Vito you are very handsome young man I wouldn't worry about it 
What's that supposed to mean?
What do you think?
Scriabin I see you have your partner a in crime already for another attack. It was peaceful for a few days. 
Who exactly is his partner in crime? Yes it was peaceful for a few days and thats why you should not start up all over again.
I see you once again have not missed an opportunity to attack as well.
You really like to stir the pot. I don't attack I only respond to stupidity.
So you respond to yourself, go play in the traffic.
you are trolling for the sake of it.
I don't stir I only defend.
You have made your position perfectly clear with Scriabin and others you don't want me as mod or even on this forum.
Its your tough luck mate.
Funny how its the gentles that attack Jews, now isn't it, better than having mullahs.
Oh yes now you can Bull Sh*t as much as you like now, free feel.