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Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« on: August 25, 2006, 04:37:05 PM »
Thanks for answering my question about Kurds and other Middle Eastern peoples. I remember once that you said you support Kurdish independence because they're not Arabs.

I have further questions about various groups in Israel. 

Circassians are a minority in Israel that serve in The IDF. They also claim to be Muslims. What do you think of them? Are they really Muslims? They are not Arabs but rather migrants from The Caucus Mountains. Druze on the other hand are Arabs but not Muslims.

How does JTF feel about Samaritans?

Lebanese Christians are not really Arabs but rather Phoenicians just like Nestrorian Chirstians in Iraq are really Assyrian. The Arabs Muslim Nazis just brainwash people into thinking all natives of The Middle East are Arabs just like blacks say "Everybody was black. Moses was black. Pharoah was black. Caesar was black. Everybody was black. Black, black, black.".

« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 08:25:01 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2006, 10:48:22 PM »
Dear Chaim,
       I know you are banned from Israel so what can people do to help you to make Aliyah?

also you have permission to show the kahane DVDs I sent you on the air, and to make copies so long as you let people know they were created by
« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 02:39:10 AM by kahaneloyalist »
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2006, 11:33:33 PM »
   Thanks for giving me credit for posting JTF on another site last week. I would like to provide highlights and mention that I am trying to get people to join me in posting again on another site's forum on the Monday night of September 11th. I have suggested two potential sites and am open for other suggestions. Both suggestions I have made involve the constitution party since many of our views overlap. If the administrators could make this link more visible, it will be easier for people to see.

   Some highlights of my post:
   1. It was a forum for a video game called JTF(Joint Task Force). I thought it was fitting since the initials are the same.
   2. My kid brother showed me a feature called Voice Over IP which allows you to talk to everyone playing a game with this feature built in. We used the feature to broadcast JTF programs. The Arabs hated it and the rightous loved it. In the case of JTF, the audio programs are worth a thousand words. What got me hooked with JTF was listening to the audio programs. If someone just told me to go to the website, I might have been be lazy, not read it and just thought it was another website.
   3. I'm not a good debater, but it was easy to argue with the Arab Muslim Nazis because anything bad they were able to say I was able to point right at their culture.
   4. I was able to link the missions in the game to JTF's political positions.

This was originally posted before I heard last week's response. I don't want to break the rules but am keeping it here so I can copy it to next week's question when the post becomes available.

   I had a bad dream last night. Since it was only a dream it is fortunate that it is not true. At least I hope.
   In this dream all students in the Israeli public school system were required to learn Arabic as a bilingual language. A self-hating Jew was getting a prestigious award for a study showing that because most of the Israeli students were able to learn Arabic all students in America should learn Spanish and the results would be the same. I got into a fight with her because I disagreed with everything she said and pointed out the Israeli students learned to speak better Arabic than the Arabs themselves.
   This got me to wonder.

   1. Are students required to learn Arabic in the Israeli public school system? I'm assuming this is the case for English because nearly everyone spoke fluent English when I went there?
   2. Would such a requirement be parallel to being forced to learn Spanish in the US?
   3. You had mentioned that we need some Jews to learn Arabic so we can better understand our enemy. Given that the evil of the public school system already exists, should Spanish even be offered, or do we need more Americans to understand our Spanish-speaking enemy?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2006, 09:41:12 PM by takebackourtemple »
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline Maimonides

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2006, 09:37:56 AM »
Shalom Chaim and thank you as always answering my questions and all the hard work you do.

I recently saw a PBS documentary available online here called "The Man who Knew" which was about FBI agent John O'Neill who is depicted as someone who repeatedly tried to warn the US government about the threat of Islamic terrorists, but his warnings fell on deaf ears.   I remember reading on the JTF website that you had a meeting with FBI agent John O'Neill about future Muslim terrorist attacks way back in the early to mid 1990's. Can you go more into detail of your meeting with him and your impressions of him?
« Last Edit: September 03, 2006, 03:11:28 PM by Maimonides »
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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2006, 03:06:42 PM »
"Dear Chaim, I am so sorry for last week's question. I am sorry if I besmirched Rabbi Kahane's reputation by giving credence to Freidman's charges. I read his whole stupid book and lies when repeated enough can have an effect on a person as it did to me. I hope that you will not hold it against me forever. I meant no harm.                                                               You said that you would answer his charges about you harrassing a former JDL member by calling his black neighbor continually and calling him the n-word. So please do. Also I found this on the internet. Was this you?   

Cuomo Disavows Letter Seeking to Raise Funds

Published: October 12, 1986
Governor Cuomo has not authorized and does not support a fund-raising letter being circulated by a group that labels itself the National Draft Cuomo Committee, his campaign said Friday.

The campaign issued a statement on behalf of the Governor, who is running for re-election and has said he has no plans to run for president in 1988.

The statement said Mr. Cuomo had no knowledge of the committee and urged his supporters not to contribute to it.

