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Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2007, 07:57:41 AM »
"At least you know your origin. But Blacks in USA have no Ethnic group, they may not even know which African nations their ancestor belonged to. That's their problem. I'll repeat, when someone loses his identity by force (not those who willingly enbrace another culture), he has no values to love, and is at higher risk of evil. Even if long generations passed!!! That's not their fault if they have a higher rate of crime. However each individual is responsible for his acts. Not the whole group!"

Yeah, I'll buy that.

Not knowing whether I was a hutu or a tutu, would be enough to send me on a crime spree and cause me to be valueless and predisposed to evil.

Nah, it's not their fault.

It's not their fault that as a group their illegitmacy numbers are off the chart.

After all, if you don't know where your ancestors mud hut was, how can you be expected to be a good parent and know where your kids are ?

Sorry, we mustn't think in terms of collective guilt, and they can't be thought of as a 'group' or 'community', although that's all we ever hear from them.

Uh huh. I'll buy that.


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2007, 08:02:35 AM »
Identity? Origin??

What's the difference for blacks?

A Polak is different to an Italian, but one spear chucking monkey is no different to another. They're all the same so what difference would it make knowing what stoneage tribe they came from?

That's sounds like hate. All our ancestors were at sometime in the stone age. African belonged to different nations and they were mixed when enslaved. They lost their identity. The have no nation to love. They just strive to create a Black identity, but it's impossible. Black is a race not an ethnic group. They felt they didn't belong to America. They were discriminated even after slavery ended. And they have no own nation to belong and love. You may say they are free now, and have the same opportunities. Tha's true. But their grandfathers didn't and were bitter. They left no values for their descendants. I believe that a person is what he receives from his ancestors, his values and culture. Of course each man is free and is able to grow by his own morally. But it's more difficult.

They havn't changed in ten million years! We have.

What difference does it make knowing if you ancestors were from the oog booga tribe swinging in the trees of west africa or from the unga mbunga tribe swinging in the trees in central africa?

The modern day africans have their roots AND identity and they're STILL backward savages.

So your agument is nowhere.

Offline HiWarp

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #27 on: November 28, 2007, 08:21:25 AM »
Quote from: Raulmarrio2000 link=topic=12436.msg#msg date=
Identity? Origin??

What's the difference for blacks?

A Polak is different to an Italian, but one spear chucking monkey is no different to another. They're all the same so what difference would it make knowing what stoneage tribe they came from?

That's sounds like hate. All our ancestors were at sometime in the stone age. African belonged to different nations and they were mixed when enslaved. They lost their identity. The have no nation to love. They just strive to create a Black identity, but it's impossible. Black is a race not an ethnic group. They felt they didn't belong to America. They were discriminated even after slavery ended. And they have no own nation to belong and love. You may say they are free now, and have the same opportunities. Tha's true. But their grandfathers didn't and were bitter. They left no values for their descendants. I believe that a person is what he receives from his ancestors, his values and culture. Of course each man is free and is able to grow by his own morally. But it's more difficult.

So you think that today's blacks in the US are the way they are because of discrimination and the lack of values left to them by their grandfathers?  Yet in 1880 three quarters of black families were comprised of 2 parents and children.  In 1940 the black illegitimacy rate was 19%.  In 1960 it was 22%.  These were times of discrimination against blacks.  Today, a time of "equal" opportunity, the illegitimacy rate is 70%.  Black males DO represent 70% of the prison population but the majority of the crimes committed by them are against other blacks, not whites.  Are they preying on other blacks because of slavery, discrimination or a lack of cultural identity?

We can argue all day about the superiority or inferiority of cultures but the bottom line is the single largest detriment to the plight of blacks in the US and so-called minorities in other countries are the leftist great society programs that have been implemented over the last 4 decades.
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Offline genteelgentile

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #28 on: November 28, 2007, 01:29:50 PM »
No excuses...
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #29 on: November 28, 2007, 01:35:32 PM »
I do not have to travel to Africa or Mexico, I live in NYC, we have Africa and Mexico here and seen quite well what savages have done to Major U.S. cities.  Hey if you like the savages that much why don't you live among them?

