The homecoming movement is supported by finance institutions in South Africa - and is nothing else but a front-organization for the African National Congress and the SACP - to attract lost skills of those who have left the country for various reasons...?
They - the regime - have driven out the geese that laid the gilded eggs - now they want him back - pronto.!
The culture of violence and malice of power by "certain" state and para-state organizations in South Africa is to be compared with the rising of the brownshirts in germany before the actual conflict began with the west.
The Lord help you if you are arrested - even for a minor infraction of the law - you will be locked up - you will be placed amongst characters of unfavorable background, you will be sentenced in court and made to pay the price as exacted to the "fullest extent of the law", there is also a high probability that you may suffer injury or even worse while in "protective custody".
The culture of "oppression, subducation, harassment, co-hersion and vindictiveness" by far outweighs the spirit of "reconciliation"

that the Marxist inspired "pseudo democratic" south Africa holds up for the world to admire and build models upon.
The greatest myth of "Ubuntu" or friendship - between races of this destabilized land is none existant when it relates to whites, Europeans or Boers.
The whole world has been fooled by Mandela and his cronies, the people pay a huge price for the acceptance of that deception by the West and the Liberal British governments that were the institutor's of "freedom" and "liberation" of the black man - at the cost of the probable demise of white cultures and "other minorities"
Surely G-d does not sleep, surely there will be restitution for what has been done - The Kingdom of Heaven works in mysterious ways - like with Pharaoh and the Egyptians - there will come a Moses for our people - and he will say the same phrase - "Let my people go"
The hearts of the regime are hardened towards my people that have been sold into "slavery" - but there shall come a time - a new morning for the Boervolk - They shall be free once more - The "Vierkleur" shall be hoisted again and they shall once more live in a free land - that was given to them and bought with blood sweat and many tears a long time ago.
My people do have a Covenant with the Almighty - He shall never leave them or forsake them - even though they have slackend their side of the bargain with Him.
The Almighty never goes back on His word and thus as with Israel - The land shall be theirs again.