The letter was signed by a Victor Vancier, with a mailing address in Flushing, Queens. Aides to Mr. Cuomo said they did not know who Mr. Vancier was, and the telephone company said yesterday that it had no listing for him in Queens.
Sorry for all the personal questions but I find your life and all the things you did in the 70's and 80's fascinating and I love information about it. I wish that I could have helped you and Rabbi Kahane back then but I was only ten when he was killed.
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Who is truly wise? He who can see the future. I see tommorow today and I want to end it - Rabbi Meir Daweedh Kahana


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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2006, 05:32:39 PM »
Shalom Chaim.
What is your opinion of Moshe Yaalon. Is he someone JTF could support?
Thank you.

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2006, 06:21:21 PM »
Shalom Chaim. I thought of a very eccentric and unconventional idea for a possible solution for Israel. I don't know if anyone has ever thought of it or if I'm just coming up with a wacky idea. But nonetheless, I'd like to share my idea with you and get your opinion on whether or not this might just work. What if Israel were to unilaterally disengage from Judea and Samaria,  but not where Israel would forcefully expel the Jews out of their homes and dismantle the settlements. How about a full disengagement where the Jews would be disengaged as well where the Jews in this territory can form their own Kahanist militia and have a full-fledged war with all the Hamas and PLO Nazi terrorists and show all of them what a REAL resistance is all about. Let the conditions be that the winner takes all and the loser leaves. After the Jews win the war and push the enemy into the Jordan River (G-d willing), let the Jews claim autonomy over the territory. Then let them turn and go west and scream out, "Mr. Prime Minister! Tear down this wall!" Then let's see what the Israeli government will do about it. The message will once again be, "You are either with us or with the terrorists!"

I don't know. Do you think there is any possibility of having this scenario work, or am I just being a dreamer with a wacky idea? I'm just curious to know what you think of this. Thanks.


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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2006, 11:36:55 PM »

During the recent war with Hezbollah most of the IDF soldiers who were killed were religious Zionist Jews.  Do you think that the left wing establishment sent the religious soldiers on purpose to die in the battle front?  Also there were newspaper reports that the Israeli government sent many soldiers to the battle front from Judea and Samaria areas so that they can uproot the settlements easily!  I also read in an Israeli newspaper that present IDF Chief of General Staff Dan Halutz has a bigoted opinion about the religious Jewish soldiers.

Thanks In Advance!
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2006, 12:09:39 AM »
Hello Chaim, and good day to you.

Considering you're close work with and admiration for HaRav Meir David Kahane HY"D, and you're genuine love for Judaism and the Jewish people, I was often curious whether you ever considered an Orthodox semicha at some point in your life, and if so, why you never went through with it. 
Psalm 53:2 "The fool hath said in his heart, 'There is no G-D.'"

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2006, 12:36:12 AM »
Hello Chaim, and good day to you.

Considering you're close work with and admiration for HaRav Meir David Kahane HY"D, and you're genuine love for Judaism and the Jewish people, I was often curious whether you ever considered an Orthodox semicha at some point in your life, and if so, why you never went through with it. 

Yes, I would like to know too. Why didn't you want to become a Rabbi? You have the heart of a Rabbi.
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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2006, 07:23:31 AM »
    Does giving money to JTF count as Tzedakah/charity – such as ma’aser money 10% - or is it best to give what G-d has given me - not from this tithe. I, by the way, haven’t ben blessed as of yet with money, however, I have also not done so much Hishtadlut perhaps!
     P.S.: Can I write a check for let us say £10 GBP sterling to the address on JTF.ORG website – will it be accepted In the U.S.? Thanks very much Chaim, bvirchat kol tuv.

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2006, 12:02:45 AM »
Hello Chaim,

How did you meet David and what does he contribute to the JTF? Do you get offended when David sometimes laughs on your program while you are discussing serious subject matters?



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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2006, 10:47:36 AM »
Dear Chiam,
   What kind of music do you like?


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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2006, 02:15:00 PM »
Chaim enjoys getting down with his bad self to the groovy "music" of 2Pac and Notorious N.I.G., sorry, B.I.G.

Didn't mean to throw you off guard Chaim. I'm only trying to lighten things up this week.

You should take this opportunity to quickly condemn Robert Friedman, yimach shemo vizichro.

My question for this week is: Can you explain the role of the Satan in Judaism?

Thank you.


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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2006, 02:33:45 PM »
I prefer:

Notorious PIG / RIP
Two-Packs of Sugar

Filthy Scent, etc...

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2006, 12:40:58 PM »

I'd like to hear your thoughts on the notion of a Jewish state of "Judea" in the East Bank of Eretz Yisrael. 
This idea reminds me of biblical times when we had the separate kingdoms of Judah and Israel. Is this idea gaining popularity in the "settlements"? Is anything being done to set up such a state? Do you think it's a feasible idea? And if so, why don't we hear more about it on

Maybe just bringing up the idea in the political discourse will give us more political leverage.