Offline Iron Greek

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2007, 01:36:18 PM »
I heard that there skin color is from a curse
So basically there current list:
 cursed,a slave race,ugly,smelly,degenerates,thugs,low class,and last but not least good basketball players

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #31 on: November 28, 2007, 01:42:04 PM »
My question is what else can we possibly do for a certain group of people that refuse to do for themselves?  And let me tell you one thing about South Africa, you removed the whites from their and havoc broke loose.

Offline Iron Greek

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #32 on: November 28, 2007, 01:45:43 PM »
And the havoc they cause with themselves they will also blame whitey for

Offline Yonatan777

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #33 on: November 28, 2007, 03:01:01 PM »
Polak is different to an Italian, but one spear chucking monkey is no different to another.

I am sick of the racism and bigotry I see on this site.  As Jewish people you should be ashamed of yourself of these horrible statements you make.  May G-d of Israel forgive you for inciting the same racism that the Europeans made against us.  We were poor in those ghettoes for long time and called every hideous name you can think about.  We are called blood drinkers, Christ Killers, hook noses, kikes.  Let me tell you, your ignorance started the holocaust; how are you any better than the people on the StørmFrønt website?!  You are just the same and your bigotry and hating of people of skin color and lack of education only shows you to be the monkey.  In our civilized society, we have homosexual priests raping little boys and girls.  Was it not in civilzied ancient Greece that we had men having sex with young boys and having them as lovers???  Tell me, just because a nation acquired wealth does that mean it is blessed by G-d?  Were the viking barbarians in the Nordic countries not savage and uncivilized people?  I think you would have been even safer with zulu warriors in South Africa. 

Yeah, you call all black people monkeys, but never spent time with a single black family.  I speak to many who call Jews thieves and bloodsuckers.  Malcolm X is not the same as 90% of blacks on this earth.  I cannot believe this stupidity.  And what about the Jewish drug addicts from EUrope living on welfare in Israel right now?  You forget that there is lot of lazy Europeans who refuse to work or make any progress in society.  A lot of the industries in Europe now have people from Africa and Asia working in them, since a lot of Europeans like their social services and short work days.  I met black people in Africa who break their backs night and day studying in college and working hard to feed a huge family back home.   I see Mexicans breaking their back in the fields all day for pathetic wages to feed large families. 

We should work to help those who are poor and suffer and not condemn their race because of what this or that leader did.  Who is the savage???  I think our leader in Israel, giving land to the Arabs is a savage and his dominating wife who is the true leader of Israel.  I been to Africa and I was treated very nicely by the savages.  Many people are kind, polite and have manners that I only wish i could see from some our own Jewish people.   Remember those people who oppressed the Jews thought of us the same way you think of blacks, so by judging a race as monkeys or Christ killers you certainly put them in a place that they will be poor for generations, like our ancestors in Europe were.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2007, 03:03:21 PM by Yonatan777 »


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #34 on: November 28, 2007, 03:12:18 PM »
You are understating the holocaust by comparing it to racism. It wasn't racism, stupid. Jews aren't a race. Anti-semitism is all lies. Our criticism of inferior culture is based on statistics (which you appear to be incapable of reading) and emperical evidence (that you refuse to comprehend).

Nobody said our culture is perfect, but a glance at the real world will reveal that it's infinitely superior to others. Our junkies, rapists etc are a tiny MINORITY of our community. Criminals and junkies are a huge proportion of the black community. Your points about ancient european cultures are invalid because they've CHANGED. Blacks culture hasn't changed in ten million years!

As for the rest, you havn't countered a single point of ours. You just prattle on with the same unsubstantiated, baseless accusations of racism, so I'll just repeat some older posts and hope you get them through your thick head this time.

