There have been some disgusting anti-American films released this years, but Redacted has to take the cake for pure anti-American disgracefulness.
Bill O'Reilly discussed this piece of filth yesterday. One of the minds behind this horrible movie is Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, an arrogant, America-hating billionaire, who is also going to be giving the piece of garbage internet movie Loose Change a threatre release.
Redacted is about a bunch of US soldiers who raped a Muslim woman. This actually did happen, but can you believe a movie like this would even be released or even considered? What sick-minded people. The self-hating Hollywood Jews have really outdone themselves in terms of evil this time.
Loose Change is a movie about the 9/11 conspiracy theory made up by liberal nutcases, in which it explains why the destruction of the World Trade Center was a controlled explosion.
Bill O'Reilly has stated that he will be going after Cuban and doing all he can to pay him back for releasing this junk.
Hollywood is just disgusting. What ever happened to making movies that made one enjoy life, like The Wizard of Oz?