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Five important Kahanist e-books

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Zionist Revolutionary:
Could someone Re-Upload Perfidy?

Thanks, I was having trouble buying 'They Must Go' in the UK.  :)

Hey everyone,

I read Pefidy.  It's an excellent, eye-opening book that also made me sick to my stomach.  It's just amazing that there was ever a Rudolph Kastner, and people like him in that "Jewish Agency." 


--- Quote from: Lisa on November 25, 2006, 03:51:37 PM ---Hey everyone,

I read Pefidy.  It's an excellent, eye-opening book that also made me sick to my stomach.  It's just amazing that there was ever a Rudolph Kastner, and people like him in that "Jewish Agency." 

--- End quote ---
Shalom Lisa, yes it is sad.  It is too bad that not much has changed to this day.  The vast majority of "Jewish" organizations have embraced "Liberalism" and every other "ism" instead of Judaism: AJC,CJC, Bnai Brith, etc.  All work towards assimilation and the vanquishing of Israel.  If you hadn't noticed ALL were silent or were advocating giving away Gush Katif as well Judea and Samaria to the Muslim Nazi Savages.  They should be using their vast networks and funds to expose the fraud of the "Palestinian People" and promote real Jewish morality/culture etc.  in my humble and hones opinion... Zei gezunt..


--- Quote from: Raphael on November 23, 2006, 02:54:08 PM ---Could someone Re-Upload Perfidy?

--- End quote ---
I just re-uploaded Perfidy:


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