Offline genteelgentile

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #35 on: November 28, 2007, 03:13:52 PM »
  The Jews in the sixties and seventies DID try to help blacks and other "oppressed" minorities.  American segregation was sad and.  But did the "African" Americans repay with kindness.  NO!!!!!!!!!!  Why do you think there was a need for the original JDL!  

Blacks were given freedom and many of them chose to do ill with it!!!
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #36 on: November 28, 2007, 03:16:18 PM »

JTF attacks evil and evil cultures REGARDLESS of race. JTF's attacks on WHITE european anti-semites and self-hating JEWS have been far greater in number and more vitriolic than any criticism of the cultures of any non-whites

To not speak out against evil because of Orwellian political correctness (as advocated by liberals) is evil in itself.

The hatred we have for evil cultures at JTF is based on their evil actions and stated goals.

The black, arab and mexican cultures are cultures of hate, envy, sloth, criminality and anti-semitism (this is based on research, statistics and emperical evidence- NOT prejudice). That is why we hate those cultures.The physical characteristics of these people (whilst commented on, occasionally) has NOTHING to do with our dislike of, opposition to or criticism of their cultures.


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #37 on: November 28, 2007, 03:19:27 PM »
On generalising:

I would say it's very level headed to look at reality backed up with mountains of evidence and rather than drawing conclusions based on the experience of one individual.

When we say that blacks are a criminal society, we don't need to show that 100% of blacks are criminals, we just need to show that there is a severe criminal problem that is more pronounced among blacks than anyone else. If that is10% of the population, 30% of the population, 40% of the population, so be it, the exact numbers are inconsequential it's a question of per capita or proportionality.

When we say that blacks are a society that produces illegitimate children, we don't need to show that 100% of blacks do this, again, we just need to show that it is a problem among blacks more than it is among anyone else, and that it is a particularly black problem, which it is. The severity of these things are unique to black communities, so it is fair game to point them out in generalized fashions.

It's just that whenever you see one of these broad and vague statements, you instantly go into left/liberal reactionary mode, immediately believing that we mean every single black person. Your common defense of how you are different than what we say is an example of this.

Whenever there is a feature of the black community that is 1) disproportionate to blacks 2) recognized as a "black problem" 3) that's pervasiveness is unique to the black community, I'm going to recognize that as a component of the black community. Of course it doesn't have to even be a problem with the majority of people, just a large proportion.

When we point out anti-Semitism among Polish people for example, we don't need to prove that every single Polish person is an anti-Semite, we just need to point to the uniqueness of the problem to Poland, the pervasiveness of the problem, and the degree of the problem.

These are the modes that these sort of things are discussed in and indeed when speaking of general habits of cultures and religions, this sort of thinking is commonly used all the time. Why should it not be used in reference to blacks, muSSlims or anybody else?


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #38 on: November 28, 2007, 03:20:30 PM »

We don't say that the action of one person constitutes the action of an entire people. This is the frame of thinking that liberals use in their (non) arguments. THe fact that you actually believe that we think that way is sort of ridiculous, I'm actually surprised at it. Let me make our position clearer, obviously you're making an example of us that is grossly exaggerated. We think that when we find many many many many examples of something, which is backed up with empirical evidence, we can legitimately claim that as an issue which has a pervasiveness that is unique in severity and degree to that community. This is how the entire world thinks of ideas and concepts and it is not a new concept to me by any means.

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #39 on: November 28, 2007, 04:49:34 PM »
Yonatan is an Imerica troll in my opinion...he's not listening to any of our points.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Ralph1

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #40 on: November 28, 2007, 05:23:18 PM »
Newman, did you know that in America the white crime rate is going down every year and the Black and especially Hispanic crime rate is going up? I read that new foundation crime report you put up 3 years ago and it has a link which shows this. I don't agree with JTF that whites are becoming more degenerate. Even though some of them are acting more like Blacks their crime rate is still falling. It even broke it down to age group to show it's not because of age.