Thanks for your response as always. 
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.


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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2006, 01:01:12 PM »
Hi chiam,

I  believe there will be more withdrawals from Judea and Samaria even with whats happend in recent weeks.  I feel the Hilltop youth and those that will be resisting should get protective gear, like helmets and other gear that will help them protect themselves.

I want to know if you heard of Pro. Eugene Narrett and what you think of him?  He was on Tovia Singer show several times, Here is his web site  I feel he makes some good points.
Thanks for answering my question.

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2006, 03:08:04 PM »

Regarding Exodus 22:18:

1) Does the Hebrew word used convey something different than what we understand to be a "witch"?

2) Is there any rabbinical commentary on this passage?

3) Given that "the Word of the Lord endureth forever", does this commandment have any relevance for us today and if so, in what way?

Finally, what are your personal thoughts about all this?


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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2006, 05:36:54 PM »

What exactly happened to Jay Cohen who was arrested along with you in the 80's.

I bring you the link from the NY nazi Times.

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2006, 06:06:53 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

Me and my friends had a conversation the other day about politics, and i mentioned some Kahanistic ideas and even defended them rather well. i think that some of them even got convinced by my explanations. however, it was quite difficult for me to explain the transfer idea. a tough question was what to do if the arabs won't be accepted by the destination countries, or just wouldnt agree to leave, even after offering them money and other compensation. how will you make them leave anyway? Chaim, you cant imagine how happy i was when i managed to convince some of them to be more active, to understand and to spread these ideas instead of sitting quietly and saying there's no solution. another tough argument they made was that in case Israel stops American financial aid, it will also cause America to stop selling us weapons or sell it in a much higher cost (today an M-16 costs Israel 1$ a piece), and that Israel cant manufacture all the weapons she needs alone only by herself (like the failure of the "Lavie" fighter- due to lack of experience as my friends argued). how can i close these "gaps" in the theory?

With great respect, Philip.

Kahane was right!


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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2006, 06:27:25 PM »
dear chaim i have a question about your 7 step plan. i agree with the ideas but in your plan you said you wanted to stop all immigration even legal immigration. if america would have let more jews immigrate to america in the early 1940's more jews would have survived. and if america didnt let any jews  immigrat to america more would have died. what if righteous people want to come to america and live there leagaly are you still against that

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2006, 09:02:23 PM »
What are your thoughts on the utterly disgusting and Satanic man Alfred Kinsey?

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #22 on: September 02, 2006, 08:45:31 PM »
Shalom Chiam, kol tuv*? (thanks for the correction)

Being more specific on my question from last week, I would like to be a U.S senator, my goals would be to encourage Christianity back into the main stream, create the absolute highest standard of education, close our southern border, shut down affirmitive action, Hollywood filth and the ACLU. I would also love to follow through with your idea of sending all minorities back to their native homelands. Being that I live in Queens, I know I won't be able to run for any party with my values. I am only 22 this month, I know I have a long road ahead of me, but do you have any words of advise as to what I can do to start? And if I need to relocate, where can I go to advance my political views? (Take note: I prefer cold weather!)

Toda raba,

P.S - Thanks for the complement about Sicilians !

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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2006, 11:18:11 PM »
Dear Chaim,

I have been listening to you for years, since I was in High School.  You simply tell it like it is and set a great example.  I only wish more Jews shared your points of view.  Both Israel and America would be a much better place.  A few quick questions if I may.  Can you expound on your healthy eating and exercise habits?  I know you have referred to it on several shows.  Do you follow a specific and stringent set of guidelines within the Kosher dietary laws?  I am looking to get into better shape and would appreciate the advice. 

Also, as you have mentioned, the unfortunate fact is that many JTF listeners do not have the financial means to make significant contributions to the movement.  What else can we do?  I already have posted to several message boards and told most of my friends.  However, I was wondering if JTF supporters could form a more officiial group to help the organization try to achieve its goals.  Thanks for answering my questions and be well.


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Re: Ask JTF For September 3 Broadcast
« Reply #24 on: September 02, 2006, 11:51:17 PM »
Good evening Chiam,

As I mentioned on another part of the forum, this past week I was out of town to the Jersey shores for the end of the summer thing and with some of my buddies we went to Atlantic City just to hang for the day.  We heard this strange noise under the boardwalk like someone is sick we walked up to the rail and is this black disgusting person (hardly a person a low life beast) and he is taking a crap under the boardwalk and covering it with sand. The first thing that came to mind what animals you see this on animal shows cause Gods creatures that are real animals that is part of the wild kingdom dont know any better. And yet Hollywood and the media make these false claims how blacks are such big brains and the kings and queens of civilization came from the Congo and when will we as a whole nation will stop lying to ourselves to make animals like this creature who took a dump under the boardwalk? Can you imagine this is what the elites in this country and the west make out to be the big genius, doctors, and that whitey is just too stupid? When will we stop lying to ourselves and start telling it like it is for a change?
