G-d and religion. I have read a number of books he takes information. Gershom Shalom, Max Dimont, John Robbins. Yacov, personally I don't know but I have read antelman's book and looking around me today with Perfidy, Labor Zionism and Reform Judaism he places a very strong case in his writings. He isn't one who goes off the deep end like Chamish. When I wrote Rabbi Singer asking him to have Rabbi Antelman on his show saying that I just finnished reading his book, he replied that it was fabulous and tells it like it is. With similar from "Perfidy"...
Again, to be 100%....I'm no scholar and I don't know but it sure lays a great foundation for people to abandon Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Reform, Conservative and Hassidim for Orthodox...that is good in my book :)
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