Offline Ralph1

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #41 on: November 28, 2007, 05:43:46 PM »
Look at table 11 on page 8: If there were ever a detailed breakdown of crime classified by nationality and race you'd see European Jews would be the most law-abiding citizens in America and the Chinese would be second. Just like IQ scores. Also  consider Blacks and Hispanics have up to 8 and 3 times higher prison rates respectively than Whites even though Many Muslims are counted in the White group.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2007, 05:55:30 PM by Ralph »

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #42 on: November 28, 2007, 05:45:54 PM »
Do you also forget alot of those same whites you are defending for implementing Jim Crow laws, also consider us Jews as degenerate Christ killing dogs???  I mean you forget that Confederate America and Ku Klux Klan, good ol white america has lot of hatred toward us.  I see Jewish synagogues being destroyed in Europe and cemetaries damaged by white neo-nazis.

If you honestly believe that the Confederacy, during its four-year existence, was anti-Semitic, then you really are an ignoramus.  While a Sephardic Jew, Judah Benjamin, was able to become Secretary of State for the Confederacy, Union general (and future president) Ulysses S. Grant was ordering the expulsion of Jews in the area of the Confederacy (parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi) under his military jurisdiction.

I'm not defending the wicked acts by evil african dictators or militant blood-thirsty South African militias or gangs.  But, to single them out and say this is Africa and black people is pure stupidity and exactly what Europeans and Arabs have done to us Jews for long time.  I mean they point to one Jewish person and say this is all the Jews.  They say every Jew is Baruch Goldstein.   Yeah, Mugabe, Idi Amin are examples of dictators..  I have the chutzpath??  Maybe you have some yourself.. You forget Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin , Tzar of Russia and numerous white leaders who rounded up humans and exterminated them.  I think its pure idiocy to label all blacks as Idi Amin or Mugabe, just like it is foolishness to label all whites as Adolf Hitler.

I gave examples of what other African countries were doing, so as to place apartheid South Africa in the proper context.  Or maybe you conveniently did not catch on to that?  Although all black Africans are not like Idi Amin or Robert Mugabe, it is almost inevitable that when given universal franchise, and based on their collective intelligence, an Idi Amin, a Kwame Nkrumah, a Kenneth Kaunda, a Samora Machel, or a Robert Mugabe ends up running the country.  It is true that some of them took power via a coup, but ever hear of one man, one vote, one time?  Almost to a T in Africa, the political party that gained power after independence would then legislate the opposition out of existence, so as to hold on to political power for as long as possible.

Yeah South Africa and Zimbabwe are the most suffering countries in all of Africa and the European South Africans did a lot to help develop South Africa.  Sad they had to treat the blacks as second class citizens.  If you think its ok, then perhaps it is ok that they treated us Christ killing Jews in Europe as poor inferior creatuers they did; segregating us and not allowing us to touch or associate with the superior gentiles.  Of course, are South Africans doing the right thing with their criminal acts and corruption?  Absolutely Not!  It doesn't mean we should excuse the bad things done by apartheid there.  Don't forget Hitler helped save Germany!  So, what does this mean, was it good that Hitler came to power and exterminated the Jews?   Just because Hitler was productive and built the economy doesn't mean that the productive society you have to show is worth bragging about.

I don't know what planet you're from if you want to believe that there is an exact parallel between apartheid South Africa and Nazi Germany, or between black South Africans and European Jewry.  Under apartheid, the blacks were given modern medical care, jobs, and their own homelands, in line with the trend of the wave of decolonization that was sweeping through Africa at the time.  As a result, the black population increased by several times over from around 10 million in 1948 to 40 million today, while the Nazis sought to completely exterminate the Jews.  Baragwanath Hospital, a blacks-only hospital in Soweto, was the largest hospital in the world, and one of the best as well, attracting medical personnel from the world over.  P.W. Botha, the last good president of South Africa, created the Johannesburg taxi industry, in which only blacks could invest, and that created many black millionaires.  And you sit there and tell me that the white South Africans are exactly like the Nazis?  By the way, the Jews in South Africa, despite a majority of them being against apartheid, were never discriminated against, and were given equal rights as the whites.  Keep in mind that the average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews is 112, the average IQ of Israel is 94 (it would have been much higher if not for the camel shaggers living there), and the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africa is 70.

