Author Topic: Republicans Fall, Israel Loses  (Read 3715 times)

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Republicans Fall, Israel Loses
« on: November 10, 2006, 05:10:45 AM »
The Democrats captured more than enough Republican-held districts to seize control over the House after a dozen years in the minority. This is seen as a reflection of US voter's disenchantment with the war in Iraq. The resignation of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld further brings home the conclusions that the Bush Administration has drawn from the shift of power in Congress, Senate and governorships. It came as no surprise when U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who cited Israeli security as one of the main aims of U.S. policy in the Middle East, stepped down.

It was also no surprise when Bush nominated as a replacement Robert Gates, a former CIA director who served under Bush's father. Rumsfeld, like other members of the Bush administration, cited threats to Israel among other reasons for pursuing the Iraq war and containing Iran.

Pro Israel forces in Washington received yet another devastating blow when John Bolton's prospects for staying on as U.N. ambassador essentially died Thursday as Democrats and a pivotal Republican said they would continue to oppose his nomination.President Bush re-nominated John Bolton, a strong supporter of Israel, as ambassador to the United Nations.  Bush submitted the nomination to the Senate on Thursday, two days after Bolton's most serious opponent, Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-R.I.), lost his re-election bid.

Under the leadership of Bush and the Republicans, the United States have tried to rally the nation and the world behind an uncompromising battle against terrorist states. Apparently, the American people have reached the conclusion that they would rather surrender to Arab terror and dictates rather than pay the price of this war.

These election results and the current nominations hold great repercussions for Israel, isolating her even further. Not only does it mean that Israel is left alone to battle global Islamic terrorism by herself, but she will be the ultimate scapegoat blamed for being "the primary cause that triggers Islamic terrorism world wide." The results of these elections should serve as a wake up call for every Jew who remains in the Exile. The tide is turning against Israel and the Jews will be scapegoated more and more with every terrorist and economic woe facing America.

Greater pressure will now be placed on Israel to sacrifice herself by making suicidal land concessions to appease the Arabs and the fraudulent delusionary coalitions being forged with so called Arab moderates. Not for nothing were Arab terrorists around the globe endorsing the Democrats. The Arabs realize that they won this battle at the American polls.   

Not for nothing did the Hamas call upon Arabs around the world to attack American targets, Thursday, after an IDF misfire caused the accidental death of 19 Arabs in Gaza. Arabs and Muslims around the world see how they can achieve their calls through terror. The Americans have fallen prey to their worst fear, as they are now slaves to their fear of death, war and terror. Europe has fallen long ago as can be seen by the rampant rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, Europe's condemnation of Israel and by the European appeasement policy towards Muslims in every area of life.

  A Mozart opera canceled in Germany, surrealist art removed from a London exhibition, villages in Spain changing centuries-old festivities.
In recent months, several artistic or cultural events have been scaled down or scrapped in Europe apparently to avoid offending Muslims, raising concerns about freedom of expression. Many believe the violent reaction by Europe's Muslim minorities to perceived insults to their religion has created a climate of fear in which self-censorship is becoming more common. And concerns that passions might even spill into Islamic terrorism - rarely far from European minds - have contributed to the urgency.

Voice of Judea Commentary:

Jew, read the writing on the wall. Come home to Israel. As for Israel - Israel can no longer afford to take "risks for peace" and expect the United States or friendly faces in Europe to stand by her in her hour of need. Israel needs to quickly reevaluate all of the vital actions that she has thus far hesitated to take. Since international opinion is against her and will only get worse, Israel needs to take all of the necessary actions to survive. Such actions include annexing the "territories" and expelling her enemies. It must be done immediately, before it is too late; before she becomes physically incapable of taking even these basic survival measures.