I am saying that the Idi Amin, Malcolm X mentality does not exist to most black people in this world.  African Americans and South Africans are actually a small percentage of black people on this earth.  Personally, I don't see the acts of blacks aany more savage than that of whites in Europe.  By the way , there would have not been any Idi Amin or Mugabe if it was not for liberal white scum who supported him and gave him money to fund his regime.  Didn't Idi Amin get a lot of his training in Israel?? Hmmm....  You also forgot the Kenyan government who helped assist Israel in the operation of Entebbe to rescues the hostages.  If all blacks were savages I think they would have assisted Idi Amin, like the Europeans, who condemn Israel for going to Entebbe.

There you go with the toxin of moral equivalence.  Do European whites rape children, so as to allegedly cure themselves of what ails them, such as AIDS?  That is certainly true of a good handful of black South Africans.  Ever wonder why South Africa is the rape capital of the world?  And, do European whites kill children, so as to use their body parts for muti (traditional medicine)?  That is certainly true of the native southern Africans, particularly of the Zulus.  Here is an example of a muti murder, and tell me with a straight face that in this day and age, that the actions of contemporary blacks as a whole are the same as the actions of their European counterparts:
I can have an idea as to why whites in South Africa do not want to live next door to someone who believes that butchering up someone in the name of traditional medicine is acceptable.  And no, do not bring up Jeffrey Dahmer, for you know and I know that he is an exception in every sense of the word, while like acts actually constitute a cultural tradition in parts of Southern Africa.
As for Idi Amin, I know for a fact that he repaid the Israelis for their support of him by supporting Yasser Arafat (YM"S), and Arab terrorism.  Amin even allowed Arab terrorists to use his country as a base for terrorism, such as in Entebbe.  Is that not an example of savagery?  And by the way, liberal white scum, being the enemy within, are always worse than the external enemy.  But, you knew that, right?

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
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Guard our land and guide our people
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Offline Ralph1

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #43 on: November 28, 2007, 05:49:54 PM »
I don't know why some of you have to spend so much time arguing with these liberal liars. There damn opinion doesn't count. We're totally right and they're totally wrong.

Offline Yonatan777

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #44 on: March 16, 2008, 11:38:48 PM »
Just to let you know I am very against African americans and their bigotry and ignorance, stupidity.  Believe me, I have put up a good fight against black racists and I am wanting to support the Jews against Obama 1000%...  I know OBama is a black nazi , Jew-hater and will try his best to eradicate the Jews with a Final Solution from the hood, with the assistance of his Afro-Ameican SS officer Jeremiah Wright.

You people got me wrong...  Many africans are uneducated and backward, living in the past 1000 years ago, but if you don't forget history, many whites wer also sacrificing children and using body parts.  Remember when G-d punished Israel for sacrificing its children to Molech?  Are you to tell me that sacrificing your baby in the fire was never done by Jews or white pagans?   Many Africans do not know anything about witchcraft or voodoo or sacrificing children, just like you will never find a white person today who will sacrifice to Molech, except for maybe Arabs, who sacrifice their children daily.

My point is, I have met many educated Africans who are also against Obama and black racism.  I know many Africans who refuse to associate themselves with African Americans, but will only make friends with white people in this country or other Africans.   Please, I agree that maybe 60%-70% of the blacks in this world are brainwashed and racist, but then I think 70-80% of white europeans are also brainwashed and racist.  By the way, you mention Jefrrey Dahmer, but forgot to mention the gay guy in Germany who raped and ate a man and then only had to go to jail for like 7 years. 

The Boers did great things for South Africa, but segregating blacks and white on a beach is not righteous.  Seperating criminals and good people is noble.   Telling a black man he has to sit and another table cause he is black is not what G-d would have done.  Do you forget Nev'im when a black Ethiopian help pull Jeremiah out of a well, which his Jewish brothers put him in?  Who would Prophet Jeremiah sit next to at a dinner table?  He did give a great blessing to that black man and spared his life whereas other Israelites perished when the Chaldeans invaded Jerusalem.  To say black skin is this and white skin is that, is futile and juvenile at the least.  You hate Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson but are playing their bullsh*t game of arrogance.   

Fine call me names, liberal American blah blah.. I am probably 1000 times more conservative and hardline Zionist than most of you, but I know if there is one good black man on this earth, one smart black man on this earth, I won't go rambling about how evil the entire black race is and how stupid they are.   By the way, I had a black man fly me on an Ethiopian Airlines jet to Africa, he did a much better job then the United Airlines bonehead who made a landing that made me vomit out my airline crackers.   Can any of you operate an airline jet with your higher IQs?  Hey, I admit Jews are the some of the most inteliigent people, but having black skin doesn't make you dumb.. 

Isupport JTF, but extend your olive branch to all races.  Our theology against Anti-Semitism and Jew hating, black and white nazism will remain the same.   Open your hearts to black people who want to support our cause as racism will bite you in the end, you will lose.  If only 15 blacks will support us wholeheartedly, then why not have them as a brother?  I see European people on this site, you accept them.  One man I saw was Irish, yet Irish terrorists have helped trained Arab PLO terrorists.  Why not start insulting all Irish people and making war with this race too?    There is many blacks who are ready to fight for Israel against its enemies, the muslims and nazis of all colors.  Don't forget the Ethiopian Jews who are on the front line right now fighting arabs while (some of) you guys can go and live safe in your nice homes ranting about how evil the black race is..    Please, there is plenty of stupid uneducated white people who live in trailers, they are as dumb as the blacks you talk about, you can find them on StørmFrønt; don't behave like these jackasses.

Ok.. my two cents.

Shalom Alecheim.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 12:45:53 AM by Yonatan777 »

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2008, 11:51:43 PM »
We've given Blacks countless times to strive and be righteous, but still they refuse and follow their evil unrighteous culture! >:(

Look at how much money we've donated to Africa and still nothing gets done or accomplished by Africans themselves, they are still living primitive as were hundreds of generations ago.

Offline Yonatan777

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #46 on: March 16, 2008, 11:55:43 PM »
If you honestly believe that the Confederacy, during its four-year existence, was anti-Semitic, then you really are an ignoramus.  While a Sefardic Jew, Judah Benjamin, was able to become Secretary of State for the Confederacy, Union general (and future president) Ulysses S. Grant was ordering the expulsion of Jews in the area of the Confederacy (parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi) under his military jurisdiction.

Southern Confederates are some of the proudest supporters of KKK, arab muslims and anti-Jewish lobby I have ever seen.  My grandfather was in military during WWII and spent some time in one of the post-confederate states.  There was a sign reading "Dogs, Colors and  Jews keep off the grass."    What your saying may be true about 150+ years ago, in this world today, the "new age" Confederates are as anti-Israel as you can get.  Many StørmFrønt and KKK members proudly display their Confederate flags.  I think many people on this site with me will agree that Confederates today are not friends of Jewish people.  Also during the reign of Jim Crow laws, Jews were treated as second-class citizens along with blacks, just not easily identifiable.  I am not against southern Confederate culture, sadly they seem to think of us Jew boys as dogs and Christ killers, and the arabs as real "Christians" and poor oppressed people by Jews.   David Duke, one of the confederate heroes just made a trip to Iran to help deny the holocaust.   I hear daily comments from southerners, that "Hitler was a Jew", "The Holocaust was a lie".

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #47 on: March 17, 2008, 12:08:18 AM »
We've given Blacks countless times to strive and be righteous, but still they refuse and follow their evil unrighteous culture! >:(

Look at how much money we've donated to Africa and still nothing gets done or accomplished by Africans themselves, they are still living primitive as were hundreds of generations ago.

I am agreeing with you 100% on the fact that lot of Africans and government are in a state of chaos.  Yet, let any educated civilized African man who wants to support us, and there are many, to come and be part of this movement.  Lets stop getting political, because the damn British government, our friend, just banned Moshe Feiglin from coming to the country, as they say he will promote violence and terrorism against arabs.  Why not go and make these same claim against the British, who also performed their share of atrocities, included the one they did today?  Yet, will I condemn every British man on earth because the stupid British government and majority of British people hate Jews?  No!   So, if there is an African man on here who is ready to fight for our cause, then why treat him as second class or less human?   

By the way, don't only blame Africans for being helpless and relying on aid, go point the finger at the liberal politician your white friend voted for who is encouraging the people to be weak and helpless.  Indians  were backward in lot of ways (some still are very backwards), yet  Microsoft has its second (or maybe largest) headquarters in Hyderabad now.  There is much innovation occuring in India amongst the backward traditions that are entrapping the other half of the country.  This website and programming code underneath, the data structures and low level interfaces, all the many libraries joined together to keep this website operating, was probably also partially developed by a man whos grandfather was a snake charmer.  They are not sitting around acting like beggars at the global level, since they are self-sufficient economy.  Unlike Africa, Indians did not have the major contributors like Africa and was forced to go and rely on its own brainpower and efforts to succeed.  Now, India has some of the world's top Fortune 100 companies.  This was coming from a place where about 30 years ago, a rich man would own two bicycles. What were the Japanese doing 100 years before they blew up the USA Navy at Pearl Harbor? 
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 12:12:10 AM by Yonatan777 »

Offline JTFFan

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #48 on: March 17, 2008, 12:20:31 AM »
We've given Blacks countless times to strive and be righteous, but still they refuse and follow their evil unrighteous culture! >:(

Look at how much money we've donated to Africa and still nothing gets done or accomplished by Africans themselves, they are still living primitive as were hundreds of generations ago.

I am agreeing with you 100% on the fact that lot of Africans and government are in a state of chaos.  Yet, let any educated civilized African man who wants to support us, and there are many, to come and be part of this movement.  Lets stop getting political, because the damn British government, our friend, just banned Moshe Feiglin from coming to the country, as they say he will promote violence and terrorism against arabs.  Why not go and make these same claim against the British, who also performed their share of atrocities, included the one they did today?  Yet, will I condemn every British man on earth because the stupid British government and majority of British people hate Jews?  No!   So, if there is an African man on here who is ready to fight for our cause, then why treat him as second class or less human?   

By the way, don't only blame Africans for being helpless and relying on aid, go point the finger at the liberal politician your white friend voted for who is encouraging the people to be weak and helpless.  Indians  were backward in lot of ways (some still are very backwards), yet  Microsoft has its second (or maybe largest) headquarters in Hyderabad now.  There is much innovation occuring in India amongst the backward traditions that are entrapping the other half of the country.  This website and programming code underneath, the data structures and low level interfaces, all the many libraries joined together to keep this website operating, was probably also partially developed by a man whos grandfather was a snake charmer.  They are not sitting around acting like beggars at the global level, since they are self-sufficient economy.  Unlike Africa, Indians did not have the major contributors like Africa and was forced to go and rely on its own brainpower and efforts to succeed.  Now, India has some of the world's top Fortune 100 companies.  This was coming from a place where about 30 years ago, a rich man would own two bicycles. What were the Japanese doing 100 years before they blew up the USA Navy at Pearl Harbor? 

You're right
I don't have a problem with righteous blacks being part of the JTF movement  O0, we shouldn't treat the righteous JTF blacks them as second class citizens.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #49 on: March 17, 2008, 12:23:44 AM »
Black people are so hateful towards whites and jews in particular that it is not our job to start whitewashing their crimes. When I see a tinkler mentsch, I can assume he is an evil, anti semitic, rasha.
I am urinating on a Koran.